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Helbrutes in 8th ed


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Hi all. I just wonder what people experience has been on the helbrute in the 8th ed. I was just playing with battlescribe and saw that a dual fist helbrute is only 122pnts, surely thats pretty cheap for the damage it can inflict. Let me know how you fit yours and marks :-)
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Whoa, is this something that changed in Chapter Approved and Battlescribe already took it into account pls?


I opened up Battlescribe on my phone app to check and I noticed something strange.  The Helbrute Fist changes points values from 40 to 25 if you have two equipped.  You change one of those options back to anything else and it goes from 25 to 40.  Not sure if it's a bug or a change.

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Hi all. I just wonder what people experience has been on the helbrute in the 8th ed. I was just playing with battlescribe and saw that a dual fist helbrute is only 122pnts, surely thats pretty cheap for the damage it can inflict. Let me know how you fit yours and marks :-)

Went for tripple because of Fire Frenzy and it served me well quite a while ago. They do go down but you can get a lot of bang out of them too plus they are visually cool choices. The conext of the army matters much more for these units though so feel free to share the larger plan.

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I think its similar to if a figure takes dual LC, a single one cost 8pnts, but dual LC is 12pnts


Its a shame they are fragle in close combat, especially if they are khornate. I might get another one and have one with dual fists and the other will be able to swap out weapons


I wasnt overly sure on a big picture as of yet. Wanted to see peoples experiences and see if 2/3 added to my WE list would make a difference. Maybe even run them alongside dreadclaws full of bez?

Edited by Sagentus
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Because of the Berzerkers being great melee units allready I actually use the Hellbrutes as some form of added scare and dakka, which again with Fire Frenzy has served me well enough. For melee purposes though I think it's basically asking too much from a Hellbrute. It more or less competes with a Daemon prince in that aspect but Daemon princes are more mobile, easier to protect and often enough of a dedicated unit to bring infantry to medium vechicles down. Heavies and super heavies are just very difficult to reach for a Helbrute unless we're going to factor in transports aswell... Possible to do though, as mentioned in the World Eaters topic I'm very hyped with the newly discounted Dreadclaws.

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