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Jump pack infantry load out


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Hi Wolf-brothers,


I want to get a couple of jump pack infantry but am very unsure about the optimum loadout. (So obviously how to model them).

I tried 2 styles:


Skyclaws (5 and 10 men)
- just bare bolt pistal & chainsword
- for objective grabbing and distracting the enemy


Wolf guard with jump packs (5 men)
- 4x combi plasma
- 1x leader with Stormshield + Frost Axe


The wolf guard faired really well last game. (proxied them)

What is your opinion on that? Any other ideas how to equip them?


Edited by schwachmat3000
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Yeah, I typically run JP WG in two flavors: 4x Storm Bolter/SS, 1xStorm Bolter/Wolf Claw; 4x Combi-Melta/SS, 1xCombi-Melta/Wolf Claw. The first is very cheap for the dakka, and are perfect for taking out light infantry. I typically don't bother putting a SS on the unit leader, as by the time it is his turn to make saves, the unit is effectively gone anyway. The second is for the hard targets, and I've often been able to deep strike them in an opportune time to catch a character that wandered out of the herd.

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I've been having some moderate success with 5 WG with jump packs all with frost swords and storm bolters. I use it mainly for character/elite hunting since they can jump over screening units. With storm bolters you get some impressive dakka within 12" and the frost swords are amazing wounding most infantry on 3s with -3 AP. They are a bit expensive and fragile as all get out. I have considered putting some shields on them but on 1 wound models the cost seems not worth it.

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I've been having some moderate success with 5 WG with jump packs all with frost swords and storm bolters. I use it mainly for character/elite hunting since they can jump over screening units. With storm bolters you get some impressive dakka within 12" and the frost swords are amazing wounding most infantry on 3s with -3 AP. They are a bit expensive and fragile as all get out. I have considered putting some shields on them but on 1 wound models the cost seems not worth it.

Yeah, I prefer bikes for it myself because of the 2W. And with SB + SS they have sickening amounts of firepower and toughness.


If I would use jump packers it would probably be wolfguard with just a SB or skyclaws with a meltagun.

Edited by Deadnaughty
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I don't often see a difference between 1W and 2W...most are targeted with the appropriate weapon to kill in 1 hit/wound, but I prefer a 3++ save to a 5-6 armor save (most people I face don't use no AP shots on units sporting SBs or combi's).

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