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Sonic dreadnought conversion ideas


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One idea I had was to get something like speaker mesh to cover the business end of an ectoplasma launcher from a forgefiend. Been humming and hawing over it to use as a blastmaster for a helbrute. Just cut out a small piece and try to fit into that mouth opening, the jagged teeth holding it in place and figure out how to mount it to a helbrute.
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I wanted to try it out and, for the sake of simplicity, I just added the chaos "open weapon mouth" in chaos vehicle sprue to the DV Hellbrute's Melta


Not the best conversion but superfast

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large daemonically mutated & ornately adorned amps rising from the dread's back & replacing the arms.  A ripped-open, exposed front chasis revealing the zombified upper torso of the husk of a noise marine entombed within, all mechanically & daemonically wired into the interior.  The 'pilot' is playing a multineck guitar which is in turn wired into the dreadnought's systems


concept art (please forgive quality, I'm working with a track pad here)



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alternatively, the same exposed zombie playing instrument concept, but instead of guitar & amps it's organ keyboard & pipes, possibly incorporating SoB Exorcist bits

I'd actually like this if they could make the pipes similar to the old Noise Marine champ who had the leering faces/ organ backpack.

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That'd work. And then cram in a few more pipes with plasticard tube and cut out faces using something like a soldering knife/tip. Probably just add some clamps with rivets to the piping and find something to give the tops a 'crown' like the forgefiend exhaust pipes.

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...then Kierdale arrives from the land of the rising sun and shows us how to do a proper job


Edit: to make my comment a bit more useful...where did you pick up that missile launcher from?

Not at all! It’s just one idea. :)


The missile launcher is actually the one from within a drop pod. I’m glad to hear it’s not immediately recognisable.

I really must get back to that model and finish it.

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Not at all! It’s just one idea. :smile.:



Jun one _ very cool_ idea! I will soon convert something akin thanks to you!


Seems i finally found what to do with a half destroyed dreddy and the Heldrake hind legs

Edited by Filkarion
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Here a bit delayed as promised a picture of my two Hellbrute- Blastmasters:



In my Opinion the big advantages of using the Plasma Connon are:


- The Helbrute Plasma Cannon does not work for me in 8th

- Its all magnetizable easily with the test of the parts - as I tend to magnetize all options


Besides I also converted myself a sonic weapon for terminators, maybe that is some inspiration too:

Kida stole the Idea from Kieridale, who was using it for a sonic landspeeder if I remember correctly.

I use it as a counts as heavy flamer / autocannon - depending what i want to play. ;)




Hope it helps. I am sorry for the :cussty Phone pictures. Constructive critizism is also always welcome. :wink:

I documented the production process, but somehow the pics got corrupted >.<

Edited by Maschinenpriester
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I'm using an old metal Broadside Railgun as the basis for a Blastmaster. It's attached to one of the Dreadnought weapon mounts (my Helbrute is based on the Venerable Dreadnought kit, back from the days of Ferrum Infernus Dreadnoughts being things) and I've sawn a Daemon Prince head in half to act as a starting point for a "muzzle gargoyle". There's also some other miscellaneous junk added here and there, notably a Tau shield generator and a circular bit from a Chaos Bike, along with some Plasticard, It's far from finished but hopefully it'll look the part.

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I’ll see what I can do about bulking up the blastmaster on my dread.

As for the pilot carrying a guitar...perhaps not this time. I’m tempted to do some kind of tank with a sonic weapon (performer) on top sometime though.


And Maschinenpriester’s terminator there is exactly what I want to do for my Obliterators, with different kinds/mountings of sonic weapons, with plenty of tentacles. Put the ‘flesh’ into ‘flesh weapons’.

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