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Hunting down the Xenos - Battle Report


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Hi everyone!


A week ago I posted this battle report here in the forums, where me and an Ultramarine ally faced off against a large T'au army that was (according to the narrative we played) trying to take over a Research Outpost; a battle which we managed to win, pushing the T'au forces back and claiming the installation for the Imperium.


This week, one of the two T'au players (who also happens to be my best friend and rival) faced off against me on a 1500 point battle, tied into the narrative of the first one. This time, while the Ultramarines secured the area around Outpost Alpha, the Ravenwing decided to give chase to the Xenos threat, as it seeked for a new position in which to consolidate its military power. Should the Xenos be allowed to do this, they would be in a position to launch a new offensive and try to claim the Outpost once more.


So, the Ravenwing followed up on the T'au's trail, so as to then summon the Deathwing to finish the job, and kill the alien once and for all.


With that, the battle itself....


It was a battle between my Dark Angels and the T'au Empire, at a total of 1500 points. A Maelstrom of War mission, which we rolled as Cloak and Shadows, which worked perfectly for our narrative. The board was set up with 4 buldings forming a tight urban setting in the middle of the board. Walkways all around, and highly defensive in layout. Overgrown vegetation covered the place, making it difficult to climb, though. Forests, rocks and a nearby energy source surrounded the place.

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The objectives where placed as follows:


(1) At the energy supply batteries at the side

(2) On top of one of the buildings

(3) At the woods to the east of the area

(4) Inside a rock passageway off to the northeast

(5) On top of another one of the buildings

(6) Near an abbandoned and ruined food storage unit


My army  consisted of a Librarian and a Company Master in Jump Pack, leading a full Ravenwing Attack Squad, a Black Knight Squad, a Ravenwing Darkshroud, 2 Deathwing Terminator Squads and a Deathwing Ancient.


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My opponents army consisted of 3 units of Fire Warriors, 2 units of Path Finders, led by a Cadre Fire Blade, as well as a Hammerhead Gun Ship, a Devil Fish filled with Breachers, a unit of Stealth Suits and a Ghostkeel, and finally 3 Crisis Suits full of flamers and a Coldstar Commander.


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We deployed in a Spearhead Assault, with me finishing first and this taking first turn. I deployed my bikes front and center, with my terminators in deep strike reserve. My opponent placed his Pathfinders, Ghostkeel and Stealth Suits on the buildings, and separated his firewarriors into 3 groups, alongside the Devilfish and Hammerhead, with his Commander on the board and his Crisis Suits in Manta Strike.


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The battle played out as follows:




I drew objective 4 and a priority order to kill the T'au Commander, which forced me to fall back with my bikes, and drop early with my Deathwing Terminators. I landed on both sides of his Commander, and proceeded to clear the area of Fire Warriors and other infantry, to ensure a clean charge into the enemy leader. Meanwhile, my bikes tried to take some shots at the Ghostkeel, getting no wounds in due to so many negative modifiers.


In the charge phase I managed to get all my charges in, which was a first for me this edition. Saddly, I wanted to soften up the Commander with my Deathwing so my Company Master could take the kill for the priority orders, but they managed to kill him straight out.


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He then proceeded to fall back with his Ghostkeel and to reposition around my Deathwing, to start firing eveything into them. I was far away, after landing, and was beginning to worry about the fate of my terminators, early on in the battle.


All things considered, I still managed first blood, warlord kill, and blood and guts and objective 4, so I was off to a good start.




I drew objective four, again, and also had to defend objective four from my initial hand. So, my bikes had to stay out of the fight, while my Deathwing did the heavy lifting. This, in turn, was used by my opponent to land his crisis in by back line, covered in drones, to go after objective three.


Still, with his commander dead, I was able to start making my way across the board, shooting at everything in sight. I took some cassualties, of course, but I was in good shape to keep in the fight. Even after getting tank shocked, I manged to push ahead, breaking the Devilfish open to reveal the Breachers hiding inside.


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In this turn, I managed to draw objective 4 again with a priority order, so I had to form a line to get into rapid fire range of the Crisis Suits, without letting go of objective 4. This worked out fine in the end, and I managed to cut through the drones, and use my grav guns to take out  2 suits right away. The third was easy picking for my Black Knights, and the whole squad was gone.


At the same time, the Breachers got into a fight with my Deathwing, and lost... bad.


But, the Ghostkeel and the Hammerhead were doing some serious damage, and things were getting even between both sides of the board.


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The battle got into a standstill by the last two turns. My bikes were unable to drop objective three, as now I had to defend it. Meanwhile his units were all locked in trying to stop my Deathwing, and in holding objective one. My Deathwing were getting picked out one at a time, slowly but surely, and even though I managed charges along the way, the T'au were leading me on to a barrage of fire that managed to wipe them out in the end, completely.


My last turn consisted of my bikes forming a long line from objective three, all the way into fire range of the Ghostkeel, driving down in between the buildings, while my Company Master climbed the structures to charge into some pathfinders to claim objective two.


My opponent lost his suit, and his pathfinders, and with little else to do, he finished his last turn.


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The battle ended there, with 14 points total scored for the Dark Angels, and 5 points scored for the T'au. With little left of his army save from the Hammerhead and some Fire Warriors, and my whole Ravenwing force almost untouched (since they, you know, stayed away all of the battle just making sure the back line was secured... which we incorporated into the narrative, claiming that the Ravenwing were tasked with making sure no T'au could escape through the woods or passageways, while the Deathwing dealt with them), we decided not to even try and go for a 6th turn.


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The battle was a victory for the Imperium, and the T'au menace was defeated; forced to leave this world for good.


All in all, an great ending to a short narrative against my greatest rival.

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Thanks!! Its a lot of fun putting this battle reports up. I expect to keep at it, as long as i can get some games in to report them :D


And yeah... it would seem there was something of 'particular' interest to the Ravenwing on that side of the Board.


We shall have to investigate further ;)

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Very enjoyable to read. The peculiar colours used on your wings look pretty nice as well.



And yeah... it would seem there was something of 'particular' interest to the Ravenwing on that side of the Board.


"Come on Rob, the Deathwing are having all the fun! Leave it behind, we'll get you a new one!"

"I'm not leaving before I find it, Dave! It's my favorite Bobblehead, I can't drive without it.'

*Mutters* 'You mean you can drive even worse than you did already?'

"What was that, Dave?"

"Nothing, keep searching Rob"

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Very well done. Glad you remember to take pictures after nearly every turn, most of the time I forget to do it, so engrossed in the game am I.


Poor Tau guy, looks like most of the mission rolls were against him, and like the previous battle report, he seems to have trouble surviving the alpha strike, although to be fair, that is an 8th edition problem for most armies who are unable to secure first turn. He might need to go back to the drawing board for his list to plan on minimising alpha strike damage. I don't know Tau very well, but I think some Kroot may be needed to bubble rap deployment and his more valuable firewarriors and Commander (s). 


LOL, why am I pitying the Tau player? I spent more than 2 years in fear of Tau until 8th Edition and dropped a giant nerf bat on them.


Just a small gripe: your Deathwing looks like its using Dawnstone Grey, which is a 30K Space Wolves color. From afar, they really look like Wolf Guard terminators except for the Sergeant's "rabbit ears". Ha ha, sorry, as a Space Wolf, I have to make fun of your aesthethic even as I admire them.

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And yeah... it would seem there was something of 'particular' interest to the Ravenwing on that side of the Board.

"Come on Rob, the Deathwing are having all the fun! Leave it behind, we'll get you a new one!"

"I'm not leaving before I find it, Dave! It's my favorite Bobblehead, I can't drive without it.'

*Mutters* 'You mean you can drive even worse than you did already?'

"What was that, Dave?"

"Nothing, keep searching Rob"

I am SERIOUSLY tempted to incorporate this into the narrative of my army. The story of my Successor Chapter, as told by Rob and Dave.



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Very well done. Glad you remember to take pictures after nearly every turn, most of the time I forget to do it, so engrossed in the game am I.


Poor Tau guy, looks like most of the mission rolls were against him, and like the previous battle report, he seems to have trouble surviving the alpha strike, although to be fair, that is an 8th edition problem for most armies who are unable to secure first turn. He might need to go back to the drawing board for his list to plan on minimising alpha strike damage. I don't know Tau very well, but I think some Kroot may be needed to bubble rap deployment and his more valuable firewarriors and Commander (s).


LOL, why am I pitying the Tau player? I spent more than 2 years in fear of Tau until 8th Edition and dropped a giant nerf bat on them.


Just a small gripe: your Deathwing looks like its using Dawnstone Grey, which is a 30K Space Wolves color. From afar, they really look like Wolf Guard terminators except for the Sergeant's "rabbit ears". Ha ha, sorry, as a Space Wolf, I have to make fun of your aesthethic even as I admire them.

Yeah, i used to always forget, which is why it took me a while to start "properly" recording my battles.


Also, I DO pity the Tau due to the nerf bat they got their alien heads smashed with. I agree that they needed to be nerfed a bit from 7th ed, but the designers went WAAAAY overboard.


This particular player was my number one most dangerous opponent in my gaming group, and it always took everything I had ti beat him. Im not saying last nights battle was easy, but it was miles from the dreaded challenge it once was.


He is still figuring out the Index though. He hasnt played much 8th since release because his army was being repainted. Im sure he will kick my ass after a couple more games, once he gets the handle of his new ruled army.


On a final note, I did NOT know that about the color when I chose it O_o... so, maybe the chapter, being a successor, used that color as to, I don't know... honor/mock the space wolves due to the rivalry the progenitors of the chaptwr have??


Ill write an explination into the lore.


I just picked the color because of its heraldric meaning in the chapter itself, since their iconography is a field of grey, a diagonal green stripe, and three swords over it. The meaning of each color and the repetition of the emblem all factor into the chapters lore.


... ill come up with an excuse for it, im sure XD For now, the green power fists should break the color pattern, right? Right? :S

Edited by Berzul
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Very well done. Glad you remember to take pictures after nearly every turn, most of the time I forget to do it, so engrossed in the game am I.


Poor Tau guy, looks like most of the mission rolls were against him, and like the previous battle report, he seems to have trouble surviving the alpha strike, although to be fair, that is an 8th edition problem for most armies who are unable to secure first turn. He might need to go back to the drawing board for his list to plan on minimising alpha strike damage. I don't know Tau very well, but I think some Kroot may be needed to bubble rap deployment and his more valuable firewarriors and Commander (s).


LOL, why am I pitying the Tau player? I spent more than 2 years in fear of Tau until 8th Edition and dropped a giant nerf bat on them.


Just a small gripe: your Deathwing looks like its using Dawnstone Grey, which is a 30K Space Wolves color. From afar, they really look like Wolf Guard terminators except for the Sergeant's "rabbit ears". Ha ha, sorry, as a Space Wolf, I have to make fun of your aesthethic even as I admire them.

Yeah, i used to always forget, which is why it took me a while to start "properly" recording my battles.


Also, I DO pity the Tau due to the nerf bat they got their alien heads smashed with. I agree that they needed to be nerfed a bit from 7th ed, but the designers went WAAAAY overboard.


This particular player was my number one most dangerous opponent in my gaming group, and it always took everything I had ti beat him. Im not saying last nights battle was easy, but it was miles from the dreaded challenge it once was.


He is still figuring out the Index though. He hasnt played much 8th since release because his army was being repainted. Im sure he will kick my ass after a couple more games, once he gets the handle of his new ruled army.


On a final note, I did NOT know that about the color when I chose it O_o... so, maybe the chapter, being a successor, used that color as to, I don't know... honor/mock the space wolves due to the rivalry the progenitors of the chaptwr have??


Ill write an explination into the lore.


I just picked the color because of its heraldric meaning in the chapter itself, since their iconography is a field of grey, a diagonal green stripe, and three swords over it. The meaning of each color and the repetition of the emblem all factor into the chapters lore.


... ill come up with an excuse for it, im sure XD For now, the green power fists should break the color pattern, right? Right? :S



He he, whatever floats your boat. Just that the color isn't really as "striking" as the bonewhite terminators. Ah well, I guess I'm just accustomed to "regular" Dark Angel colors, not successors.


A bit off topic, but check out the revealed strategem. Rather hilarious and fluffy.

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Yeah, it is quite fluffy! Not sure if I'll ever get much use of it, though.


As for the color, I guess it comes to personal taste. I never did like to go with the standard palette of colours for my army, although it is quite pretty and striking.


I prefer my grey-colored Green Fists, though. Again, just a matter of personal taste.

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I have a battle this friday against Space Wolves, to say farewell to the Index. I hope to bring you guys another Battle Report, during the weekend! :biggrin.:


Grrrrrrrrowl! Hope you have a good game, although if I'm honest, I hope the Wolves kick your butt. Regardless, look forward to the battle report.

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I have a battle this friday against Space Wolves, to say farewell to the Index. I hope to bring you guys another Battle Report, during the weekend! :biggrin.:

Grrrrrrrrowl! Hope you have a good game, although if I'm honest, I hope the Wolves kick your butt. Regardless, look forward to the battle report.
Is this because of the whole "grey terminators" thing?


I am the victim of the color of my armor T_T

Edited by Berzul
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I have a battle this friday against Space Wolves, to say farewell to the Index. I hope to bring you guys another Battle Report, during the weekend! :biggrin.:

Grrrrrrrrowl! Hope you have a good game, although if I'm honest, I hope the Wolves kick your butt. Regardless, look forward to the battle report.
Is this because of the whole "grey terminators" thing?


I am the victim of the color of my armor T_T



No it's because I play Space Wolves, and it is custom to have a fierce and not entirely friendly rivalry with the Dark Angels. That being said, I also hang around this forum because:


1) I also like the middle ages knightly monastic aesthethic. Your Terminators arguably is the best looking rivaled only by Grey Knights and Death Guard blightlords/Deathshroud

2) Recent books have given me more respect and understanding for the Dark Angels despite their questionable acts

3) Your bikers look far more awesome and realistic than marines riding on giant wolves.


Hmmm, how come you don't know i'm a space wolf..... oh, my chapter name says Vlka Fenryka. Sorry if it confuses you, that is actually what the Space Wolves call themselves. Roughly translates as Warriors of Fenris. this is one of the examples of how in the lore, the Space wolves were frequently misunderstood by the Imperium at large to the point even the name was wrongly translated as Space Wolves.


Anyway, good luck with your game. At end of the game, try to have a duel between both of your best melee models to re-enact the Lion and the Wolf incident.

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Well, we should understand each other then, as we are both misunderstood chapters in our own way... which will not stop me from bashing in my opponents furry skulls today! :D Im bringing my grey Deathwing in, with Knights up front, to smash them to pieces.
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