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Flyer preference


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Before "flyers" existed, Grey Knights and Blood Angels were the only marine chapters strutting any type of aircraft. Since then everyone else got new and cool flyers in addition to our Storm Raven, while we were forgotten...


However Praise the Emperor! For GW has brought us on par with our Brethren! Will any of you be sporting our new goodies or is the Storm Raven still going to be your go-to flyer?

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I´ve now played several games with the Fire Raptor and Xiphon flyers and they have been my MVP all games. The FR got a 60p drop in Chapter Approved which is nice and the Xiphon got increased with 30p. But i still think the Xiphon is great. You just need to be smart with the movement so you keep them att the right distances and out of range from some of the heavy shooting.


Thus I need a third flyer to get a detachment and I have no clue, thinking of a second Xiphon but at 240p a piece, I think two are a little to pricey in points.


I´ve used the Stormraven some, but I prefer the Fire Raptor a lot more.


My 5 cents!

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I used to use Stormravens, but with the point increase, they've become less efficient than:


1. Stormtalons for ground targets

2. Stormhawks are hidden gems: more guns and tougher for the same price.  And, against anything with Fly, they are devastating.  What has fly?  Eldar, Ghost Arks, etc.

3. Fire Raptors: I have one on the way as they are so incredibly points efficient, it would be hard not to use them...


My normal flyer detachment has gone from 4 Stormtalons, to now 2 'talons and 2 'hawks... and in a couple weeks, 1 'talon, 1 'hawk, and 1 Raptor.

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I must say, since my list is centered around 2 SR's with optional +1(Xyphon, FR,Caestus); they are either hit-or-miss. I might have been just unlucky, or my list is not optimal, however once going flyer heavy you need first turn against dedicated shooty/psy heavy opponents (Eldars, deamons) just because their capabilities of smacking flyers down - smites /always hit on 3 rockets that HURTS


On the other hand, going flyer heavy is double edge sword; you gain supreme mobility at the cost of command points since there is no "flyer" battalion (missed opportunity GW). 


I personally do struggle to find optimal list with dual ravens :smile.:



Edited by BloodTzar
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The Fire Raptor is indeed awesome, but I am thinking I am gonna roll preds/razors instead if I go for vehicle fire support.

The big reason for me personally being I want to spend the points on more land based vehicles to hide behind and/or use for static board control in the backline.


The points increase on the storm raven and zoom/hover thing has pushed it somewhat out of favor with me personally. (It doesn't suck tho)

We have some new mobility options that look like a viable replacement for the fast trans thing of the raven...


But generally, I am thinking I am going to prefer no flyer at all currently... I think. =)

Points for troops (for CP) eat the flyer points in the list building stage that used to look so good to me.

Although dropping a dreadnought is still very appealing.


Flyers are cool and all. Take them by all means, but... points just go so fast.

I will prolly make a list to use both at some point as they are new models for me this year so I am gonna play them at some point.

Just not out of the gate I don't think.

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The thing with one Stormraven is that the amount of shots scares folk. Last time I ran it I played it the same way I did in 7th - flew it up close with a TLAC, TLMM, HB and quite frankly it deletes stuff with the bolters alone. Unsurprisingly it got focused from then onwards...

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I fly 2 in a 2000 point lists and they do amazing!  Worth their points every time.  Here is the kit I run on these bad boys.


Turret:  Twin Lascannons:  Anti Tank/Monster:  Good range shots for turn 1 if needed

Front:  Twin Heavy Bolters:  Good Anti Troop

Hurricane Bolters upgrade:  Anti Troop


I use my as gunships though, occasionally carrying dreads but for the most part I fly them empty across the terrain and get them in close.  Without the transporting, I am not afraid to get them in close.  With 2 of them, even if one goes pop, I still usually get my points back easily as they chew up troops and vehicles equally well.  They are pretty hardy with their hit points as well and the hard to hit rule.  


Key with any list is fire suppression and target selection.  Where I see many players go wrong is that they dont focus fire something well enough till its dead.  Usually I can ensure at least 1 troop unit and 1 vehicle is going to die in one round of rolling and with their movement range, I can hit almost anything on the board.  2 shots of rapid fire hurricane bolters is going to hurt almost anything on the table.  

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I know they probably aren't hugely points efficient but I'm really looking forward to running some Stormtalons. It will be nice having a cheaper flyer with access to assault cannons for clearing out those big blobs of Ork boys I face so frequently.

Given that Razorbacks have gone in price, Stormtalons don't look bad as heavy weapons carriers. They also have the advantage that they cannot be assaulted by non-flying units and get the -1 to Hit for being supersonic. I quite like Talons and I am glad I can finally use mine in my BA army.

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Well playing heavy flyer lists, I can tell best AA platform are ironically flamers, or any out-hits, due to relative low T and the sheer number of auto-hit, you basically burn them out of skies. On the other hand, you still re-use these AA units as anti hordes...so units like Aggressors with double tap heavy flamers are just bane of flyers... 


GW sometimes do not make any sense -or- sometimes makes some sense..

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Yeah unless the flamer is on a fast platform itself it shouldn't be any thread to flyer.

Flamers even on a 6" move infantry still creates a large zone of danger. When I roll my AM I don't even bring Hydras to shoot down flyers, I bring Hellhounds. Your opponents brain also takes mortal wounds the first time you do it.

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