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New Anvil Dress Uniforms


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It looks like Anvil just added more dress uniform kits to their line!




The heads and epaulets look awesome :) 

Might have to see how these go for conversion work too... I already used a VM head on my Sentinel pilot last night.

Having some of these bits would have been even better! :D

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Those Pickelhaube with shock mask heads are the bomb. :thumbsup:


I've already ordered a set of the Hussar torsos for Commissar/=I= retinue conversions.


For those thinking about buying Anvil heads to use with the GW Cadian torso - the scale is great, but the connecting plug doesn't fit at all - lots of filing/cutting the resin neck is required. I put these guys together - it should give an idea on scale. Anvil bits (legs/heads) fit to GW Cadian plastics.





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Too many choices, its not fair!


I cant decide which I want to do now;


Adrian helmet gasmask french for death korps.

Brodie helmet british theme with allied support using the turban heads for parts of the army.

Redcoats with tricorn hats, bearskins or pith helmets and turban heads mixed in with them.

French old guard with bearskin gasmasks.


All the above can be done really well with these new torso pieces and some of the older leg sets from the trench line (eg the greatcoat legs) I bet.


Too many choices, it isnt fair on me or my wallet.

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It's a killer for decision making. I'd actually passed on the above theme I did because I wanted something easier (quicker) to prep and paint (basic Cadians with a head swap), but I really like the look of armoured torsos + bearskins and gas masks.


If Anvil (and others) keep this up, GW will only be selling 'dexes and armour for the Guard. ;)

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If Anvil (and others) keep this up, GW will only be selling 'dexes and armour for the Guard. :wink:


Very true, though I personally plan to try and take the armour away, at least a little bit, never been a major fan of the GW vehicles so thought "why not make my own models" ^^. (trying to find the right resin is a pain though)


Also liking the idea of bearskin gasmask and the armoured torso's.

Edited by Mitchverr
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