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Death Company Stormraven


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Hi guys!


My gaming group tends to want to play 2k games nowadays and I find myself really struggling to put together a decent 2k Blood Angels army using the models I own (have been playing Tyranids for a while now). Being heretical, I have had a few games with my BA as Ultramarines who are far easier to make a decent list with, I've found, maybe that's because I haven't played with BA for at least... A long time! 


Also looking to start a new project for 2018 and want to get my BA to the same level as my Tyranids, over the last 4 months I've collected and painted a 1500 Tyranid army, which I am quite happy with! 


Need to fill around 700-ish points and I do own lots of DC and a DCDN, and I would kinda like to use them both. However, I don't own a Stormraven and that seems like the best way of delivering both unscathed. But I wonder if telling my opponent I have this here "Deathstar" of DC goodness all nicely packed in this very mobile and potentially fragile delivery system is either gonna make him crap his pants or paint a big smile on his face (depending on his anti-flyer/anti-tank capability, of course). 



Trying to think of the optimal loadout.


12 DC with either Lemartes or a Termi-Chaplain (because I have the model) deepstriking in to buff them, I guess Lemmie could also move up the board 'hidden' with some assault marines or JP DC. Termi-Chappie seems expensive though. I don't have a Lemartes model, just a regular Chappie with JP. 


11 DC with a regular Chappie on foot. Cheapest option.


10 DC with Mephiston (for Rage & Shield) and a regular Chappie (or Lemmie/Termi-Chappie).


Or some variation of the above. 



DC are armed with 2x Powerfist, Power Axe & Bolters. I'm going to model the bolter guys with chainswords, it's gonna be a hassle but I think it'll be worth it.



Kinda would like to use Mephiston as well, however, he can always hitch a ride in a Rhino or one of my 2 AC Razorbacks, so it's not mandatory for him to be in the SR, I just thought if he's buffing the DC with death-juice it would simply make it easier if he rode with his crazy buddies. Alternatively, I can use a Libby Dread, or use both since I have both! 



Also have 7 DC with Jump Packs, thinking I could add them and have a Death Company Detachment, seems kinda fluffly and cool. 



I'm thinking I may wish to kit the SR for anti-tank but this makes the model very expensive, I could keep it as it comes with TAC, TVB, HBs and the Missiles as it does provide a lot of dakka. 



Perhaps a Land Raider might be a better option? Then I would have to have the DCDN moving up the board (something which I'm not keen on, hence why I'm thinking of getting the Stormraven). I played Ironclads with my UM and in my experiences they very rarely made it into combat as footslogging up the board just wasn't very effective. They were good vs Death Guard as those Chaos scums effectively had to come to me, so I could hold the IC's back until I needed them. But in most games they were just a fire-magnet. Maybe with the DCDN being faster it might not make this too much of an issue, and it does come with Smoke Launchers. 



Other ideas for delivery were (and would mean I didn't have to buy any models :))


2x6 DC in AC Razorbacks - give them a Powerfist each, and have Lemmy jumping up the board.


1x9 DC in a Rhino with either a Chappie or Mephiston.



I realise this post might be a bit convoluted, I can only apologise for that :D



So, my brothers, I seek your wisdom. Is the SR loaded up with DC gonna be worth the points?

Which characters will be most effective in the SR?

Should I paint the SR in DC colours? 

Any other questions I should be asking?



Thank you for your time reading this and thank you in advance for any C&C given :)




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I kind of view it like this, put my killy units in the raven, fly up, kill something high value, hope to last through opponents turn, if I do I get another round of shooting (whoo) , disembark (forced or not) and then get stuck in.


11 DC on foot and Mephiston would be very nasty. he can cast wings and jump over any units to get to something tasty, your death company can then clear out a nice big hole in the lines for your sanguinary guard to deepstrike into and get to killing the rest of the good stuff. this of course is all well and good on paper but never actually happens.


because of how amazing having jump packs are for us now, and how they take up so much room in transports, I would consider something else in the transport. maybe a shooty squad to go with Mephiston and the DC dread. that would be a hell of a combo. 4xHF dev squad for chaff clearing. or meltas for popping a vehicle if you are keeping the raven cheap. you DC dread and Mephiston can then go off and wreck face.


Land Raider isn't as good as the raven in most cases, although the increase in points for raven closed the gap a little. if you want to bring lascannons its better to do it with Predators and other things, crusader is most useful due to capacity and chaff clearing ability, but it will almost certainly get targeted out T1 and you are then stuck footslogging.


with the stratagems we have available now its usually better to not use transports for jump troops. although I still think captain smashy in a raven jumping out and hopping over the lines to kill something juicy is awesome.

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I kind of view it like this, put my killy units in the raven, fly up, kill something high value, hope to last through opponents turn, if I do I get another round of shooting (whoo) , disembark (forced or not) and then get stuck in.


11 DC on foot and Mephiston would be very nasty. he can cast wings and jump over any units to get to something tasty, your death company can then clear out a nice big hole in the lines for your sanguinary guard to deepstrike into and get to killing the rest of the good stuff. this of course is all well and good on paper but never actually happens.


because of how amazing having jump packs are for us now, and how they take up so much room in transports, I would consider something else in the transport. maybe a shooty squad to go with Mephiston and the DC dread. that would be a hell of a combo. 4xHF dev squad for chaff clearing. or meltas for popping a vehicle if you are keeping the raven cheap. you DC dread and Mephiston can then go off and wreck face.


Land Raider isn't as good as the raven in most cases, although the increase in points for raven closed the gap a little. if you want to bring lascannons its better to do it with Predators and other things, crusader is most useful due to capacity and chaff clearing ability, but it will almost certainly get targeted out T1 and you are then stuck footslogging.


with the stratagems we have available now its usually better to not use transports for jump troops. although I still think captain smashy in a raven jumping out and hopping over the lines to kill something juicy is awesome.


I'm always an advocate for Assault Terminators when it comes to filling space in Stormravens. They are a great unit, but struggle to make it into the fast-moving lists of the typical Blood Angels army, and it really is a shame. They have great durability and even an MSU squad can really get stuck in for the majority of the game. With the ability to choose your first fight when given the Stormraven, they are something to consider.


I'd recommend:


Twin Assault Cannon

Twin Multi-Melta

Hurricane Bolter Sponsons



4 Assault Terminators with Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields

Assault Terminator Sergeant with Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield



Total: 587


That configuration leaves 2 slots open in the Stormraven for a characters (Curbulo and Mephiston are choice options here in my experience) and room for a Dreadnought in the back. That said you'll be packing so much heat at that point, I find adding a Dreadnought doesn't add too much more. The Dreadnought is better deployed elsewhere.

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I like that load out but I'd argue that the storm raven is really the only viable place for the dreadnought, unless you plan to keep him out of sight and use him to babysit your firebase.


A fair point if there ever was one. To add more context, since regular drop pods can't carry dreadnoughts anymore (gotta get specific drop pod pattern from an index) I've dropped using anything short of a librarian dreadnought, since it has the ability go sonic fast with Wings of Sanguinius. So my (librarian) dread can foot slog/fly just fine. This approach also distributes my points across the board more and not concentrated on the Stormraven itself, which puts my mind at ease :P

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Need to fill around 700-ish points and I do own lots of DC and a DCDN, and I would kinda like to use them both. However, I don't own a Stormraven and that seems like the best way of delivering both unscathed. But I wonder if telling my opponent I have this here "Deathstar" of DC goodness all nicely packed in this very mobile and potentially fragile delivery system is either gonna make him crap his pants or paint a big smile on his face (depending on his anti-flyer/anti-tank capability, of course). 


There is many ways to deliver DC with the codex, Fury to move pre-game or deep strike with 3D6 charge. Stormraven got up in price quite a bit scince the index but is still pretty good, espacially fully loaded. Razorbacks are not as broken as before but still pretty solid.




DC are armed with 2x Powerfist, Power Axe & Bolters. I'm going to model the bolter guys with chainswords, it's gonna be a hassle but I think it'll be worth it.





I always tend to go forward specialized units as things dies fast. If you want to use them to kill armor hammers and fists are ok. For infantry go all the way chainsword/bolters/power weapons. Dont be afraid to split into 2 squads that will have dedicated role.



Kinda would like to use Mephiston as well, however, he can always hitch a ride in a Rhino or one of my 2 AC Razorbacks, so it's not mandatory for him to be in the SR, I just thought if he's buffing the DC with death-juice it would simply make it easier if he rode with his crazy buddies. Alternatively, I can use a Libby Dread, or use both since I have both! 


If you go stormraven route Librairian Dearnought might be a real good choice, actually it seems it is always a good choice if you go up against heavy armor. 3 attacks base + 1D3 with quicken + 1D3 with red fury is super powerful. With AP-4 most tanks wont get saves.




Perhaps a Land Raider might be a better option?

I really doubt it, land raiders are cumbersome and easily locked.



Then I would have to have the DCDN moving up the board (something which I'm not keen on, hence why I'm thinking of getting the Stormraven).

The librairian dreadnought have less of this problem here as it is a character. With Wings is can keep up the pace too.



Other ideas for delivery were (and would mean I didn't have to buy any models :smile.:)

There is plenty of way to deliver DC and alike units. You dont HAVE to buy new models and you could probably get along with Razors and Jump pack. Unless you go with a librairian for +1 attack power splitting DC units into smaller blocks helps to get morale rolls.




Should I paint the SR in DC colours? 


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