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Fight Phase Tactica


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Well after looking at the article for the third time, there is a lot of useful information making it through the thickness.  Aside from the tri-lock, there is a lot there that's good to know, but I'd be drastically better off with visual aids, and I'll forget most of this within 24 hours :P 

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I guess it also comes down to practice. It sounds pretty mean on paper but isn’t all that easy to pull off as your opponent can just remove the locked model as a casualty if you’re only attacking one unit.


If there’s two target units in range you can lock one and attack the other, or you could later pile in to achieve the lock, but I’d say it’s not as easy to do as it might seem.

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I guess it also comes down to practice. It sounds pretty mean on paper but isn’t all that easy to pull off as your opponent can just remove the locked model as a casualty if you’re only attacking one unit.


If there’s two target units in range you can lock one and attack the other, or you could later pile in to achieve the lock, but I’d say it’s not as easy to do as it might seem.

Cadian- this tactic is actually incredibly poor if you're only vs. one unit, sadly :( Trick is to charge two, and attack one, stacking the majority of your models closer to the unit you're not attacking. 


If you're only attacking one unit, then be sure to have the bulk of your models spread around, so, they have to fall back, rather than remove out of combat and free themselves.


Also, if you are only charging one unit - PROTIP: surround his  special models - special weapons, veterans, etc.  He will be less inclined to lose these models - meaning you can lock them.

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I've been theorising and math-hammeraging and I think this might be the optimal way of getting the most successful charges on turn 1:


Captain rage (jump pack) - use forlorn fury to gain ground and put him into cover, maybe even place a couple of scout units around the intended spot to take fire from anything fast that could move into LoS of him. Even a 6" move into cover could make all the difference. Line him up to be within 6" of where you aim to put Lemartes.


Mephy - 7" move plus wings, line him up opposite a unit placed on or just behind the deployment line for a possible 4" charge.


Libby with angels wing and quickening - an average 10" charge with reroll.


Death company with DoA and Lemartes.


These four together make the most of all the different charge and movement bonuses, so the chance of getting four units into combat is much more likely than not.Drop plasma Inceptors and a bolter inceptor in range of the captains bonus, with the banner nearby for the full spectrum of rerolls, and you have your chaff clearance and support.


I like the thought of charging into the chaff with the idea of consolidating into the heavy units - which could hurt in overwatch - and particularly vehicles which will be forced to miss a turn of shooting afterwards.


One other plus for this is that with single model units you are more likely to be able to use LoS blocking cover to negate overwatch.


Just some thoughts.

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