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Primaris lore in the codex?


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I am loving how they have fit them in fluff wise with the consensus of the Primaris not being fully trusted amongst the DA ranks and being kept at arms length but then there are little gems and hints in the book showing the Primaris are becoming more and more accepted (Cpt_Reaper giving us an excellent example).


I was very close to finishing a full battle company of marines in my collection before 8th and the Primaris marines were announced. It was very lucky that I hadn't done any squad markings yet or picked which company my marines belonged to. I decided I would wait until the codex to see how the Primaris would fit in seeing that the Space Marine Codex didn't really give a solid confirmation.


After reading the fluff I saw the make up of our battle companys hadn't changed (6 Battleline, 2 Close Support, 2 Fire Support) besides the obvious name changes (names have changed because close support is not exclusively Fast Attack choices anymore as Reivers are Elite choices but still count as Close Support).


Seeing as I had pretty much a full battle company of marines already and close to a full battle company of Primaris from all the Dark Vengeance Primaris kits I inherited, I decided my collection would be centred around the fluff of the Primaris first being delivered. Seeing as the Dark Angels and their Successors took heavy losses, my Dark Angels amalgamated all their existing marines into the 3rd Company and the 4th Company would be made out of Primaris exlusively. This to me fits into the "we will accept them but only cause we have to so they can have their own battle company and do their own thing".


I am excited about this because once I am done my games will represent units plucked from different companys to make a fighting force for a specific purpose. That and having two full companys of marines in my collection is gonna look awesome :P


Anyways just had to share and got really excited. I'll post some pictures up as I go along but take note it will be a lengthy process.

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I was kind of expecting what happened.

First they would be tested and then accepted. They have the geneseed of the Lion so if they prove worthy they will be rewarded with trust.


I think that’s my biggest gripe, it’s way too predictable, even for 40K. If this occured in the real world, there would be a huge range of reactions from joyful acceptance to outright hostility. We have seen it in the actual real world with the widely different receptions of Primaris in the community.


So far, GW has not acknowledged that level of reaction. We’ve got joyful acceptance to grudging acceptance. Which I understand, GW want us all to buy Primaris. But I think the story would be better if we had some conflict.


I guess that’s the part where we take over the storytelling - my 5th Company won’t be accepting Primaris, someone’s homebrew Unforgiven will not accept them etc. etc. We still get to create our own version of he IP.

At least as long as GW keeps producing regular Marine kits.

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I hope Black Library take into account the unique parallels the Dark Angels' lore has with the introduction of the Primaris. There is a delicious opportunity to mirror Luther's envy at not being able to become a proper Astartes with the Dark Angels being confronted with bigger, faster, tougher replacements. That would be a true test of loyalty for the Unforgiven: to recognize the failures of the past and choose to rise above them.


With that in mind, what I'm really saying is that I really, really, really hope Phil Kelly doesn't just focus on the usual, "I don't trust you!" trope.

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I am a little bit affraid we're in for a dry spell of quality work in 40K for a bit. The more I read and think about it, the more I see the paralell to Age of Sigmar. It took quite long before AoS lore got established past simple Sigmarines pushing and the stories started getting more in depth. 

While we did not get End times and the world continues, there has been a narrative shift that needs to be accommodated and it will take some time before the books and universe catch up to each other - considering books are being written well in advance, in some cases (ADB) even as much as year, we're in for an adjustment period.


Even thinking to the best novel I read from Dark Imperium so far - the Shroud of Night - was awesome not because it had Primaris in it, but because it had old IF and AL in it. So yeah. Unfortunately it does not seem we will get a dedicated Dark Imperium author capable of pushing, exploring and exploiting all the possibilities of Primaris and DA fluff.

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