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FAQ Thread

Crimson Ghost IX

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Based on this announcement :



We are do for a FAQ document as soon as next weekend for our codex.


Get your Questions rounded up and lets all email them to GW here.



Here are a few I can think of off hand (kinda faded, so I will clean them up before sending):


Is it acceptable in matched play for a player to use his Blood Angel marines painted as successor forces with the keyword Blood Angels instead of successor chapter xyz (ie counts as) if they would like to use characters like Dante, relics etc?

We are all gonna still play it this way anyhow, but written permission would be a nice thing for the hobby.


Why does a BA Predator cost more? a mistake??


Is a Baal Predator a Predator tank for the Killshot strategem or not? - this is coming up alot and ALOT it seems.


When I add inches to my move with a tank using Lucifer engines "before making an advance" is that a move or an advance?


Do you guys hate BA predators? especially Baal Predators??



I am to use the Index data cards for my missing jump pack units according to a recently published chart...

Does this mean those units can or cannot take codex relics, new psychic powers etc, or is that allowed?



What else we got ?

Where does the white go when the snow melts?


Seriously tho. Seems like it would be effective for us to send in stuff.

I will hold off until Monday to email mine to gather any good ones you would like to offer up here also folks.


I encourage you all to send any you have to the email box above. Soon. =)

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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 - I'd like to know the reason for why our Successors can't use all the relics since that'll cause everyone aside Flesh Tearers or Lamenters to just use the Blood Angel keyword anyway.

 - Also whether there should be a +1 attack bonus for two Powerfists like it's with Lightning claws (I'd really like to play a double fist Captain lol).

 - Additionally I'd add feedback that the Blood Lance is VERY underwhelming the way it works right now.

 - Is it intended that the relic banner only works on models in range instead of models of units in range.


You know, just a bunch of stuff I'm not expecting to change but where I'd like to know whether it's intended to work like that or not.

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Predator costs should be the same as other marines


Intercessor sergeants should have access to power swords (they sell a model to blood angels that comes with one.


Dante/sanguinor and sanguinary death masks should stack (just naming each of them as a distinct thing would work)


Sanguinary guard should have the bodyguard rule, but only for Dante if he is the warlord - this would mean they still get a rule that works when taken in a fluffy army (rerolls don't make a difference as he provides them anyway) Or maybe their reroll rule should work within 12 inches of Dante instead of 6.


Death company should have the death company key word.


Primaris captain - could REALLY do with being able to take any combo of the weapon options it has available instead of having to take BOTH plasma pistol and fist.


If I think of more, I'll add more

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Dunno in my Codex they have the Death Company keyword. As faction keyword but the only difference between faction keywords and general keywords is during list building anyway. (note: I have the german Codex here).


Damn I forgot to add the Bodyguard thing for Sanguinary Guard. Stupid me!

The death company comment was because a few people had pointed out they didn't currently work with forlorn fury apparently

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This may be an entirely personal opinion, but I would strongly suggest not asking "why" questions.  The game designers, though warmer to public discourse than they have been in the past, dont owe us an explanation for their decisions. 

I would suggest rather sticking to observations and arguments. 

(I'd also be SO hesitant to ask for clarification of the successor chapter rule - because it will put into stone what we can and cant do.  It will be a gamble. )  



The issue for me is that I dont have "FAQs"  i have balance questions - and those may be subjective and seen as moany :/ 

1. The Baal pred.

2. Dante. 

3. Frag cannon. 


(id like to throw in the DC, but, i think that would be greedy).  




The baal costs X, the razorback Y, the predator Z - is this a mistake?


Dante costs 215 and has abilities XYZ, while other Chapter masters cost  ABC - is this an oversight?


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I disagree, Morticon. I think at times explanations are needed and I'd actually like to see something like a Designer's Commentary for each Codex shortly after its release where the Designer talk about why they went with a specific version of rules instead of doing it differently.

They don't owe us anything but it would be a really nice move from them.




Dunno in my Codex they have the Death Company keyword. As faction keyword but the only difference between faction keywords and general keywords is during list building anyway. (note: I have the german Codex here).

Damn I forgot to add the Bodyguard thing for Sanguinary Guard. Stupid me!

The death company comment was because a few people had pointed out they didn't currently work with forlorn fury apparently


Yeah which I honestly don't understand. They have the Death Company keyword as faction keyword which acts as a regular keyword during the game.

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I 100% agree with you that theyre needed!!! I think a good company with a good connection to its player base should, in an ideal world strive to do this. 

I just do not believe it is "owed" to us.  Largely because giving a reason opens designers up for discourse/rebuttal - and they'll get sucked into a never-ending debate.  I think most companies try to avoid this actively. 

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I agree with Morticon that we shouldn't flood game designers with "why" questions and wishlists. These kind of letters are rarely taken into consideration. The best we can do is to point out some obvious mistakes like the cost of predators and baal predators. Ask questions about rules that are not clear enough. Give some feedback on the units that are only good on paper and rules that don't work the way they are written.

In case of Dante we can't demand to give him new abilities - it's not our call. Although we can ask, why his cost was not changed despite inferno pistol becoming cheaper. And overall state that for his point he doesn't perform well enough. What designers do with this info is up to them.

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Here's what I've got/has come up.


With regards to the anniversary veteran sergeants, he is currently illegal to field as a tactical sergeant. Should he be treated as having a chain sword even though he is equipped with a power sword?


If I use Strike of the Archangels stratagem, and a model is slain within 6" of a banner, and a successful last roll is made, can that terminator model re-roll failed hits?


Do you have priority with use of stratagems? Example A terminator model is slain when it is set up on the board due to an opponent using Auspex Scan in your movement phase, when does the stratagem strike of angels resolve? Before or after the opponent shoots? If the unit is within range of the banner would the slain model then benefit from the stratagem SotA?


Can the Tactical flexibility stratagem be used while locked in combat? If so, would this allow one unot to remain locked in combat while the other is able to disengage?


Can you confirm wether or not you can move or advance further after using the Stratagem Upon Wings of Fire?


For Successor chapters, was the stratagem to allow a captain to become a chapter master being left out an oversight?

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Not saying we should flood them. However asking those questions raises GWs awareness that people would like to know more about their reasoning for things which is never a bad thing imo

Maybe you're right but how will it change our situation? We need just some errata and clear answers. And for that it's much easier to ask simple and short questions. The need for designers commentary will be obvious if a lot of players can't understand the same rule or if they are not satisfied with a particular unit.

It would be very interesting to communicate with designers and start a dialogue but I doubt that this new email adress is made for that. I think that a lot of messages will be left out by community managers.

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Dunno in my Codex they have the Death Company keyword. As faction keyword but the only difference between faction keywords and general keywords is during list building anyway. (note: I have the german Codex here).


Damn I forgot to add the Bodyguard thing for Sanguinary Guard. Stupid me!

The death company comment was because a few people had pointed out they didn't currently work with forlorn fury apparently


Yeah which I honestly don't understand. They have the Death Company keyword as faction keyword which acts as a regular keyword during the game.


Yeah I've got no idea what Panzer's on about.  They've got both Death Company and Infantry as keywords.

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Dunno in my Codex they have the Death Company keyword. As faction keyword but the only difference between faction keywords and general keywords is during list building anyway. (note: I have the german Codex here).


Damn I forgot to add the Bodyguard thing for Sanguinary Guard. Stupid me!

The death company comment was because a few people had pointed out they didn't currently work with forlorn fury apparently


Yeah which I honestly don't understand. They have the Death Company keyword as faction keyword which acts as a regular keyword during the game.


Yeah I've got no idea what Panzer's on about.  They've got both Death Company and Infantry as keywords.




Edited by sfPanzer
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I agree that asking Why and Explain Yourself developers commentary type questions is probably a bad idea.

I also feel that codex FAQ is not a place for wider game mechanic change ideas - let those be their own email another time.


I have faith in GW actually wanting the game to be fun for everyone and to fix the low hanging fruit type codex issues thru this exchange tho.

Doesn't hurt to express displeasure respectfully if something is bothering you I'm thinking.

Call it feedback.


Be respectful and perhaps just state the minor issues you might have with BA in this email specifically is a good idea.

after the unclear rule mechanic part of your email might get it read anyhow.


Probably also a good idea to title the email as BA Codex related in some fashion.

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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they noted in their release pattern, that errata is one of the things they intend to release shortly after a codex, so small rules changes (like intercessor power swords, or making dantes death mask stack with sanguinary guard are exactly the things appropriate to an errata)

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- Advance strat (lucifcer engines) - if you can shoot 



- Terminators need a harder point adjustment or re-design (make them ignore ap-1 weapons and no -1 for heavy weapons, 3 wounds etc)   They are so slow and they should be lethal in combat.

- Flamestorm Cannon needs redesign 2d6 dmg 1 instead of 1d6 dmg2

- Land Raiders need fall back and shoot, and a bit better in combat to represent tank shock more. 

- Tacticals need a re-design


Point changes:


- Libby Dreads need to go up a bit

- Meph should go up 10

- Scout bikes up 2 points

- Seth up 10 points



- Astorath needs a point drop or change mass of doom activation to the fight phase. 

- Assault Marines need a drop to 15 or be troops

- Baal Preds need to go down 20-30 points

- DC/Furioso needs to go down a bit

- Fragcannon needs to go down alot in points

- Preds down 10 points

- Death Company down 1 point

- Vindicator need to go down in points or a re-design.

- Dante needs to go down in points

- Encarmine axe need needs to go down 1-2 points




Overall i am loving the book! But the internal balance could be a bit better. 

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Rem, after so many editions, theyre still not quite getting termies right :(  I'm totally with you. 

Termies and Sang Guard, I believe, should have a 1+ save (ie: 1 still fails, but the -1 to AP starts from 1 instead of 2).  It is all that I think would be needed to make both regular termies and Sang Guard perfectly playable - and still not OP.   


For Termies, you have the same odds to fail against most small arms, but a small buff against heavy arms (-1/-2/-3 mainly), -4 will see no change - which makes sense.    
Sang guard, who dont have an inv. will see a buff across the board from -1 to -4, but likewise have the same odds to fail.   Wouldn't even need to recost their overpriced sword. 

But...this is dangerous wish-listy discussion.  Just wish GW had some sort of system where people could suggest things like this. 



Side note:

Have you used Libby Dreads yet?


Why do you think need a boost?

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My biggest issue with the codex is that Mephiston can only do 2 powers now. In the index he could do 3 and similar characters like Ahriman also do 3. Being arguably the most powerful psyker on the imperium I'd think he should be able to do 3 a turn. Edited by cezrulez
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My biggest issue with the codex is that Mephiston can only do 2 powers now. In the index he could do 3 and similar characters like Ahriman also do 3. Being arguably the most powerful psyker on the imperium I'd think he should be able to do 3 a turn.


Would you be happy with a 15-20 point increase for the ability to do so? 


Personally,  id rather have him costed as is and only cast 2 powers.  

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Dunno in my Codex they have the Death Company keyword. As faction keyword but the only difference between faction keywords and general keywords is during list building anyway. (note: I have the german Codex here).


Damn I forgot to add the Bodyguard thing for Sanguinary Guard. Stupid me!

The death company comment was because a few people had pointed out they didn't currently work with forlorn fury apparently


Yeah which I honestly don't understand. They have the Death Company keyword as faction keyword which acts as a regular keyword during the game.


Yeah I've got no idea what Panzer's on about.  They've got both Death Company and Infantry as keywords.





I mixed up names while trying to look through my nested quotes!  My apologies!

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