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Path to glory rules?

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I want to do a 40k path to glory to motivate myself to get stuff done. The unfortunate thing is I can't seem to find the rules for it. I looked on amazon and ebay for various searches such as: path to glory 40k, path to glory chaos, warhammer 40k path to glory. All I can find is the rules for AoS. Can anyone help a brother out?
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As of right now the only one I know of is relegated to chaos space marines only, but I doubt it is still "legal" for 8th.  I believe it was released in piecemeal during the advent one holiday season with a full collection released at the end.  


I just checked my Ibook library and when I tried to download it again I received a no longer available in the U.S. store message. This leads me to believe they could be working on a replacement that includes all factions.  Sorry there isn't much for this, the AoS one is fantastic and they really should port it to 40k.

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No worries, kinda sucks we can't access it anymore.  I believe MWG is doing a path to glory with the book (don't know how they still have a copy) so you may be able to put together something from the first video where they are rolling for their units. Good luck!

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I actually just found a guy on youtube with a video review of the warband creation and he does a test one. I snapshotted the screens, the warband creation will mostly port, I just need to make custom ones for Tsons and DG, and add exalted champions.



I managed to get my hands on tables and the basic rules for rolling a warband, some simple changes can make it compatible with 8th edition. I can even modify the table to work with DG and Tsons for sure. I just need to gather three other people to do a Plog for Path to Glory.

Edited by HCMistborn
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That sounds fun- I loved the old Warhammer fantasy Path to Glory rules... never had enough local chaos players to run a campaign, though. Let me know when you have the tables put together, HCMistborn, this sounds pretty sweet.

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