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Best generic HQ option?

Lord Kallozar

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Best generic HQ overall? The Daemon Prince without question imo. Gain access to psychic powers, is a beast in melee, super mobile and has a great re-roll aura for Heretic Astartes and Daemons.


Best generic HQ for tagging along with a bunch of spawns? Uhm....probably the Daemon Prince still. :D

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Yeah, the demon prince brings so much to the table it's rarely a contest.

I like the exalted champion and the sorcerer otherwise. Just for a bit cheaper support. Exalted champion only for character hunting! ;)

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Well with the pts change for chapter approved the malefic lord got nerved, less useful now. 


I'd just like to add that I don't think any of our characters are bad, they are pretty much all solid choices except for maybe the warpsmith. Daemon prince is just the deadliest and having his aura also effect daemons in nice if you use summoning. 

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If your army more about melee than shooting, than Dark Apostle and Exalted champion are your best choices. Both of them can do a lot of damage, if you give Apostle The Black mace and Exalted champion Axe of Khorne. 

And don't forget about Warpsmith. He is HQ as well and if you have a lot of vehacles, it is your best choice

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Giant spawn are pretty fun. Low toughness for their size but tons of wounds, and if they aren't put down they tend to mutate like crazy.

Like Malefic Lords, their 'new and improved' points cost makes them... unpalatable, but as listed in the FW index, they are power level 5. I do not know if chapter approved changed this as well.

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I just want to toss in for a Sorcerer.  Our psychic powers are stupid good, especially compared to the generally lackluster ones from Codex: Space Marines.  Death Hex is better than Null Zone, Warp Time is better than. . . I forget the name, the re-roll charge rolls one.  Then there's the Tzeentch and Slaanesh powers which are both awesome as well.  Now I know a DP can cast powers as well, but Sorcerers are cheaper which is good if you're building multiple detachments in an attempt to rake in the CPs.

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I like my sorcerers. Great support with the right spells (of course you need to pass a dice roll) and armed with a force axe they can put down some hurt too. I usually run one with a jump pack so I can put him where I need him for spells and buffs, and if I am lucky he can make a charge.

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Daemon prince and Jetpack Sorcerer as everyone. 


With the C.A. new cost maybee the TDA Terminator will be of some use too, i don't know. 


Chaos lord is only if you got a huge fire base and want the reroll while a daemon prince rush the enemy. On the contrary Exalted champ work very well with a DP/Chaos lord if you got a huge melee base. But generaly chaos army tend to be great for mid-low range dakka, not so great on long distance dakka or close combat. 


Dunno if the new point cost will encourage a heavily armored chaos force with techmarine.


Dark Apostle only if you play with a lots of cultist. 

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I have to throw in a vote for the Daemon Prince as well. A Daemon Prince with wings has it all - you’ve got a speedy murder machine who can’t be targeted by shooting unless he’s closest to the enemy, his aura aura affects both Chaos Space Marines and Daemons, and he’s a psyker. Don’t forget that you can use the Chaos Familiar strategem to swap out Smite for another psychic power if you need additional utility and don’t want to sacrifice Diabolic Strength to get it. If the Daemon Prince has wings he can move 12 inches and cast Warptime on the unit of Spawn which will then move 14 inches altogether...


If you’re running a lot of melee units a Dark Apostle is an excellent support character. While leadership 9 on Cultists is useful, I find that I’ve gotten better results out of his melee aura with more elite units, especially ones with a smaller number of higher quality attacks (like Possessed). Cultists are pretty pillow-fisted even in great numbers, so I would suggest not expecting too much from them.


I also have to agree that Sorcerers are pretty great. If you opt to go this route with your Spawn retinue, I would say consider a Terminator Sorcerer (now that Chapter Approved has dropped) rocking Diabolic Strength and the Intoxicating Elixir. If I’m not mistaken, with a force axe that’s a respectable 5 attacks at Strength 7, AP -2, D3 damage. Take Warptime or Death Hex as your second psychic power. Then your Sorcerer can teleport onto the field at an opportune moment and, Dark Gods willing, charge into battle alongside his grotesquely mutated retainers.

Edited by ChaosReigns
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winged prince is amazing all round.  Jet pack sorcerer is fantastic support - remember that they know and cast more powers per turn than a daemon prince.  There aren't many buff auras available that are better for a melee unit than a warptime that gets them into combat a turn earlier.


Apostles and champions aren't terrible, but their auras are melee only and short ranged on heroes without access to bikes, jump packs, or deep striking terminator armor, so it can be very difficult to get them into position to support your melee units against any enemy that isn't coming right at you, and enemies that are coming right at you are going to beat most of our units in melee even with the buffs.


Again, they're not bad, it's just a hassle to get the most out of them.  And the champion is somewhat frustrating, because it pretends its a duelist and, without any invulnerable save, it absolutely /isn't/.


The lord's alright, too.  Overshadowed by the daemon prince, sure, but a lot cheaper, can ride transports, decent buff aura, actually has an invulnerable save so unlike the champion he can actually fight enemy infantry heroes.


Smith's not awful, either.  Cheap for what he has, can either hang back to keep tanks firing or ride in a transport to pop out with some decent extra shooty and axey attacks.



I really don't think the core CSM codex has any bad generic heroes at the moment.  Again, the prince and jump pack sorcerer kind of overshadow other options, but only because they're so good, not because the rest are bad.

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A demon prince with elixier and claws is 8 St 8 attacks and with warptime He might be in combat turn 1. With familiar and Smite to exchange He is pretty adaptable to. Should be in every list.


The Lord beside a few Decimators with Soulburner Petards is quite a strongest option, as well as buffing a squadron of Quad Heavy Bolter Rapiers and a havoc squad. Even beserkers can get some nice Bonus out of him, as they are attack twice. Same goes for closer deepstriking striking obliberators who shoot twice.


The sorcerer is a poor man demon prince imo. I rarely get back from him what I expect. I needed him for warptime the most, second for a death hex.. Same thing can be done by the demon prince, but the prince is much more survivable and squishy for a small 50% cost increase, wich is always worth it.


Iron smith.. Not for my fluffy taste due to legion.


Reject to play named characters. It's way easier with them and they shouldn't be around in 2k games, rather 4k+.

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The sorcerer is a /considerably/ better caster than a prince, in that the sorcerer knows an extra spell (so they don't have to burn command points to trade smite away via familiar), and they can attempt /twice/ as many spells per turn.  A daemon prince is a lot better at casting death hex due to the short, short range, but a daemon prince who cast warptime to get into that range cannot even attempt to cast death hex.


And while a sorcerer isn't great at death hex, the can cast warp time just as well, and they can cast the marked defensive buffs - all three of which are fantastic.  Or prescience, which is amazing, especially on plasma.  And they're hecka cheaper.


I'm not saying the sorcerer is a stronger overall HQ than the prince, they aren't, but they are phenomenal in the support role that they're actually there for.  Again, you say the prince is there to cast warp time and death hex, but they /literally cannot do both/, not in the same turn.  Where as a prince with a sorcerer buddy can get warp time from the sorc, cast death hex themselves, and the sorcerer can still drop prescience or agonies on your combi-plas terminators.

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