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New Army New Faction. Deciding Based On Lore.


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So I sold and traded away most of my old armies in an attempt to concentrate on a single main army and complete that.


Main choices were: Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Berserkers, and Noise Marines.


CURRENTLY: The Berserkers And Noise Marines Are In The Lead.


I am trying to decide from a lore aspect. People have mentioned rules and lists but I want to decide based on lore.


Perhaps people here can try to help me decide or convince me one way or the other from any of those listed above. Lore only. Not rules or lists like in my posts from months ago.



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Going by lore you should pick which Legion/renegade chapter you like the most. If you were going by game mechanics currently  the only decent ones would be Alpha Legion, EC and NL if you wanted to see if you can morale test someone to death in a game.


Personally speaking I like all the CSM legions except for Word Bearers. Too preachy for my tastes. But if you are looking at Zerkers in terms of World Eaters and Noise Marines in terms of EC, I would go with EC. Lots of people take Khorne lists (nothing wrong with that) but few take EC or Slaanesh lists. Never hurts to offer variety to your local gaming scene.

Edited by Bulwyf
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You have pitted me against my two factions in terms of convincing you with lore. Well, in truth I love all the four 'aligned' chaos factions. From a lore standpoint, if you want THINGS TO GET LOUD NOW, I entirely suggest Emperor's Children, they have a rich history, and though they can be difficult to paint (depending on the scheme), I found them rather fulfilling when I got the chance to.


World Eaters and Iron Warriors are also pretty neat.


I suggest going on aesthetics for this one. Want to paint lots of caution stripes, go the Khorne route, want to paint purple/pink/ whichever way you are going there, Emperor's Children is the way to go.

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Iron warriors were originally depicted as a Slaanesh Legion (with much Dakka), at the same time Night Lords were a Khorn one. 

So Noise Marines on Iron warriors are all but illogical (from a rules point of view it's kinda useless to add the Noise weapon rules with the Iron warriors special rules, but here we dont speak about rules). 


For the lore, on top of the usual drugs-sex-heavy music, with EC you play with a Legion cursed by her wish to be perfect.

They didnt fall to chaos because of bad neurosurgery, missplaced bride or daddy issues. They just wanted to be the best so much, putting theirself into so much pressure they broke under the sweet whisper of Slaanesh. 


+ Their is rumor about the awakening of Slaanesh in AoS, so maybee lots of new Slaanesh daemon to add to our EC army ?

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That seems more like BLESSED by Her/His Wish/Desire to be Perfect. That means there is always room for improvement and thus the opportunity continually get better and better , and always have a sense of purpose.


I also like Plague Marines and Mortarion, but if I did that I would want them to be more venom and poison affiliated rather than disease and disgusting traits. Sort of like where they are almost like vampires but rather than spread disease they spread poison and venom.


The Berserkers idea is sort of like they were loyal but they grew wary of giving their loyalty only to be treated like nothing and talked down to as if they were nothing. And they grew infuriated by corrupt politicians and went on a rampage.


Merely some ideas.


But I do have an idea for a Battle Barge Name possibly: The Silver Rain.



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From a lore standpoint, both are equally tragic. The Emperor's Children wanted to live up to the standards of their primarch and had several encounters with Slaanesh affiliated groups which (combined with their pursuit of perfection) led to their down fall.


The World eaters also wanted to live up to the standards of their primarch and willingly (in some cases, unwillingly) had rage inducing tech put into their heads that slowly turned them into raving lunatics.


From a game play and converting standpoint, you should certainly pick the EC. Just my two cents.

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From a lore standpoint, both are equally tragic. The Emperor's Children wanted to live up to the standards of their primarch and had several encounters with Slaanesh affiliated groups which (combined with their pursuit of perfection) led to their down fall.


The World eaters also wanted to live up to the standards of their primarch and willingly (in some cases, unwillingly) had rage inducing tech put into their heads that slowly turned them into raving lunatics.


From a game play and converting standpoint, you should certainly pick the EC. Just my two cents.


I agree with this. EC with the pre heresy purple and gold on a table top stands out plus when you consider the lore, the flawed pursuit of perfection...what's not to love?

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Figured I'd chime in as a long time Mono Slaanesh player for both 40K, WFB(not AOS).


Consider GW's attention to both factions. If GW/FW support is something that is important to you then Beserkers/Khorne is clearly the way to go. I say this because GW has left Slaanesh alone in both their game systems for years. While you are debating between Beserkers and NM, the range of Khornate units for both systems and from FW allow for very fun and unique army looks. I've seen some amazing dreadnought kit bashes using the AOS Khorne range as well as Beserkers mixed with AOS Khornate units(don't know their names).


To sum it up, if having diverse model range(s) for army building customisation(s) is important to you the choice is simple.


Hope it helps.

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