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Forge World models.


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Newbie question (brand new to Ad Mech):


Are the Mechanicum models from Forge World useable in an Ad Mech army??


I think we lack in cool HQ choices and really love some of the models from FW. But will other players get all uppity about me including one or two?

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All the cool robots and hopefully the transports will get rules. Could transform the army overnight.

Imagine electro-priests in a transport for example.


Part of me is expecting all of the 30k units to be a seperate sub faction or potentially only allied to one forge world key-word for lore reasons...


But hey ho, robots on stand by!

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Part of me is expecting all of the 30k units to be a seperate sub faction or potentially only allied to one forge world key-word for lore reasons...


But hey ho, robots on stand by!

That would sadden me greatly, especially after Cawl used a triaros in fall of Cadia... I really hope it isn't restricted to a specific forge world or subfaction. Edited by Odds.043
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I don't think it will be. Existing armies that can take FW units have no such restrictions.

And yes, I remember Cawl's Trioris also.


Yeah but they are in the IA: Indexes made to bring over people's previously legal collections.


FoC will be fluff driven so there is sadly potential to be limiting. Hopefully it won't be though!

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This is the first real FW book in 8th so it is hard to guess what will happen. I could see the models being limited to the forge world in question. Would also be alot easier for them to balance. There are plenty FW models already that are already bound to a faction keyword. 

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I can't even begin to imagine that happening. It's absurd - the Mechanicum range is larger than the Admech range. The idea of giving a single forgeworld more than twice as many options while denying Mars/Ryza/etc all of that is just mad. 

Could be that forgeworld is limited in which models they could use from the normal ad mech codex.. like death korps of krieg. Also we only know for sure around 8ish units that will make the cross from 30k to 40k.. Could also be some are forgeworld specific and other like the secutarii are not.. But who knows really..all this is just guessing. 

Edited by banis
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