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Convince Me to Hunt the Fallen


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Now, don't get me wrong. The Inquisitor in me needs only little convincing to hunt down heretics but what I'm asking is to be convinced to do so as a member of the 1st Leg...Chapter. I dabbled in DA back in 4th ed. before jumping to BA and then back to my beloved IG. I'm not much of a painter though, and I'm convinced that a smaller model count army might not be a bad idea for me.


The recent hype has me suspecting that DA might be a good fit for me. I like firepower and you've basically picked up the Cadian trait (good times.) I like tough units and tanks, and marines aren't much behind that than IG are with land raiders and terminators. However, ravenwing would add some missing speed.


Please, convince me. Give me some reason to join up.

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The Hunt for the Fallen needs no convincing. You come to it when you are called and have been deemed capable.


That you seek means the rites must be performed. That you know means you must watched.


Will you stand before the Circle of your brothers and lords to receive their judgment and perhaps admittance? Answer true, for the Circle will know and you will never leave by the door which you used to enter this sacred place.




(Also, don’t mind Chamber 42, it is very comfy and the Chaplain waiting there cares only for your soul’s well-being)

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All that hub-bub out of the way, you’ve named a lot of the reasons to play the Unforgiven already and I’m really looking forward to seeing everything in Codex print. A lot of the benefits described sound good (not horrendously overpowered, but good) and pretty fluffy. I’d really like to see our ugly heavy Landspeeders have some good utility besides just a screening element (I like big booms and I cannot lie).


In the end, three wings, the possibilities just there, plus whatever mixes you can get up to. Plus, as IG, you are already familiar with green, so you’re likely good to go there, just have to brush up on black and bone-white depending on how you choose to play.

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If you need convincing to do DA then maybe they're not the army for you and I mean it respectfully.

I don't do armies I am not convinced with and certainly not others convinced me to do. That only brings resentment in the long run.

If you look at the models, fluff and codex and it doesn't convince you to play at first glance then it might be a bad idea to start the army.


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I was going to say what Chaplain Lucifer said, but I couldn't find the right words without sounding like a douche. His words can be applied on everything related to your enjoyment, if you know what you're getting yourself into and you still require convincing from the people that have biased opinions on the subject, then you're handling it in a bad manner.


You mentioned the rules are what made DA sound interesing? Then I sure hope that you like the fluff and models as well, since those rules are very dependent on the mood of GW, it could last until the next FAQ. I'm not trying to chase you away from DA, far from it, but I wouldn't like to be responsible for someone spending money on an army just to lose interest when the nerf bat comes around.

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If you need convincing to do DA then maybe they're not the army for you and I mean it respectfully.

I don't do armies I am not convinced with and certainly not others convinced me to do. That only brings resentment in the long run.

If you look at the models, fluff and codex and it doesn't convince you to play at first glance then it might be a bad idea to start the army.


I was going to say what Chaplain Lucifer said, but I couldn't find the right words without sounding like a douche. His words can be applied on everything related to your enjoyment, if you know what you're getting yourself into and you still require convincing from the people that have biased opinions on the subject, then you're handling it in a bad manner.


You mentioned the rules are what made DA sound interesing? Then I sure hope that you like the fluff and models as well, since those rules are very dependent on the mood of GW, it could last until the next FAQ. I'm not trying to chase you away from DA, far from it, but I wouldn't like to be responsible for someone spending money on an army just to lose interest when the nerf bat comes around.


I like the lore as well, except for the lengths that they will go to in order to hunt the fallen and keep their secret. For that, I'd probably be rolling Angles of Absolution (plus, bone white for the whole army is just cool.) I dig the general sword motif and the combined arms style of warfare they adopt in the fluff. Their grim, taciturn, manner is something I enjoy in a setting full of increasingly boisterous characters. Dark Angels don't ever seem to have a lot to say on a subject, speak plainly when they do, and when they speak they probably should be listened to. I absolutely love the fact that they have all of this ancient tech sitting around (makes the Consecrators seem tempting), particularly firearms from the heresy. Their dogged determination and unwillingness to give even a single foot of ground reminds me a lot of my favorite codex chapter, the Imperial Fists.


My problem, from a lore perspective, is that I like too many factions. I could easily play a whole lot from the fluff perspective. I like the IG fluff the most but I'm increasingly tired of how much painting that army requires in order to field a solid and fun army. That, and I have a problem with playing armies that are considered top tier (which IG are considered at the moment.) Getting my butt kicked while being told how good I have it never goes over well with me. I'd probably keep a great helping of my IG stuff, but winnow that faction down for a second.


Green is best! I mean... look at all that dakka!




Look at it all and rejoice! Then get stuck in for some krumping!

Am 'finkin uze a heretic!

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My problem, from a lore perspective, is that I like too many factions. I could easily play a whole lot from the fluff perspective. I like the IG fluff the most but I'm increasingly tired of how much painting that army requires in order to field a solid and fun army. That, and I have a problem with playing armies that are considered top tier (which IG are considered at the moment.) Getting my butt kicked while being told how good I have it never goes over well with me. I'd probably keep a great helping of my IG stuff, but winnow that faction down for a second.



DA aren't a bad choice then, since you have multiple flavours to take from. I usually use an army of PA-infantry, dreadnoughts and transports since I like to play with those (similar to IG), with the occasional force of terminators. If I'm not in the mood to pack the whole army in, I go all Deathwing. And if you get your ass kicked too much, you could use Ravenwing extensively (but I hate Ravenwing, so I lost alot). 


Just be prepared to be called a traitor often, that's actually the only downside to the Dark Angels I've encountered in my time with them. :tongue.:

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If your looking for say a fast formation then Sammael & a Darkshroud are an obvious starting point whatever you put with him are going to be bullet magnets taking pressure of your IG force.


A nice cheap elite formation is 3 riever squads and a choice of HQ's either an interogator chaplain or librarian going out with them or take Ezekiel to bolster your lines Aversion has a disproportionate affect on more expensive / larger units / models and he's no slouch in combat.


Other thought is 2 librarian bikers & an Interrogator on bike as a counter attack unit with smite aura of dread and aversion

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