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New Azreal Bomb after 8ed Codex and Chapter Approved


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Hi brothers,


As we almost know all rules in our new codex, I am excited for our plasma weapons and new units. Chapter Approved give large discount for Drop pod and Inceptor Squad as well as their weapons. On the other hand, Hellblaster just lack mobile ability, I would rather ally a SW one that can DS at the end of moving phase. Since 4++ will not affect vehicle any more, I am thinking Azreal Bomb is still viable...


Here is my example list:


Battalion Detachment 
Azreal 190
Librarian /w Force Sword Storm Bolter 98
Scouts  /w Heavy Bolter 65
Scouts  /w Heavy Bolter 65
Scouts  /w Heavy Bolter 65
Devastator 7 bodies  /w Armorium Cherub Heavy Bolter x 2 Plasma Cannon x 1 x 1 137
Devastator 7 bodies  /w Armorium Cherub Heavy Bolter x 2 Plasma Cannon x 1 x 1 137
Devastator 5 bodies  /w Heavy Bolter x 3 Missile Launcher x 1 120
Droppod /w Storm Bolter 85
Droppod /w Storm Bolter 85
Outrider Detachment
Lieutenant /w Storm Bolter Heavenfall Blade Chainsword 66 
Inceptor Squad 5 bodies /w Plasma exterminator 295
Scout Bike Squad /w Storm Bolter on Sergeant  77
Scout Bike Squad /w Storm Bolter on Sergeant  77
Vanguard Detachment 
Lieutenant 60
Chapter Ancient /w Power maul(Mace of Redemption maybe? or Power axe as we have 1pt left) 87
Dreadnought /w Twin Lascannon Missile launcher 145
Dreadnought /w Twin Lascannon Missile launcher 145
Total 1999 and 9 command points


How to use it


Azreal, Chapter Ancient, Lieutenant, Librarian and 2 squads of Devastators in Drop Pod. Dreadnoughts and 1 Devastator squad with 3HB 1ML in deploy zoon with a plain Lt. Scouts for board control and DS deny. DS Drop Pods and Inceptor destroy as much as you can.


Units analysis




They are very important in this list, because you want to limit enemy space as much as possible that create a area for your bomb. I also give them HB that help to clean screen unit.


Long rang fire support


Our dakka Dreadnoughts and Devastators are so good thanks to Grim Resolve. With a Lt., they can reroll 1s to hit and 1s to wound. I add a missile launcher because AA missile stratagem. With Devastator Sergeant +1 to hit ability, you can deal D3 mortal at +2 and reroll 1 to hit to units with Fly keyword. Flyers, Death Company and CHAOS PRIMARCH. 3 MLs are also good for clean screen units. Devastators also give some protections to dakka Dreadnoughts, once something DS in 12", they can use stratagem to shoot them immediately. New stratagem also help Dreadnoughts fire after fallback.


Mobile Force


Scout bikes! They will be flash blood of RW (so not RW keyword...). Cheap, fast and with a lot of dakkas. With a storm bolter on Sergeant, a 3 member squad has 22 shoots in 12". Also not bad in close combat with combat knife. Them are decent mobile force to take objectives and clean landing area.




Drop Pods deliver characters and Devastators to where you want. Disembark 3" and move 6" to form a good formation. They also are blocks for your characters.


Azreal for 4++ and reroll. He should be your warlord that give 1 more command points and 1/3 chance to gain command points. Chapter Ancient will punish enemy when 1 model dead (on 4+ of course). He is just amazing, sometimes you may not want to reroll 1s of supercharge plasma weapons for gambling extra shoots in very serious situation. You will always supercharge your weapon for this last shooting chance. Just a thought, when you supercharge your weapons in overwatch, if get hot, technically model dead after all shots have been resolved. Does this extra shooting count as part of overwatch or you can shoot normally? I think you can shoot normally since you don't need to shoot same target. Do remember you can only shot 1 weapons and Inceptor has 2. Lieutenant for reroll 1s to wound. Librarian goes with Mind Worm and Aversion. Mind Worm gives close combat protection and Aversion for both close combat and shooting! They all equip close combat weapons as count-attack force. Make sure you put things you want in aura, some counts on model no unit.


Devastators makes screens for your characters. They also has decent fire power. When they disembarked, sergeant can give plasma cannon guy +1 to hit. So you can supercharge with Azreal's reroll aura. Armorium Cherub is super fun. Only 5 points you got an extra wound for you squad. You can use it for extra shoot. Combine with Chapter Ancient, you can shoot twice in enemy's turn if a model dead. you can also use Hellfire Shells in that case. Hellfire Shells also help you to take last few wounds of things that Inceptor didn't kill, enjoy 2+ to hit with reroll. Technically, sergeant can give model +1 to hit since rule only says "in shooting phase".


Inceptor Squard is your bomb! 5 of them with aura  supercharge their weapons and use +1D stratagem can kill a landraider in 1 turn on average (20 unsaved wound). 5 of them with aure and +1D stratagem can kill a Stormraven with -1 to hit in 1 turn without supercharge ( ~17 unsaved wound). I was thinking to take a Apothecary with them, but finally give up. No only because point limit but also I think enemy will use everything they have to wipe it out in one turn so that Apothecary has nothing to do with them. If enemy fail to kill them, I guess you don't need an Apothecary you can also win... With this bomb, and back up lascanoon as well as Hellfire and AA missile. You can kill Mortarion in 1 turn, if you dices are not too bad.




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The drop pods arrive at the end of the movement phase, so you cannot move the units that disembark from them on the same turn. Still possible to make a firebase in between the two drop pods though, so not that big of a deal.


My concern is that you spend a lot of points on 2 drop pods just to deep strike heavy bolters and plasma cannons. It could be better to just go with more inceptors to get more firepower. A full squad of 6 inceptors with plasma (i'm using them too and they are amazing) as well as 2 min units with bolters would give you pretty much the same firepower.


Drop podding the characters is a good idea though, so having 1 drop pod with azrael, lietenant, ancient and librarian. I would also put some sternguard with them not to waste the space in the pod.


rest of the list seems good, but dreadnoughts will miss that full re-roll from azrael.

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The drop pods arrive at the end of the movement phase, so you cannot move the units that disembark from them on the same turn. Still possible to make a firebase in between the two drop pods though, so not that big of a deal.


My concern is that you spend a lot of points on 2 drop pods just to deep strike heavy bolters and plasma cannons. It could be better to just go with more inceptors to get more firepower. A full squad of 6 inceptors with plasma (i'm using them too and they are amazing) as well as 2 min units with bolters would give you pretty much the same firepower.


Drop podding the characters is a good idea though, so having 1 drop pod with azrael, lietenant, ancient and librarian. I would also put some sternguard with them not to waste the space in the pod.


rest of the list seems good, but dreadnoughts will miss that full re-roll from azrael.

Good point for Drop Pod.


For Devastator, they are more like a screen units then damage output roles. If you only 4 characters they will be easy to be targeted and charged.


Dreadnought already can reroll 1s. Azreal is a little bit useless for them. For critical lascannon hit. You can use command points. There are potential 12 here.

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