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DA Vs Orks: Librarian + Interrogator chaplain shennanigan

Lion's Crown

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Hi guys do you think that fielding 2-3 librarians with 2-3 interrogator chaplain might be interesting against the orks for games of around 1500 pts?


The way I see it he should be able to get in cc. So either I manage to stop the guy from a distance and finish what's left in cc or I simply go minimum long/medium range with HQ heavy and try to play on his leadership to cause him some losses. Razorbacks/rhino form a wall and/or allow me some degree of mobility to get some objectives if need be.



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Depends what kind of list he’s playing but generall marines vs orks in combat = dead marines.

I play Orks all the time and this is absolutely correct. Even thinned our squads still hurt.



Good to know. It's not easy to make a list that don't depend on a static bubble mostly against cc armies like Harlequins and Orks. I feel naked every time I try to make one without an IK.

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orks die to lots of bullets


Heavy bolters are the bane of an orks life in 8th its assault cannons + auto cannons as well make sure you have lots of re-rolls


for the non -1 stuff storm bolters guns, hurricane arrays.


From the primaris range Inceptors with assault bolters and aggressors with bolt gauntlets shooting twice with re-roll 1's

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Aren't orks practically fearless ? Close

Combat with orks doesn't end well. what sort of tricks are you thinking of

Basically, the unit can use it's unit size instead of it's LD for morale. We now have Ork mobs that are LD 30 and can be LD 40 on turn one. Any friendly ork unit with in 6" can also use another mobs unit size for it's LD. 

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I had to check what Mob rule actually said I hadn't expected it to be a total LD replacement.  Still I'm sure there are other tough units it would actually be better against than Orks. Against Orks inflict as much damage as you can, anything Ld related will probably come into play late game which can be really bad for Orks. Just depends.


Unless you can isolate a unit and beat on it then work the LD angle.  If I pull a first turn charge with either Boys or Kommandos, throw everything at them in mass. Once you've cut them in half the negatives might come into play. 

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The point is to do some massive damage all in one turn while staying as safe as possible from a blob charge on critical units.


I guess the -1 in ld both from the Librarian and the Interrogator chaplain are not enough to make much of a difference when a unit lose 7-12 models. Still since regular troops die easily from shooting it might be good when he have to make morale test for thougher and more costly units like nobz, bikes and such by the end of the game.


So the first part is a classic: Form a blockade of some kind either with rhinos or decoy units that wouldn't die too easily to any of the ork shooting. Since they shoot at 5+ it's not that hard. He then have to charge the decoy and/or disembark at a very bad place.


If you place them well your troops will stay out of reach from their 3" consolidtion. Both powers and aura require to be close.


You then shoot/flame, block again with tacticals. Deathwing Knigts are right behind the line to help those HQ deal with elite units and vehicles. With both sides having lost an appreciable amount of models that's when those -1 Ld might start to hurt.


I'm not saying this is competitive just that it might be different from doing the usual and you might be able to cover more grounds for objectives instead of hiding in one corner or the table. The Ork player won't expect you to be able to give him a serious close combat answer (if you manage to charge the right units of course).


I brought a different list but the blockade worked well and I managed to keep a comfortable advance in VP the whole game thanks to that. By the end his units size where much smaller so the aura thing might work I'll have to give it a shot next time.

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It's a tough call if making a. Blockade is a good call. If you put it too close to the orks they will just charge and thank you for the extra 2d6 +6 movement. If they are a cunning ork they will make sure they don't kill it on their turn but lock you in combat so you can't shoot them.


Wouldn't build an army round leadership . Most armies are practically fearless including us - doesn't stop those da psychic powers working though.


Against orks I have found subtle tactics like using a fire raptor works well! They also don't have many units with fly. Though they still have smite and jump pack boys .

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