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Possessed, any good in 8th?

Lord Kallozar

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Well it depends.


If you want a cheap CC unit Chainaxe-Doomsiren Noise marine, Spawn and Dreadnought are better i think.

If you want a :cuss disaster in someone gunline Possessed with VotLW and an Herald of the appropriate God are indeed, second after Berzerker.

Edited by Iron Father Ferrum
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Here some examples how to make them powerful.

1. World Eaters and old Bob behind them. 

You have a chance to get 2+D3 attacks and they can fight twice for stratagem. Put herold behind them, cast Presciense on them and someone for rerolling 1's. 

2. You can do it even better. Make them Tzeench, Black Legion. Put Abaddon behind them and Herold with Changling. So you will get -1 to hit and can give them 4+ invulnarable with sorcerer. And Tzeench magic allow them to add +1 tough, str or attack like Old Bob. And Old Bob can upgrade them as well. 

So you still can potentially get 2+D3 attacks, but your army can get full reroll and 6 str, which is with Veterans of long war really deadly. 

Or make them Alpha, so it will be -2 to hit, but you can get only rerolling 1's

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Chainaxe Noise Marines? Not a legal loadout I fear. ^^

Chainsword, sorry


Ah makes more sense. Just not a loadout I'd ever use. Trading 3 cover ignoring S4 shots at 24" for a single additional S4 hit in melee is pretty bad.

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Chainaxe Noise Marines? Not a legal loadout I fear. ^^

Chainsword, sorry


Ah makes more sense. Just not a loadout I'd ever use. Trading 3 cover ignoring S4 shots at 24" for a single additional S4 hit in melee is pretty bad.



You forgot the 4 points for each sonic weapon. I'm not talking about the best use of Noise Marine here (wich is, ofc, full of sonic weapon), i'm talking about some good CC units. 


Noise marine are good CC units in our codex. A 10 men with Doom Siren is 160 points for 3 S4 attacks per models (4 for the Champ) +1 S4 attack on death. So it's a "not so bad" assault unit if you don't have the points for possessed and can't bring berzekers. 

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They pretty much count as having power axes right? S5 ap-2 and all base.


Boy if I could take them and khorne berserkers back to 7th I'd kick the :cuss outta some people.

Edited by Trevak Dal
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Some other options with Possessed...


You can run them as Alpha Legion.  Have 3 squads of 10 and use forward ops... SURPISE! 60 wounds of tentacles in your face on turn!


I just played a game with my possessed... 1k point game.  I had 2-5man squads and a 10 man with an icon of excess.  That icon combined with prescience is really powerful.  There was one fight phase where I ended up with more hits than my original number of attacks.  I would say they are a solid unit but not competitive for 1 main reason... inconsistency!  If you roll 1 for their attacks then they are sucky.  There are times when you roll 6 and get 30 attacks with bonus attacks on a 4+ with presciences and rerolls.  They also require specific list planning to maximize their effectiveness.  If you just run blobs of them they wont do well since they will eat every last drop of enemy plasma fire and anything else doing more than 1 wound.  They will also eat all kinds of efficient dakka like assault cannons with rerolls.  Because of this I think they need to be combined with cultists and something else that is weak vs plasma type weapons.  Im combining possessed with oblits, cultists, daemon princes and hellbrute using renegades or emperors children legion trait.  

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You can run them as Alpha Legion.  Have 3 squads of 10 and use forward ops... SURPISE! 60 wounds of tentacles in your face on turn!


But you can't use it on more than one squad
Sure you can. It's before any turn so there are no phases so you can use it as much as you want as long as you have CP and units left. ;)
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Sure you can. It's before any turn so there are no phases so you can use it as much as you want as long as you have CP and units left.


Well, technically... it was only said that we can use once only choosing of relics. But for example with this logic can Astra Militarum use its Tallarn Stratagem and put two super heavy tanks in deepstrike for 6CP?

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Yeah if you want to go that route its a fine choice.

The real first question is what Legion you want to build your army with and then continue with options.

Possessed can be really good, Alpha Legion's stratagem is good with them, Berzerkers and obviously more ;) 

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SfPanzer is right. The Alpha Legion Stratagem is only limited by CPs. 


Chapter approved didnt say anything about that ?


No, for the reasons SfPanzer stated. It's not a phase. 

The main rulebook is actually crystal clear on this issue.  Page 215 of the main rule book is as unambiguous as GW ever gets with rules.  I really dont see how anyone could argue otherwise.  


"The same Stratagem cannot be used by the same player more than

once during any single phase. This does not affect Stratagems that are
not used during a phase, such as those used ‘before the battle begins’
or ‘at the end of a battle round’."
This should probably be posted as a sticky on the Raven Guard and Alpha Legion sub forums.
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Yeah if you want to go that route its a fine choice.


The real first question is what Legion you want to build your army with and then continue with options.


Possessed can be really good, Alpha Legion's stratagem is good with them, Berzerkers and obviously more :wink:

Possessed are great in Dreadclaws, especially since those things can transport by MARK rather than by LEGION. As such, you can throw The Changeling in with some Tzeentch Possessed or Skulltaker with Khorne.


I personally use Slaanesh Possessed (with tons of crazy bionics) in my Iron Warriors army as a counterpunch unit in case anybody charges my gunline. Combining Delightful Agonies and Iron Without, Iron Within can make them very durable and they already hit hard. Transport isn't an issue, since the enemy will be coming to me. I keep the squad at around 6 to make it easier to hide and keep the point investment down. If the enemy doesn't charge me, they can use their high movement speed to sneak toward objectives.


NOTE: Skulltaker would only be used for his combat power, since his Aura affects only Bloodletters. You could throw a Khorne Herald in for the Strength Aura instead.

Edited by GreaterChickenofTzeentch
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It would be nice in Nurgle possessed got either DR or +1T, but I still run them and they haven't let me down yet. I put them in a rhino and run a DP along side it. That way they at least get rerolls for 1's on hits and can get a buff from the DP (if I get the right spell off).
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It would be nice in Nurgle possessed got either DR or +1T, but I still run them and they haven't let me down yet. I put them in a rhino and run a DP along side it. That way they at least get rerolls for 1's on hits and can get a buff from the DP (if I get the right spell off).

You could run a Death Guard vanguard detachment to give them DR.

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