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How do you guys feel about using the dreadclaw to drop PMs into close range? I made a list with two ranged PM squads and a melee one. The melee and a blight launcher squad drop in with a blight bringer to help get the charge, and a plaguecaster for support. This is supported by a boots on the ground PM squad or objective taking poxwalkers, a Daemon Prince, and three blight drones.


In general, how do you feel about using mkaing up for slowness with a dreadclaw?

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I've been debating doing the same thing as I scale up. Way I see it is after the special weapons, plague marines are just extra wounds anyhow, so why not give them some melee weapons in case the unit sees combat. A dreadclaw would get the marines into optimal range either way, and it also seems like a great way to get into blight bombardment range and unleash some hell that way
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I second the Blight Bombardment idea. Would need to bring somebody with Warp Time to get into grenade range, but totally doable.


Since the Claw can transport models with the same <MARK OF CHAOS>, not just the same <LEGION>, you can totally fit DG plague marines and, say, a Purged or Alpha Legion Nurgle Sorcerer in there.


Another option is to start the pod on the table, cast Miasma of Pestilence on it for safety, and just Advance Turn 1, Bombard/Charge Turn 2.

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