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Possessed, any good in 8th?

Lord Kallozar

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Now...what DOES apply to Nurgle Possessed are bonuses from Heralds of Nurgle, powers like Putrescent Vitality, and any Chaos Daemon Stratagems from the upcoming Codex that only require "Nurgle Daemons" as a target.


I have a feeling that "Daemonkin" armies are going to be hard as nails when that Codex drops. Being able to handily combine CSM and Daemon Stratagems on platforms like Oblits, Warp Talons, Possessed, the new cheaper Mutilators, and Daemon Engines is going to get nasty.

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Death Guard Possessed don't get DR. But they can be targeted by Epidemius, a Herald, blades of putrifaction, Miasma of Pestilence, Virulent Blessing and Putresent Vitality. That's in addition to bobby, Warp time, prescience and VoTLW.


With Epidemius' buffs maxed out they could be movement 8 (16 with waptime), hitting on 2s rerolling with D3+1 attacks, at Strength 8 and toughness 6 with -1 to hit, +3 to wound and double damage on a 4+. Plus another S,T or A from bobby.


Nothing stacks buffs like DG possessed!

Edited by Marshlands
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With Epidemius' buffs maxed out they could be movement 8 (16 with waptime), hitting on 2s rerolling with D3+1 attacks, at Strength 8 and toughness 6 with -1 to hit, +3 to wound and double damage on a 4+. Plus another S,T or A from bobby.


how would you get movement 8, 8 str and toughness 6? and +1 attack from Nurgle? 


I believe this is from the Epidemius buffs once they're maxed, plus stacking all of the other effects that were mentioned.

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With Epidemius' buffs maxed out they could be movement 8 (16 with waptime), hitting on 2s rerolling with D3+1 attacks, at Strength 8 and toughness 6 with -1 to hit, +3 to wound and double damage on a 4+. Plus another S,T or A from bobby.


how would you get movement 8, 8 str and toughness 6? and +1 attack from Nurgle?

I believe this is from the Epidemius buffs once they're maxed, plus stacking all of the other effects that were mentioned.

Yep, +3 Strength from the DG power, a Herald and Epidemius

+2 toughness from the power and Epidemius


The trick is maxing Epidemius' buffs as quick as possible, I have found helldrakes + Oblits works well followed by possessed in a Kharybdis

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Too true, hence the Oblits and helldrakes to try and pick off chaff, but yeah it takes a lot.


It's also hard to keep everything in range for spells and auras unless you have one big clump.


I kinda see it as if you take all this stuff and get what you can it works pretty well, like I don't mind the possessed not being strength 8, with even just strength 5 and 2 of the 3 sources of +1 to wound they are wounding anything toughness 9 or less on 3s and toughness 5 or less on 2s

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