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Greeting fellow Plague Brethren.


Now that I've got my DG almost painted and ready to go, I've been searching for a good site that goes through all the ins and outs of tactics but haven't found anything good. Could you recommend a good site that breaks down the units and using DG please.

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Well we have a few topics on this very website! But perhaps it is time to amalgamate them all in one thread.


4chan gives a reasonable opinion and break down of units. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000/Tactics/Death_Guard(8E)


Supporting units and tactics- http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341937-how-are-you-outfitting-and-supporting-you-pms/page-2?do=findComment&comment=4956389


'dirty tricks' - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/340381-tactics-and-dirty-tricks/page-2?do=findComment&comment=4943438


Now bare in mind some of the advice given varies dependant on if you are going for a tourniment setting/ points per model or Power Points.

For example: i play Power points so the different squad weapons have no impact on the points level of my unit (they could have everything or be bare bones - still the same)

The thing about these tactics is with our modern er@ of codexes flying out the door and chapter approved, it’s a pretty volatile tabletop. I mean nearly the very stuff we saw in the first Grand Tournament have been nerfed to varying degrees.


At the same time, sound tactics are always good to have. Personally I have little so I go purely with hot dice and take it from there. ;)

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