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Im hoping to take this list to a funnsies 1250 random doubles tourney.  If anyone has any input or suggestions on it.. I'd appreciate it.


Battalion - Raven Guard 




Captain, chainsword, jump pack, stormbolter, 95

LT, powerfist, grav-pistol, 80



Scouts x 5, shotguns, 55

Scouts x 5, knives!, 55

tacticals x 5, lascannon, 90

tacticals x 5, lascannon, 90



Company Ancient, Super Relic Banner of Awsomesauce, 63

Company Vets on bikes x 3, stormbolters, stormshields, stormbolter/chainsword on the sarge, 124

Company Vets on bikes x 3, stormbolters, stormshields, stormbolter/chainsword on the sarge, 124



Scout Bikers x 3, stormbolter on the sarge, 77

Scout Bikers x 3, stormbolter on the sarge, 77


Heavy Support

Devs x 7, 4 lascannons, cherub, 196

Devs x 6, 4 heavy bolters, 118


1248 points.  48 bodies. 6 Command Points


So since the teams are random each round I wanted to be a bit cheeky and bring zero armour.  Ive seen quite a bit of discussion from others who will be playing about this or that super heavy list they have so im hoping to exploit that a bit since I dont really have any good targets for them to shoot.  Additionally, if i get paired with a gimmicky super heavy list with practical no model count.. I can compliment it with my mass.  


Does this list have enough punch for 1250 points?  


Stuff I have available...


3 Inceptors

10 company vets with plasma/melta

5 assault terminators with THSS


1 AC razorback or 1 whirlwind or 1 rhino<--- switchable turrets

10 vanguard vets with power axe/plasma pistol

15ish vanguard vets with various loadouts... bunch of claws, THSSs, fists, chainswords.  Could make all kinds of stuff with these

10 tacticals with assorted plasma/combi plasma

2 plasma cannon devs

1 drop pod LOL!

1 land speeder with double heavy bolters ROFL?

2 jump pack chaplains with power fists


I like it!
Feels very RG :)
Stealthy, fast punchy!

Youll be better at maelstrom than end of game objectives though


Heavy armour lists might be difficult, but at 1250 shouldn't be too much of an issue. Plus you can always just tie them up in assault :) 

Looks like a fun list.

Here's a few comments:


1) Don't forget to drop Primarch's Wrath or Teeth of Terra on the captain for free

2) The LT looks homeless. If he goes with the devs thats fine but a powerfist and grav pistol serves no purpose other than Rule of Cool. If he's going with the bikes he's going to be huffing and puffing pretty hard

3) The Company Vets on bikes look interesting. Most folks would use those slots to get in more punch (Meltaguns, etc). I look forward to seeing how they run

Looks like a fun list.

Here's a few comments:


1) Don't forget to drop Primarch's Wrath or Teeth of Terra on the captain for free

2) The LT looks homeless. If he goes with the devs thats fine but a powerfist and grav pistol serves no purpose other than Rule of Cool. If he's going with the bikes he's going to be huffing and puffing pretty hard

3) The Company Vets on bikes look interesting. Most folks would use those slots to get in more punch (Meltaguns, etc). I look forward to seeing how they run

I never leave home without teeth of terra + banner.  


The LT is a rule of cool unit but he aint homeless!  Goes with the devs and his gear is to counter assault stuff.  He has a few skulls so far including a daemon prince.  


The bikes are definitely an experiment.  I found some in a resale bin at the FLGS for $24 for 6.  They were in mint condition and primed well.  They were going to be white scars bikers but now they are the Raven Guard Black Riders!  I spent a few hours figuring out how to model these guys since I have a ton of unused bits.  I just wasnt satisfied with any loadout other than stormbolters and stormshields.  Plasma is too risky on bikes, melta is too expensive and devs do anti tank way better anyways.  So I thought i'd make them as tanky as possible.  T5 with a 3++ and -1 to hit is pretty durable for 124 points.  On average,10 plasma shots with rerolling 1s cant drop them.  

I would replace one of the devs so that you have a missile launcher to open up the stratagem for that but beyond that it does not look too bad.

I dont like you anymore.  Now I gotta paint more before Saturday.  



My doubles game was a fairly close defeat.  My partner (randomly assigned) was Ad Mech and had a bunch of bigass bot things and Baller Serious.  Our opponents were grey knights + nids. 


Few observations.  


1. Vet bikers with stormshields are very durable.   I had my bikes tank a ton of genestealer attacks and they also dished out a bunch of anti chaff shooting.  These bikes however are really vulnerable to smite so you need to keep that in mind when positioning them.  


Our opponents pointed out that it would have been better for me to keep all my bikes together and use them as a battering ram.  I think im going to try this by adding a really hardcore beatstick captain.  Like, thunder hammer, shield eternal, combi melta.  He is going to be surrounded by 12 bikers and just roll up the table looking to disrupt something.  


2.  The armies I saw doing well were min maxed with tons of cheap chaff a few choice big models.  One game I saw was 100 shoota boyz and a bunch of those ork dreads.  That game ended pretty decisively for the side with 100 boyz.  Weight of dice and bodies are worth way more than marginal increases in toughness or armour saves.  


3.  I got to use cluster mines again!  Then I rolled a 1. :(  Space Marine stratagems suck for the most part :(:(  Where is our Endless Cacophony/VoTLW?  


4.  Hellfire rounds was doing work!  Just make sure you have rerolls because spending CP on nothing is lame.


5. Tyranids are really fun to fight against.  It makes the game feel like the movie Aliens.  


6.  When the game ended I had 1 model remaining... the bannerman who killed 2 Raveners in close combot with scorching hot dice.  Represent!

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