SmiteThemAll Posted December 13, 2017 Share Posted December 13, 2017 Hey all, I don't have the new codex yet but I've collected all the leaks and I'm going to try them out tomorrow. I'll be playing a 2000 point game vs a friends Sisters/Guard/INQ list. He usually brings Celestene+ 2 bodyguards/ a unit of 10 Seraphim with melta pistols/ a mix of guard infantry squads and sisters squads with some taurox's and repressors. A basilisk and some other assorted close combat units like arco-flagelants and crusaders. We're not the most competitive pair but recently I've been taking Deathwing and getting trounced so I'm going to mix in some green wing and more ravenwing. I'll be bringing the following BATTALION DETACHMENT Chaplain on bike (Warlord: Brilliant strategist: Relic: Shroud of heroes) Librarian on bike w/Axe 10 Tacs w/Plasma gun and combi-plas Razorback w/Twin assault cannons 9 Tacs w/Plasma gun and combi-melta Rhino 5 Scouts Whirlwind w/Castellan launcher OUTRIDER DETACHMENT Sammy in Speeder 5 Black knights Ravewnwing apothecary 6 Ravenwing bikes w/2xGrav Land speeder typhoon Land speeder typhoon Land speeder typhoon I'll write up a report and have it up on Friday. Any comments on the list are welcome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kasper_Hawser Posted December 14, 2017 Share Posted December 14, 2017 Hi, just to point out, you got 2 large squad of tacticals, one of which you attached a Razorback, which they can't fit unless you combat squad. Is that your intention? Also regarding the Land Speeder Typhoon, I strongly recommend you replace them as they are really expensive and hit by the Heavy Weapon penalty when moving. Maybe replace them with a squad of deathwing with some stormshields, or just naked with stormbolters. With the Deathwing Assault, you might make a big dent against his T3 infantry. I suggest get rid of the infantry with special weapons first, then go after the Arco flagellants or Crusaders. Or just use more bikes with melta and plasma. Actually wait, since you are already using land speeders, may as well use the Dark Shroud to protect your bikers. Other than that, you are a little light on anti-tank but you making a fast Ravenwing list. One way to remedy is use melta instead of Grav, as you can still shoot after advancing. Best of luck. Hope my advice is useful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlamingDeth Posted December 14, 2017 Share Posted December 14, 2017 Unfortunately for those of us on mobile devices the list is basically unreadable, until the second post it looked like the list consisted of a single tactical squads and three land speeders. Hellunder and JGeils81 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SnakeChisler Posted December 14, 2017 Share Posted December 14, 2017 If he's got Celestine then take the relic that makes a character fight last even when they charge on 1 of your characters Good luck Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SmiteThemAll Posted December 14, 2017 Author Share Posted December 14, 2017 (edited) Ok played the game against a very soft list as he was trying out some new stuff. Apologies for the less than coherent bat rep, there are a few pictures and I cant remember every move but you can get the gist. My list was unchanged from the OP His list was. Jacobus Company commander Inquisitor w/Infernus pistol 5 Sisters w/Multi melta 10 infantry w/Plasma gun 10 infantry w/Autocannon 10 infantry w/Heavy bolter 9 Arco-flagellants 6 Acolytes w/2Plasma/2Melta/2Flamer 3 acolytes w/1 Power fist/ 1 Thunder hammer and 1 Power maul Jokaero w/Digital weapons Evesor assassin Exorcist 2xPentinant engines Basilisk Immolator w/Flamers Sororitas rhino Repressor w/Heavy flamer storm bolter Taurox prime w/Autoncannons+ missile launchers 5 Dominions w/4xMelta gun and combi melta PRE GAME We played Spoils of war maelstrom mission type with dawn of war deployment. I had 3 objectives in my deployment zone. One 6" from my board edge in the centre, one 6" from my board edge on the far right and one about 12" in on my left. My opponent placed two objectives centrally on top of ruins to prevent my bikes from getting to them and then placed one deep in his deployment zone on my far right. I deployed almost everything centrally with the 10 man tac on foot and the 9 man squad in its rhino. Razorback with them and the ravenwing contingent centre left. The whirlwind went far right on the objective. My opponent deployed everything centrally apart from the Exorcist and taurox, which deployed near the objective in his deployment zone and his basilisk which went on the far left board edge. Evesor did his ninja deployment. I then deploy my scouts right in front of his dominions in the immolator so they can't Scout move forward and start melting land speeders which are directly in front of them The dominions in their immolator are then forced to move centrally with their scout move, skirting around those pesky scouts. I made the interrogator chaplain my warlord and gave him brilliant strategist. He also wore the shroud of heroes. Librarian took aversion and mind wipe. Opponent made the Inquisitor his warlord and gave her an extra wound and 6+ wound ignore wounds. I won the roll off and chose to go first and was not seized on. TURN 1 DARK ANGELS I draw defend objective 1 (which almost my entire army is deployed around) and secure objective 5. Cant remember the other one, it wasn't doable. I use my first CP and use speed of the raven to move the Ravenwing bike squad on a far left flanking move. I then gain the CP back with brilliant strategist. The librarian follows suit moving 20" hoping to impair the basilisk's shooting. Sammy and the speeders move up and a bit more central as do the Black knights. I'm looking to nuke the immolator and its contents and also give the speeders some shots on his backfield shooting elements. Tactical squad on foot stays still while the other remains in its rhino. Scouts advance to be even more annoying PSYCHIC PHASE TURN 1 Librarian gets off Aversion on the basilisk with a command re-roll (Which I promptly get back much to my friends chagrin) He then gets off Mind wipe also and permanently reduces the basilisk WS BS and LD by 1. The basilisk will now be hitting of sixes in his shooting phase. SHOOTING PHASE TURN 1 I use my second stratagem of the game on the Black knights, Weapons of the Dark age. I decide to overcharge (Sammael is 6" away) and they open up on the Immolator. Some poor to wound rolls and I only get 2 unsaved wounds through. I don't get this CP back It then takes a lot of my army to remove the remaining 4 wounds and 2 Dominions die in the wreckage. The ravening bike squad shoots the Sororitas Rhino which has the INQ in it and does no wounds (Grav guns are garbage) The Whirlwind targets the infantry squad with the auto cannon and kills 6!!! The rest flee after failing morale. Other shooting bounces off saves, I think I did some random wounds to vehicles. ASSAULT TURN 1 My ravenwing bikers assault the rhino (7") but do no damage but are now deep in his deployment zone. My scouts assault his Dominions killing a couple. I score 1 point with my librarian and keep hold of defend objective 2 (which I am so on!!) and discard the useless one. This picture is taken at the end of my turn one, the immolator was centre between the two buildings. The scout/Dominion combat is going on behind the left building. INQ TURN 1 Rhino backs out of combat with the Bikers but not before the inquisitor gets out hoping to punk the librarian in front of her. Repressor lets out the 3 man acolyte squad (to assault the scouts)and then moves and advances forward ,directly toward Sammy and his speeder friends. Arcos and Penitant engines move and advance heading towards the centre and my Greenwing wall. His 5 sisters move forward. His evesor choose to appear in front of the whirlwind as he drew the objective it was on. His guard squads react to the Bikers in his back field moving closer to them to be able to do first rank second rank fire. INQ TURN 1 PSYCHIC The inquisitor smites the librarian but with a Psychic hood he is able to deny INQ TURN 1 SHOOTING He kills two Bikers in the back field with combined shooting from the infantry squads. He takes 5 wounds from the Whirlwind with various shooting. The inquisitor takes my Librarian down to 1 wound. Other shooting goes into the Librarian but he survives(I had to CP re-roll an armour save) Various shooting takes one land speeder down to 1 wound and another down to 4 INQ TURN 1 ASSAULT. The guard squad fails to assault the ravenwing bikers and lose a few to overwatch. The Inquisitor gets into the librarian but can't kill him (again I had to CP re-roll an armour save) The 3 man acolytes make it into the scouts and he also charges the Repressor into them. HE ONLY KILLS 2 OF THEM!! This was doubly brutal as he had the "blood and guts" maelstrom card. The Rhino assaults my bikers hoping to tie them up. DARK ANGELS TURN 2 I draw Kill a Psyker and two that I cant get. I use "Retractable" stratagem on my Ravenwing bikers and move away from the Rhino to the infantry squads. I fall out of combat with the Inquisitor and promptly move the Ravenwing apothecary over to him and heal 2 wounds. The scouts also fall back. The speeders, Sammy and black knights reposition away from the Arco's threat range and take aim at the Repressor, They also surround the Inquisitor The second tactical squad disembarks to get into range to fire at the penitent engines. DARK ANGELS PSYCHIC TURN 2 Again I aversion the basilisk effectively neutering it and i smite the Inquisitor removing 2 wounds. DARK ANGELS SHOOTING TURN 2 Shooting goes very well. I use weapons of the dark age on my plasma tacticals and overcharge. Even out side of double tap range and they smoke a penitent engine and wound the other. Hitting on 3's re-rolling ones for not having moved. The second tac squad and the Razorback finish off the second penitent engine. The land speeders blow up the Repressor and kill the inquisitor with split fire. The Black knights then smoke the passengers apart from the Jokero Sammael combines with the ravenwing in the backfield to wipe out both infantry squads. Whirlwind wounds the evesor. From here on its a case of mopping up. The next turn over charging black knights using weapons from the dark age puts an end to the Arco's, the evesor charges the tacticals and is killed in assault. My opponent makes a game of it managing to get with in 3 maelstrom points of my before I table him in turn 6. Heres some more pics Taken just after i blew up the repressor Some conclusions and musings. My opponent had a very soft list and I didn't even have the codex so take all of this with a pinch of salt. Sammael in Sableclaw: A+ His re-rolls for the Typhoons make them playable. He can also no longer be targeted unless he is the closest model so its a lot easier to keep him alive. His shooting eats light infantry for breakfast and he's not bad at getting a few wounds of high toughness things if needs be. His re-roll 1's to hit for DA models also really helped the Razorback. Librarian: A He really performed well this game, aversion and mind worm are super troll . He shut down the basilisk HARD. He got lucky surviving as long as he did the Apothecary ended up healing him back to full wounds. Interogator chappy: C He did nothing really, he assaulted Jacobus late game and got nothing done. His warlord trait however was AMAZING. I think I got back 4 CPS effectively giving me 11. Black Knights B+ They're great at shooting, especially with the dark age strat but they are squishy as hell. They all died turn 6 when my opponent eventually started targeting them with his Taurox RW Apothecary:B Healed the Libby back to full health and helped here and there with shooting. Ravenwing bikes C+ Ok, not bad, grav guns are trash tho. I think I'd like to try them with 2xmelta and a combi melta. i think a flamer squad would be nice with the speed of the raven strat. Move 20" flame/bolter something then assault something else. Plasma would be nice too especially with sammy nearby and weapons of the dark age. Landspeeders: B+ They are great with sammy's re-roll but I feel like an army that shoots well will shut them down pretty quick Tacticals: B+ Again weapons from the dark age really helped their damage output along with grim resolve. I think I might be fielding them in 10 man squads with Plasma/Combi plasma and a plasma cannon. Scouts: A+ For 55 points i managed to mitigate my opponents scout moves. I don't think it would work vs celestine and seraphim tho as their act of faith free movement doesn't have to end 9" away from enemy models. Whirlwind: B- not bad, good anti infantry if you roll well. He was a bit of a bullet sponge for the first few turns and took the heat off my squishy bikes and speeders. So my conclusion is that grim resolve is good for greenwing (DUUUUUUHHH) I know I know, its obvious but it really does make a tactical squad with Plasma dangerous. Sammy in a speeder is maybe not the best way to take him but I like my conversion. His re-rolls are VITAL in your taking heavy weapons on speeder or attack bikes. Weapons of the dark age is good, its very good. I used it every turn and it delivered every turn. With re-rolling 1s from grim resolve or re-rolling all hits from sammy its vicious. Intractable is quite nice, allows your shooty units some flexibility if charged by pesky units that just want to tie you up. Speed of the raven is ok too, I'd like to try it on some bikes with flamers. Moving 20" and flaming something and assaulting it is pretty cool and gives you a lot of movement. If you make a long charge that could put your bikes 32" away from where they started. Aversion is great, a really useful power. 24" Gives a bike libby a great threat range to make a shooty unit a little worse. Mind worm worked very well in conjunction with Aversion. I'm guessing you can continually cast it on a unit turn after turn and really mess them up. Brilliant strategist is fantastic (IF YOU ROLL 5+ a lot ) I didn't find much use for the re-roll one hit/wound or save per turn but I'm sure some characters would benefit a lot from it. Well thats all I got. I am by no means "good" at 40k nor do I claim to be some sort of strategist but hopefully this report gave you guys some ideas. PS: Sorry for any rules mistakes Edited December 14, 2017 by SmiteThemAll Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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