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How can the big Guys survive?


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Last Weekend I played a tourney with the following list:





Herald on disc

troops: 3 Pink and brimstone horrors

2000 points


First game i lost against Tau Commander Spam


Second game I lost against a shooty Eldar army,  Doom did his part too


The third game I won against Tyranids.



Now my question: How can i modify my army to keep the big Guys a bit longer at live???



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Right now your army is either :

- Big scary stuff with damage capabilities

- Small mooks


Target priority is easy for shoots armies ! I imagine the Tyranids were more driven towards melee than shooting :)


You need other types of damage dealers, so that if the enemy wastes shots on the big stuff, your damage dealers are still out there!

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I'm not sure, but aren't Atraposes kinda bad these days? I could be wrong.


Either way, I would look at each unit and its role. What are the Brimstones doing there? I mean, they can soak smites, but that's about it. Smitespam also seems to be on the wane, and the armies you faced didn't do that. Also, you should not have lost to a Tau Commander spam - how did you lose? How was your deployment?

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The Daemon Primarchs have their own protection units and synergy within their army. Mortarion has Deathshroud and buffs from Heralds and the like, the same with Magnus. Not sure what you expect running something like this. 

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What do you suggest to support Magnus and/or Mortarion???



1. Changling

2. Ahriman 

3. Some Thousand sons sorcerers. 

So you will get -1 to hit and can use the stratagem of TS on Magnus, so it will be +4 to cast, which is really hot, especially for The Death Hex. 



1. Deathshroud terminators, but they are very expensive now. 

2. Epidemius (for casting another spell +1 to wound and on 7+ mortal wounds, so with his own spells he will get mortal wounds on 5+ and double damage). 

3. Death guard 2D6 streight flamers guys

4. Plague marines with grenades and grenade guy, so you can use the stratagems and throw many grenades in enemy's faces. 

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What do you suggest to support Magnus and/or Mortarion???



1. Changling

2. Ahriman 

3. Some Thousand sons sorcerers. 

So you will get -1 to hit and can use the stratagem of TS on Magnus, so it will be +4 to cast, which is really hot, especially for The Death Hex. 



1. Deathshroud terminators, but they are very expensive now. 

2. Epidemius (for casting another spell +1 to wound and on 7+ mortal wounds, so with his own spells he will get mortal wounds on 5+ and double damage). 

3. Death guard 2D6 streight flamers guys

4. Plague marines with grenades and grenade guy, so you can use the stratagems and throw many grenades in enemy's faces. 


They dropped to 180 points for a minimum unit. Still expensive, but you get what you pay for.

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