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Choice of fighter craft- Dark Talon or Nephilim?


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Assuming swapping isnt an option, i personally went with the Dark Talon. it's cheaper and is able to provide 2 sources of mortal wounds. i also like the Hurricane Bolter to go at light infantry.


I have also just added a Stormraven, the two paired up are quite a combo.

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Dark Talon hands down.  With its price reduction and combination of dakka and mortal wounds in a very hordes-heavy edition I would say its almost an auto-take.  Pretty much all my competitive lists are gonna have two of them plus a Darkshroud (getting them a -2 to hit, discouraging opponent's turn 1 alpha from going on them, which was their biggest weakness).


People are also gonna start realizing how good Speed of the Raven strat will be to use on them.  Lets you move them 60 inches across the board, allowing an easy bomb drop + full normal shooting with your hurricane bolters and rift cannon (while also activating the protective ++4 from Jink for any next turn return fire).  This can be used to even snipe out characters sitting on the other side of chaff if your opponent is not careful with their spacing.


Dark Talons are definitely one of our star units now and unfortunately outshines the Nephilim in almost every aspect of the game.

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As mentioned by most, Dark Talon seem to be the most versatile and useful overall now, with the Nephilim only slightly better in sniping monsters and tanks by virtue of lascannons and missiles. Nevertheless, the two look so similar that you should have no problem proxying it as the other whichever way you wish. Have fun with both using just one kit.

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Its always Dark Talon.  The requirement to move means you get -1 to hit with heavy weapons but this doesn't apply to bombs or hurricane bolters.  

Strafing run gives 2+ to hit with hurricane bolters after moving, the nephilim only has heavy weapons o its effectiveness drops dramatically.

I just assumed the strat was limited to bikers, then reread and the jaw dropped. Then I reread the Dark Talon rules and saw it has jink...and the jaw dropped further!


i'm going to play a game in a couple hours and will be aiming to do this! bikes with plasma, dark talon shenanigans, a storm raven and deathwing knights --> multiple threats!

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