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=][= Folks, while it can be useful to compare the release of AoS to that of 40k, this doesn't give us the leeway to go off on tangents about AoS. Stick with 40k, please. =][=


Obviously, there's problems with some units. Typically, this is for units like Nobz and the Death Company that don't natively come with much in the way of wargear, but can pile every squad member with Thunder Hammers and Power Klawz and whatever. I think anyone wanting to use Power Levels should probably put a sub-system in place to account for these, maybe doubling the unit's PV after it teachers a certain threshold of points value. These units aren't extremely common, so it's easy enough to work around them, I think.




They already "pay" for those options with massively inflated base power level costs. Trust me.

Death Company cost 9 PL per 5 dudes, 10 if you give them packs.


It's more like those units need the base PL dropped unless you buy excessive upgrades.



For myself:


I've seen Power Level work if everyone is assumed to be taking the most powerful weapons on each unit. So, given something similar, I'd be open to that but skeptical. The other options? Wouldn't even consider it.


And what happens if your squads have no upgrade options. So when under points they are[well technicly lets not go in to how GW views points cost in their games] balanced, but under power points you can switch turrets on your razorbacks, give full special/powerweapons/hvy on your marine squads, while the tau or necron player asks "what squad/unit upgrades?".



I think I could agree with lexington that power points could be used for intreduction games[or at least balancing of two armies when you make the lists for 2 new people], but even there it works if there is the third person making those lists[or at least one of the two is someone who understands how 8th ed works]. You can have two innocent dudes[aka no waac] making two starter armies with just the stuff they can find in their boxs, and if one is a DG player[aka army with squad/unit options] and the other one is a necron[aka squads/units have no upgrades faction], they will soon find out the difference. Heck they can even do 0 optimisation and assamble the units as they see them on the unit box covers.

Power level makes my Primaris very weak if you want to play it competitively. They have no unit upgrade options.


6 Tactical marines with bolters are a higher power level than 5 Devastators with Las Cannons.

Power level makes my Primaris very weak if you want to play it competitively. They have no unit upgrade options.


6 Tactical marines with bolters are a higher power level than 5 Devastators with Las Cannons.


That's only because you've added one guy to the default squad of 5.  10 Tactical Marines wouldn't cost any more PL than 6.  Fairer to compare 5 and 5.


Keep in mind that power levels aren't based entirely upon wargear upgrade options, though.  It's not entirely accurate to make an argument that a squad from faction x with no upgrades will necessarily be weaker than a squad from faction y with the same power level - especially when one of those squads can come back from the dead or something.

Edited by Ulfgrim Alvsbane

only devastators and marines are the same factions. What else, then upgrades, is the real worth based then when using power points? Don't say it is external and internal points balanced.


Even if we take that someone buys an army to work within Power Points structure it is better/cheaper [for efficiency] to buy 2 units of 5 maxed out unit X then one unit of 10. Let face it most of the time models in units are wound counters, what is important are the special/hvy/Thunder hammers/type of turret.


A SR with sponsons and witout them costs the same under PP right?

Well as a Tau or Necron player, if you are playing power level that's why you leave your bitch units in the box and crack out your Fun Units. Triple Flamer/plasma/fusion/missile pod crisis suits commanders with quad weapons, tanks with table length range guns that whatever they shoot is coming off or coming out. And drones for days. Guardsmen conscript squad numbers of drones.




I miss 7th :/


My God. Imagine bringing 8th edition Tau stuff to 7th where you get jsj and the formations back.


Ugh. Imagine 8th edition khorne Berserkers. 16 points with a chain axe. In 7th he'd get rage and counter attack (mark of khorne) furious charge, plus the 2 base and 1 for being double armed, AND get to attack twice, (10 total) at s7. You could kill anything.

Edited by Trevak Dal

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