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A Brother's Confession and a taste of RobMac's Ultramarines


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So this and Rob's coming novel will deal with a strike force consisting of Primaris Marines, right?


Will we see some interactions with regular Marines as well or is it rather focusing on Primaris only?

This one is just Primaris (and Imperial Guard), hoping to deal with the regular v. Primaris situation in any sequels, assuming people like the first book enough. 

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So this and Rob's coming novel will deal with a strike force consisting of Primaris Marines, right?


Will we see some interactions with regular Marines as well or is it rather focusing on Primaris only?

This one is just Primaris (and Imperial Guard), hoping to deal with the regular v. Primaris situation in any sequels, assuming people like the first book enough. 



Imperial Guard? :D Hope its Ultramar Auxilia


Those guys really haven't had any chance to shine besides dying to make the Ultramarines look good.

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Glad folks think I've not disgraced the Chapter. Regarding "differentiation," although the novel is about Kastor and Polixis adventures, I wanted to bring the whole company (or in this case, a demi-company of five squads of Primaris) into play as much as possible, so there's quite a lot going on with the captain, lieutenant, a bunch of sergeants and a very grumpy reiver. It's not quite Gaunt's Ghosts level of awesome interactions across a regiment, but by the end hopefully you have a flavour of a lot of different characters.


50 extra Marines existing outside the formal structure of the Chapter organized into a strike force...wow quite a radical departure from the codex. Though it does make sense since Guilliman did mention he was going to make major revisions to the Codex Astartes.

Yep. The arrival of the Primaris is going to subvert a Chapter's Codex structure no matter what, either adding them to the companies brings them over 100 Space Marines, or forming new companies pushes them over ten in a Chapter. The Fulminata ("Thunderbolts") are a composite strike force outside the usual ten-company structure. I explore the impact all this change has on Ultramarine philosophy a bit, there's essentially a split between old and new, with a lot of the previous command echelons none too pleased with the new additions, which are understandably championed by the Primaris.

I do have to ask is the 1k Marines for the Chapter a SOFT Limit or a HARD Limit?


I have heard arguments that 1k Marines is not enough to man every position or use/man every vehicle, unless Marines cross-train and do multiple things


In fact, many say the limit should be 1.5k Marines (or at least 1,250 Astartes)


What do you and the other big guys at Black Library and Games Workshop think about the Astartes limit?


Would Chapter get into trouble if they had 1010 Marines? 1250? 1500? 2000?



Another thing that confuses me is that some people say that certain Astartes (Dreadnoughts, Chaplains, Techmarines, Apothecaries and Initiates/Neophytes) are not included in the 1k limit



Is it true?


Should Primaris Marines also be excluded from the 1k limit?

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Not to take my word on here as lore, but I think it's pretty generally accepted that the Codex-standard "1000 Space Marines per Chapter" is correctly defined as "1000 combat-effective battle-brothers." So no, not including vehicle drivers, auxiliary command staff, ect. 

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Considering it’s a hundred years after Guilliman wakes up most of those captains should be dead.

But why????

I don't see why any of the Ultramarine heroes should be dead,after all astartes don't die of old age just look at Dante who is still alive and over 1000 years old

Astartes still suffer from aging though


Even Sigismund's combat ability was reduced when he was 1k years old



Dante is the exception than the rule. He is still as physically fit as when he first became an Astartes

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