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Combat squads and Razorbacks


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Hi everyone.


This has nothing to do with the codex, and it has probably been answered before, but I have been googling and checking the forum and I can't find a clear answer.


SHould I deploy a Razorback, can I declare a Tactical Squad embarked inside of it, by combat squadding it?

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Yeah. I mean, I am deploying. I decide to deploy a Razorback. At this point, I can declare for units to be deployed inside. So I go and pick a tactical squad. But the squad won't fit, so it cannot be deployed. But I can combat squad it, so that only one half goes into the transport.

Can that be done?

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You have to declare a unit is combat squading before deploying it so yes you can declare a tactical squad will combat squad  when you deploy the razorback and put 5 inside then deploy the other 5 somewhere else when it's your turn to deploy again.

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