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FAQ Thread

Crimson Ghost IX

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That is excellent news for Primaris.


+1 for this. I just had to adjust my list for Tuesday. So I have a question now. The wording in the codex just says that one model per five may take an auxiliary grenade launcher. Nothing mentioned about the model needing a bolt weapon for it to go on. It seems unintended given the models in the kit... but our sgt can take a chain sword with the power sword by giving up the ranged option, can he also be the model armed with the aux gl? If so you wouldn't be losing out on any ranged shooting.



edited for typo

Edited by Grazcruzk
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....This annoys me (I am super happy for you guys just to be clear), because the fact Codex Marines lacks Chainsword Options for our Intercessors Sgts is annoying. I mean I likely wouldn’t ever not spend the 4 Points to get the PowSword. But for example, you could do Chainsword-PowSword based on how I am reading the FAQ. So you get 9 STR 4 Attacks and 3 PowSword Attacks in Melee. Grumbles Grumbles.


Awesome for you in any case!


they cant use both.


they can replace the bolt rifle with a power sword or chainsword. ALTERNATIVELY (emphasis mine) they can take a power sword or chainsword.

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Yeah only one of them. Powersword or Chainsword.

I also don't see why anyone would ever want to replace the Bolt Rifle with one of those if you can just have both. Sure if you give him the auxiliary Grenade Launcher he can't shoot with the Bolt Rifle and the Grenades the same turn, but sometimes two S4 AP-1 shots are better than a single S6 AP-1 shot once you are within 15" so just keep it just in case.

Maybe in a Stalker Bolt Rifle squad since you'd save a few points there...

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Am I right reading that preds got a point reduction but not baal preds? -.- Harder and harder to leave mine alone and not replace the turret with an autocannon.

I might get a lot of hate for this but to be fair, you can see why they should not have the same base points cost due to the Overcharge Engines rule. Wether or not that's worth 10 points is a different discussion.


The regular Predator *needed* the points cost because it wasn't in line with chapter approved costs. Baal Predator is different...

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I honestly agree. The basecost of the Baal Pred has to be higher than the regular Pred. The problem is that the Baal Preds loadout isn't that great to the regular Pred and that he can't use the Killshot Stratagem.

Is it confirmed Baal Predator's can't use Killshot? They are featured on the killshot stratagem data card, so that would seem weird if they couldn't use it.



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I honestly agree. The basecost of the Baal Pred has to be higher than the regular Pred. The problem is that the Baal Preds loadout isn't that great to the regular Pred and that he can't use the Killshot Stratagem.

Is it confirmed Baal Predator's can't use Killshot? They are featured on the killshot stratagem data card, so that would seem weird if they couldn't use it.




Honestly they don't have to confirm anything. It's clear how keywords work and the Killshot Stratagem doesn't refer to the Predator keyword, it refers to the Predator unit. Unfortunately it's very clear.

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I agree the use of keywords makes it clear Baal Predator's can't use it - but the oversight in artwork made me confused again. I know the rules team would be different to the art/design team, but it would be nice if they could work closer together to not create more confusion. I still think I would have liked to see it confirmed in the FAQ, but seeing as the wording is the same in the Codex (where there is no confusing art) I agree it's not supposed to work with Baal Preds.

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Where are you guys seeing this FAQ? I don't see it up on the community page or their website.


You have to click on the Warhammer 40k tab.



Thank you. My that is short. Almost like they said "There they have their codex... what else could they want?" 


I'm really surprised that they didn't look for more questions than those three things. Very strange.

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Maybe, the existing FAQ is really short... there’s got to be more to come.

Not necessarily. Most FAQs are rather short for now. Actually a short FAQ is to be desired because it ideally means that not much has to be clarified/adjusted. Unfortunately they really forgot to inculde some more important things but I wouldn't hold my breath for quick additions to it unless it's something game breaking that gets abused on tournaments.



The picture of the Baal Pred being on that is hilarious! :happy.: Good ole GW trolls in action.

I'm guessing they meant to include Baal Preds in killshot and it will be FAQd


Or the design team simply meant to include something more BA-y than just a plain Predator without having read the rule carefully. We simply don't know for sure and wording > artwork when it comes to rules.

Edited by sfPanzer
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Ok wow, yeah that picture of the Baal Predator on the Killshot strategem card is almost hilariously misleading, given the rest of the general lack of clarity around that ruling.  I agree Killshot doesn't apply to Baal Predators, but I can see how one would at first think it would, and the artwork there only exasperates it.  


Super stoked about power swords on Intercessors myself though! I was initially very disappointed they only had access to chainswords for the sergeant - here were Intercessors, finally a unit that was more durable than a Tactical Squad, more attacks than a CC Scout Squad, with solid shooting loadouts! But then to cripple their ability to threaten anything more than swarms by limiting the sergeant to a chainsword was all the more disheartening.  Truly surprised they reverted it, but couldn't be happier about it.  Now that they can finally have a number of quality attacks in close combat I think we finally have a solid troop option that can be  mobile, durable, offer solid shooting support, and threaten almost any other troop in close combat!  Not something I believe we had in any single loadout of troop before now.

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