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Warpsmith model


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So, having had terrible experience with Finecast previously, I was wondering what people's experiences with the GW Warpsmith model are? I'm stuck between him and the FW Techmarines, but if anyone has any other suggestions, I'm open to them. 

Edited by ChazSexington
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I love my Warpsmith because it is a really cool model but it is a delicate one.


This is entirely my fault because of where I put him but as I was cleaning the other day the Warpsmith plummeted from a shelf. After that I found a couple of pieces across the room. With the exception of a small 'cable', the pieces were easy to reattach with glue as they were just 'heads' of mechadendrites. What wasn't my fault was all the reshaping I had to do after buying it (axe, mechadendrites, pipes, etc).


The FW techmarine looks sturdier and it's probably easier to work with but I am personally still happy with my Warpsmith.

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I love my Warpsmith because it is a really cool model but it is a delicate one.


This is entirely my fault because of where I put him but as I was cleaning the other day the Warpsmith plummeted from a shelf. After that I found a couple of pieces across the room. With the exception of a small 'cable', the pieces were easy to reattach with glue as they were just 'heads' of mechadendrites. What wasn't my fault was all the reshaping I had to do after buying it (axe, mechadendrites, pipes, etc).


The FW techmarine looks sturdier and it's probably easier to work with but I am personally still happy with my Warpsmith.


Why did you have to reshape it? Finecast or conversion?

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I hate Finecast and refuse to use it, especially for delicate parts.  I love the Warpsmith model, except the head, but I won't get.  Same for the Dark Apostle... too many fiddly parts that Finecast doesn't do well with.  At all.


I ended up converting my own from the Carin Wraith and fistful of bits, pretty pleased with it.  It's in the link if you want to check it out...



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I can attest to bendy warpsmith axes. It is a smaller bits and being finecast definitely doesn't help. I scavenged my warpsmith for bits and used the axe and the large pipes for an IW terminator Warsmith. That axe was a problem and had to get it straightened. Then I think Texas heat and being in an army case in my trunk didn't help awhile back. I'm considering replacing it with one from an admech fella.

The rest worked out ok. I didn't use his cable cloak or the mechatendrils.



Once I finish up a few things I want to revisit him and do something about adding to the back pack with some wires and doo-dads. Feel like I missed out on the mechatendrils and everything. And I want to give him an updated head with more eye lenses too.

Edited by hushrong
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Mine personally only came with one bent bit: one of the pipes on the backpack. I was cutting that off to attach a servo skull anyway and I converted the hand with a combi-melta. He's amazing in terms of detail and not hard to convert if you're good with a knife, but he's delicate....no doubt about it.


Also, be careful packing him in foam, since the tons of little pointy bits will snag on it and possibly tear themselves off.


If that's not your thing, I would suggest buying some Admech Kataphron Battle Servitors. They have great backpacks and weapon rigs (including a flamer and some bits that can easily be converted into meltaguns). The torsos can also work with some chopping. Then attach to MkIII legs and arms a matching helm and you're good. Scavenge the Age of Sigmar Chaos line for some amazing axes. Alternately, combining the Kataphron bits with the Mighty Lord/Kull kit from AoS and a MkIII helm looks great if you're going Khorne. If not, just clip/dremel the icons.


I personally own 2 of the old Iron Warriors Warsmith fig and you can buy them on eBay. Adding Kataphron bits to one of those would be easy.


Bonus: The Kataphron lower bodies make awesome chassis for Rapiers. Add some spacers, a weapon, and a spare gun shroud from a Predator or Land Raider sprue and you're good. A single Kataphron box allowed me to get bits for 3 Rapiers, 2 Hellwrights, and a squad of IW Possessed and I'm STILL not done with it.

Edited by GreaterChickenofTzeentch
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Mine personally only came with one bent bit: one of the pipes on the backpack. I was cutting that off to attach a servo skull anyway and I converted the hand with a combi-melta. He's amazing in terms of detail and not hard to convert if you're good with a knife, but he's delicate....no doubt about it.


Also, be careful packing him in foam, since the tons of little pointy bits will snag on it and possibly tear themselves off.


If that's not your thing, I would suggest buying some Admech Kataphron Battle Servitors. They have great backpacks and weapon rigs (including a flamer and some bits that can easily be converted into meltaguns). The torsos can also work with some chopping. Then attach to MkIII legs and arms a matching helm and you're good. Scavenge the Age of Sigmar Chaos line for some amazing axes. Alternately, combining the Kataphron bits with the Mighty Lord/Kull kit from AoS and a MkIII helm looks great if you're going Khorne. If not, just clip/dremel the icons.


I personally own 2 of the old Iron Warriors Warsmith fig and you can buy them on eBay. Adding Kataphron bits to one of those would be easy.


Bonus: The Kataphron lower bodies make awesome chassis for Rapiers. Add some spacers, a weapon, and a spare gun shroud from a Predator or Land Raider sprue and you're good. A single Kataphron box allowed me to get bits for 3 Rapiers, 2 Hellwrights, and a squad of IW Possessed and I'm STILL not done with it.


That's awesome! I found some other bits from Anvil Industries that look damn nifty as well, so I'm veering hard to a kitbash!

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I waswas just going to convert a loyalist Techmarine model with harness. You can still find them in metal online in places, and swapping the plasma cutter to a melta shouldn't be terribly difficult.


I have this hangup on converting metal models - I feel like I'm desecrating Buddha statues in Afghanistan :( Chaos isn't about that! 


I like the idea of converting one of the FW tech marines, if you have enough Chaosy bitz :thumbsup:


I definitely do! I'd get whatever else needed from eBay, Kromlech and Anvil, I think. I also have a tentacle roller and other bitz to make more Chaosy mechatendrils. 


I went with the FW techmarine path like others mentioned. I liked the mkIV look of the armor, and think it works well. I kept him stock, save for adding some tendrils with some wire and various bits. When I get home I can upload a quick pick for reference.


I like both, I'm leaning towards the MKIII for my Red Corsairs, but I'll probably go MKIV for my Alpha Legion. 

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