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Well. This is a part of the B&C I don't frequent. I don't usually do Guard. But, I got commissioned to do some painting, and so I have a question!


What dictates and determines the regiment/company/squad markings on Guardsmen? Which of these are usually visible? How are they displayed? What level of deviation is there?


Paint schemes I got down, but this is a case for lore-accuracy. Help me B&C, you're my only hope!

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Old school used to be squad/platoon/company markings with the regiment being displayed on the army standard.


The company would have a primary colour and so would the platoons. The squad would normally have a number.


This would be displayed as a circle with the left half in the company colour, the right half in the platoon colour and then the squad number overlaying it.


Here is an example that I found online:




This little insignia patch is normally displayed on a shoulder pad or on larger pieces of equipment (like heavy weapon gun-shields).

Edited by Inso

I differentiate differently with my Elysians. I do a colored strip running down their left shoulder pad. I don't differentiate different squads because in real life that changes as often as a platoon sergeant changes his socks and comes up with a better idea. I use a dark red stripe for basic infantry squads and sergeants with a thin yellow stripe on their helmets. My Veteran squads are a dark red stripe with thin white borders(I do the white first and go back with the filling red on top). Head quarters squads like command squads have a light grey/white stripe on their left pads and officers have a thin white stripe on their helms. Heavy weapon and sniper teams have a dark green stripe but they are kind of obvious.


In real life you wouldn't have any of these as the whole point is everyone looking the same so you cant pick them out but table top demands at least a little differentiation.

I can understand squads not having markings like Marines do - a Guardsman's life expectancy is infinitely smaller than a Space Marine's.


The color-filled circle with the squad number definitely feels... Dated. Don't see any of the more recent official 'Eavy Metal team paintjobs with those. And yet, I've seen it show up in official artwork (like HERE). It gets further confused by other artwork (such as THIS). There's clearly some sort of symbol on the Guardsman's left pauldron. Also clearly indicated is the numeral - is that likely of Platoon or Company (logic suggests it cannot be Regiment)? Much artwork depicts the regiment number showing up on either pauldron - is there any indication of proper?

The general premise of the guard was that they are so varied and diverse the Imperium generally leaves it up to them how to raise and co-ordinate their regiments. As long as there is bodies, they don't care how they dress. 

Based on the links I assume you're doing Cadians? In which case you could just follow the back of the box?

Otherwise here is what I was referring to before

The 'so varied' makes a lot of sense in why the artwork and fluff I have found is entirely inconsistent. Makes my job easier, too.


Cadians are the models, yes, but the commission was for nonstandard colors, so figured I'd do something a little nonstandard with the markings.


This essentially answers the questions that need be dealt with. Onward!

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