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Hellforged Spartan move and shoot question

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I just had my first game of 8th yesterday and it was also my first time using my Spartan. I thought the Hellforged Spartan had a rule which allowed it to move and shoot at full BS but after checking the rules I couldn't find anything. It's hard to believe a super-heavy unit wouldn't have something that would allow it to shoot and fire at full BS, did I miss something?

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Yeah, it's actually a serious problem with it.  The helforged stuff generally loses machine spirit - something that is typically a pretty critical ability for heavy tanks to have - in exchange for helforged, which is as often as not a terrible rule that does as much harm as good, since per errata it prevents you from healing wounds in any other way, so you can't have a warpsmith fix your vehicle up.


So to run something like a spartan, you end up hemorrhaging command points to let it move and shoot at a reasonable ballistic skill.  In general, I find our faction has much, much better uses for command points, so I'd suggest fielding something else and avoiding the hassle altogether. 

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Yeah, it's actually a serious problem with it.  The helforged stuff generally loses machine spirit - something that is typically a pretty critical ability for heavy tanks to have - in exchange for helforged, which is as often as not a terrible rule that does as much harm as good, since per errata it prevents you from healing wounds in any other way, so you can't have a warpsmith fix your vehicle up.


So to run something like a spartan, you end up hemorrhaging command points to let it move and shoot at a reasonable ballistic skill.  In general, I find our faction has much, much better uses for command points, so I'd suggest fielding something else and avoiding the hassle altogether. 

It doesn't hurt too bad with the Spartan though. Having 8 Lascannon shots you can expect to get 4 hits consistently and that quite a bit of dmg output still. It's still a beast of a unit thankfully.

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I'd strongly recommend sticking someone with rerolls next to him (I'm looking at you, Khârn). I've had games where my Spartan outright destroyed a vehicle every single turn (off the top of my head, in one game he killed 2 Venerable Dreads and a Razorback before my 'zerks ended up tabling the guy on turn 3- and that was while he was doing his job and delivering 16 zerks+DA right into the heart of the enemy army).

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I'd strongly recommend sticking someone with rerolls next to him (I'm looking at you, Khârn). I've had games where my Spartan outright destroyed a vehicle every single turn (off the top of my head, in one game he killed 2 Venerable Dreads and a Razorback before my 'zerks ended up tabling the guy on turn 3- and that was while he was doing his job and delivering 16 zerks+DA right into the heart of the enemy army).

Could I have utilized the reroll aura while Khârn was inside?

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Unfortunately not, and I don't disembark him directly from the Spartan either due to the chance of him being eaten on the way out. What I like to do to is to stick one of my supporting Rhinos next to my Spartan and have Khârn disembark 9" from the Rhino to keep pace with the Spartan. The 1" aura is pretty annoying but it still gets the job done with proper positioning, and the rerolls to hit are imo one of the most overlooked advantages of the World Eaters (the only CSM Codex legion apart from BL that gets rerolls to all hits on their special HQ instead of just 1s).

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