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Surviving against Eldar


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I'd keep calm. If he mainly runs Iyanden he is pulling punches (-1 to hit is better), and that wraith knight isn't the terror it used to be.


The units you've listed also tend to eat through points in a hurry a wraith knight, 2 units of wraiths, a hemlock would be over a 1000 points. I'm willing to bet that he has serpents for the wraiths (and probably a 3rd unit) so its more like 1500, after HQs and troops he isn't going to be able to fit in all the tricks that elder have. If he isn't running serpents than he probably plans on deep striking the wraiths which is going to eat through a lot of his CPs.  


I really can't emphasize that last point enough I really think that people see how many combos elder have available and do more to hinder their own plans that what would have happened if you forced us to use a stratagem.


Well I can pretty much accurately write down his list as he brings the same units most of the time.




5 Wraith Flamers in Serpent

Fire Dragons in Falcon


Infiltrating Striking Scorpions, often with Karandras

Farseer with jump pack relic

Guardians with Gun Plattform

Dark Reapers

Couple of jetbikes and an Autarch sometimes.

War walkers sometimes.


The way I see it is that I can actually (slightly?) outshoot him, forcing him to come to me (which is something he doesnt seem to like much). The only long range shooting is the the Knight and the Lord, versus my Scorpius (out of LOS), a HB Rapier, a Sicaran and then maybe Devastators and/or a Razorback. Maybe I’ll get a Chaplain Dread with Twin Las, too, for additional punch. All accompanied by a Captain with jump pack and a Primaris Lt.


So yeah, if he hangs back I’ll gladly trade shots, if he marches up somethings gonna die to the Wraith Flamers but after that they’re toast. Scorpions can come in and assault but they’ll still have to make the 9in and then my captain (with Sanguinary Guard) will dispatch them. Or simply the firebase itself.


Objectives will be grabbed by scouts and once the opportunity presents itself Lemartes and 10 of his angry friends will drop in.


Sounds like a plan?


All of your advice has already made me feel better!

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Yeah that should work. I think your first priority should be the dark reapers, and then the hemlock. His list really doesn't seem to have a lot of shooting and killing the reapers would really limit his flexibility. Hemlocks are pretty good, so that a unit to hit early but yeah that army is pretty reasonable should be a fun game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thx for showing me this post!
I have a game tomorrow against Eldar. "friendly" match..
Have played them once against another opponent, so i have no idea what he will bring, or what my strategy should be - well now that i have read most of this tread, I have a direction.

One says get up close all at once, others talk of out shoot your opponent.

How does this sound:
Lemartes + 9 DC (atm only with CS+BG)
Sanguinor + 5 SG (PS and AB. haven't got anymore)
Captain with JP + Company vets 2 x 5 with PG and JP
Redemptor with the gatlin gun - i like the model, but as for what i can see dreads are prop not a good idea?
Libbydread + Slamguinius captain, JP, TH, SS and the angels wings relic.
Lastly i have a Vindicare assassin, to try and take out his HQ's.

Let me know what wont work! thanks! And wish me luck.. i'm really lost on this, i usually play marines/Tau no sweat x)

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You’re welcome brother! I‘ve only had a few matches in 8th so far, but what has worked decently for me is assembling a gunline (Whirlwind Scorpius, LC Razorback, Devastators...) and deploy them around Captn Smush and his trusty Primaris Lt. Spend a turn or 2 shooting things to pieces (Dark Reapers for instance) and only when there’s a really good opportunity send in the jump pack cavalry. I think the biggest mistake is to drop them too early - they are just too fragile and even 2D6 rerollable is still not great odds. The stratagem is ace though.


The unit I have been consistently most disappointed by is my Libby Dread. For some reason he just never gets to do much at all - either he’s hiding for fear of getting shot (with no ranged weapons staying behind the screen doesnt help me) or he’s moving up to get into melee and is subsequently getting shot before making it. Will proxy the Chaplain Dread in my next game as I’ve heard good things about that one.


Personal high priority targets vs Eldar would be Dark Reapers, Wraithjet and Wraith Guard with the flamers (but they’re usually in a Serpent which I wouldn’t bother to try and shoot down, it’s just too resilient).

Edited by Blackcadian
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Hmm !

Nice to read about others experiences. Man, on paper, it seems way harder than it probably is. :cussty T3! come on! :)
Should i loose the redemptor and the libby dread? perhaps for leviathan with 2xgravflux or even 2x storm cannon in a dread-pod perhaps? they are cheaper now ^^

I haven't added devastators yet, that's probably foolish not too.. but what should i cut then?? my company vets are doing a great job normally, and with the stratagem to relocate them easily, they will be a mean, or atleast the one that i can move, moving unit!

the only tank i've got is the land raider. love the model, but it's close to horse :cuss in game :b (atleast point wise).

I was thinking captain then libby charge, but if i cut the libby, what use do i have of the captain? besides a maniac that could :cuss up something bigger ofc - perhaps with sang guard? Hmm

what should i cut to get room for devastators? perhaps forget the leviathan and just cut the libby-dread - maybe even both?

For Sanguinius!

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I can't comment on the pros and cons for your BA list I'm still to use them in anger, but I've used Assassins with my IG, I would drop the single Vindi. Assassins work best in pairs or trio`s to take high value HQ. A single Vindi will only achieve 2 wounds on average per turn. I would spend the points on more bodies. Or find another ~80pts to bring another assassin to work in tag team with a Vindi.

Good luck, the pointy ears are fallible I recently tabled an Ulthwé force with my IG by running a gunline. They are very much a glass cannon, once you get into CC you will wreck some pointy ear face.

Edited by our_baz
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Vindi is 90 points and does 3.5 wound a turn on average, not to split hairs! But a farseer is 5 wounds, can he afford to leave him alone? i haven't got  another 90 points atm, but i could try and find it.. i was also thinking more in what you said with more bodies - a vanguard vets squad with hammers and sheilds 5 or 10. Good against D.reapers jumps in and hits stuff out of the blue?

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Vindi is 90 points and does 3.5 wound a turn on average, not to split hairs! But a farseer is 5 wounds, can he afford to leave him alone? i haven't got  another 90 points atm, but i could try and find it.. i was also thinking more in what you said with more bodies - a vanguard vets squad with hammers and sheilds 5 or 10. Good against D.reapers jumps in and hits stuff out of the blue?

I’ve read a few batreps with a Vindi and at least in those he was a major letdown. Are you sure about those 3,5 wounds? Doesn't a farseer have a ward save, too? Another aspect to consider is that by bringing an Assassin you lose a command point and we’re very CP hungry.


Lastly, someone here has mentioned that the pointy ears have an auspex scan stratagem of their own, only without the hit penatly (way to balance GW...). So, be careful with dropping in.

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The Vindicare assassin ignores invul ;) that's why i liked him to take out farseer/warlocks.. he did okay, not great.. pulled the farseer down to 2 wounds, and was unlocky on both warlocks - left them with 1 wound left.
But he did statisticly bad/unlucky.
he does d6 wounds, half of d6 is 3.5 - that is atleast how i determine dice :) he hits and wounds on 2+. :)

Wow, what a game! First things first, I won! we stopped after turn 2, he had 2 transport left and a few characters, so no point to go on.

He brought 2 x 5 darkreapers, 3 warlocks and a farseer, 2 prism tanks and 2 transport with annoyingly many wounds and high T. 2 guardian squads with missile launcher and 10 rangers. Ow! and a Knight!

I failcharged with Mc-smashyface and sanguinor, but removed the dark reapers with sangy guard, and eventually the knight with a lot of help from plasma veterans.

Fun game, super random! he goes fluffy more than competitive, that could be the reason i won :)

Winning units:
Plama vets
Sanguinary Guards
Sanguinor - he gave 8 wounds to the knight when it charged him ;p

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Vindi is 90 points and does 3.5 wound a turn on average, not to split hairs! But a farseer is 5 wounds, can he afford to leave him alone? i haven't got another 90 points atm, but i could try and find it.. i was also thinking more in what you said with more bodies - a vanguard vets squad with hammers and sheilds 5 or 10. Good against D.reapers jumps in and hits stuff out of the blue?

I’ve read a few batreps with a Vindi and at least in those he was a major letdown. Are you sure about those 3,5 wounds? Doesn't a farseer have a ward save, too? Another aspect to consider is that by bringing an Assassin you lose a command point and we’re very CP hungry.


Lastly, someone here has mentioned that the pointy ears have an auspex scan stratagem of their own, only without the hit penatly (way to balance GW...). So, be careful with dropping in.

The vindicare ignores invuln saves, but he does D3 for damage, but on a 6+ to wound he does d6

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The Vindicare assassin ignores invul ;) that's why i liked him to take out farseer/warlocks.. he did okay, not great.. pulled the farseer down to 2 wounds, and was unlocky on both warlocks - left them with 1 wound left.

But he did statisticly bad/unlucky.

he does d6 wounds, half of d6 is 3.5 - that is atleast how i determine dice :) he hits and wounds on 2+. :)

Wow, what a game! First things first, I won! we stopped after turn 2, he had 2 transport left and a few characters, so no point to go on.

He brought 2 x 5 darkreapers, 3 warlocks and a farseer, 2 prism tanks and 2 transport with annoyingly many wounds and high T. 2 guardian squads with missile launcher and 10 rangers. Ow! and a Knight!

I failcharged with Mc-smashyface and sanguinor, but removed the dark reapers with sangy guard, and eventually the knight with a lot of help from plasma veterans.

Fun game, super random! he goes fluffy more than competitive, that could be the reason i won :)

Winning units:

Plama vets

Sanguinary Guards

Sanguinor - he gave 8 wounds to the knight when it charged him ;p

Congratulations man! Sounds like you had a blast and kicked some pointy ear butt! Thanks for the MVP list, too. Sanguinor I’ve heard good things about but so far didnt like him on paper.


I had my game today, too, and it was extremely fun, close and BRUTAL! I’ll see that I post a smallish batrep tomorrow!

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Lookin forward to read it!
Let me just say about the sanguinor - i totally get where you are coming from, I felt the same way. I tried dante a couple of times and found him way to expensive :/ I guess it's all about what you bring and what you like.
I needed a tough warlord, and Sanguinor is that! 2+ 4++ and 5W so he wont break like Lemartes tend to do for me :/ .. he costs more, but with 6 attack at S6 -4AP, you can charge bigger units and survive while wrecking the S*** out of them!...
You don't need him to run SG, but he works way better for me than Astorath does. Thoose extra points saved  when not bringing Dante, goes into Sanguinary Guards ^^

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