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Chaos Primaris / Thunder Warriors?


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Before death guard came out GW was saying "dont worry chaos will be getting Primaris-style goodies soon.........."


My guess is that they meant the death guard kits.. Look at the ones from Dark Imperium. Same kneepads... Same size. C'mon. There's your Chaos Primaris right there.


If anything I expect something similar to true "primaris" to come from Fabius Bile if there is an E.C. release.

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I dont hate Primaris but I do feel there is much less reason for them to show up in Chaos any time soon.

One particular reason is that we allready have Possessed who have extremely similar statlines. The other is that Primaris integration at the Loyalist side isn't going spotless and I think many Chaos Legions would laugh at the concept of what is essentially adding "big newbies" to their armies.

If Fabius bile gets updated I can see him perhaps comming with a unit of Chaos Primaris but converting the principle hopefully will not as much of  a narrative oddity as it was with regular Marines....

In honest truth I still don't really know if Primaris will be part of Chaos. Part of me thinks GW created them to create some sort of narrative hope for the Imperium.This was somewhat needed because else all the Legion Cult Marines basically blew any regular Space Marine out of the water statwise and honestly are capable of doing this inside of the game too.

I sure cant speak for everybody but before any Chaos Primaris I'd like to at least see the Cults fleshed out first. Meaning more options for Thousand Sons and if Im not asking too much Plastic Noise Marines and a Berzerker update. That's really all :smile.:

Edited by Commissar K.
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Yeah... Primaris can be in any legion. New DG toys only in DG. Equality, yeah...

And Primaris at first was expensive and still a bit expensive now. 

And only one type of DG Terminators is valuable. Crawlers are not so effective. Drones... well, they a bit nice. 

Like many people said before: We are not GW favorite child.

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Primaris on the table top are just space marines with an extra wound and different wargear. People who want chaos primaris need to ask themselves if what they are after is a chaos equivalent or if they just want to be able to put actual primaris into the csm list. The former is arguably already available, the latter might as well also be asking for access to BA Sanguinary Guard, DA Black Knights, et cetera.


A new basic csm sculpt and World Eaters and Emperor's Children codexes SHOULD be enough to salve primaris envy. Maybe re-tool the chosen statline too, I don't know.

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Honestly Chaos don't need Primaris fluff-wise. Chaos Marines are already supposed to be bigger and stronger than regular Marines due warp exposure. However I'm sure Bile will find a way to use the Primaris knowledge to advance his newman project which will eventually benefit all the Legions. Or if not that then they can just use the warp as reason for new and improved Chaos Marine models. ^^

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Yeah there are many things I feel would be a logical advancement but Primaris within Chaos.

What I wouldn't be opposed again is said Possessed like unit, build by Bile that actually are converted Primaris. At the same time though I don't think Bile represents what Chaos Marines are all about while units like Noise Marines and Berzerkers are, especially now their narrative is less restricted as are their rules.

I think the only reason why I have some envy for some units is actually their wargear options but with Berzerkers as a Troop choice for a while now I see that as enough of a boost currently. It would be neat to see more Codex and the like but it isn't mandatory to me. There are many things I prefer to see over them for Chaos. Even something simple like a plastic Dreadclaw would be a huge boost for us. 

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Primaris on the table top are just space marines with an extra wound and different wargear. People who want chaos primaris need to ask themselves if what they are after is a chaos equivalent or if they just want to be able to put actual primaris into the csm list. The former is arguably already available, the latter might as well also be asking for access to BA Sanguinary Guard, DA Black Knights, et cetera.


A new basic csm sculpt and World Eaters and Emperor's Children codexes SHOULD be enough to salve primaris envy. Maybe re-tool the chosen statline too, I don't know.

Just talking for myself here, but I think it comes from a deep-seated need to corrupt and ruin everything the Imperium has. I don't even like how Primaris play, but I *do* like the idea of some of the new Imperial poster boys falling into madness and degradation.

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