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Drach’nyen any point using it?


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Is there really any point using Drach’nyen over the Talon, the Talon hits at x2 strength and has the same AP and does the same amount of damage, whilst Drach’nyen has that one in six chance of causing a self inflicted mortal wound and scuppering it's use?


For a legendary daemon weapon that Abaddon launched a whole Black Crusade for it seems extremely under par. It doesn't even inflict mortal wounds (except on Abaddon) or the like. Didn't it used to cause instant death back in 3rd?

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It was an absolute beast back in the day, yeah - in 2nd Edition, as I recall, it would annihilate damn near any target Abbadon touched with it. Less so now, sadly - it's primarily just a set of extra, less-impressive attacks. Not the worst, but I'd rather he not take wounds from it.

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We can't play safe and don't use it. The main purpose of this sword is to kill infantry, not vehicles. And the sword is good at it. But as for fluff standpoint... They fear to make him more stronger than he is now. Because for 240 he do a lot, escpecially as Warlord. But we have Gillyman on other side for 385 pts now... and he still do a lot more. 

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