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list building: codex vs index


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When new editions/codex roll out, something I do is take some of my favorite lists from the previous codex and compare the new point cost.

When I tried it this time around, I found my lists tended to be 20-ish points more expensive despite some of the point drops (Lists I compared were 2000 pts from the index, main culprits were the Razorback and Stormraven) 


How has the point re-adjustments affected your current lists? Did it matter considering our strategems and chapter tactic?

Have you gravitated away from certain things due to something else being cheaper?

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I completely revamped my list  on account of the different synergies - so, cant add much more to the original question tan that! ><;


I wish rhinos were about 20 points cheaper, and Pods were about 40 points cheaper.  I feel this would make non-gully lists viable.  But thats another story.  Long story short is, with the new CT and new strats, i'm playing very differently.  

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Less the points changes and more the edition changes have revamped my list building.


At the end of 7th my lists were a mix of:

  • 3-7 Pods with Meltacide/ Flamer Tacs/ Variety of Dreads
  • Grav bikes
  • Storm Raven
  • MSU DC Squads
  • Lascannon Predator
  • Vindicators

Now going into 8th...

  • Pods are (mostly) out due to cost, jump packs are in.
  • Bikes are in a weird place being good but not what they were - Grav took an understandable nerf and doesn't have any particular advantages.
  • MSU DC are now a blob to help with Morale and utilise stratagems
  • The Classic Lascannon Predator remains, rolling 1s & 2s to hit with the best of 'em ;)

So a little less Alpha, similarly mobile and a bit more blobby.

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I've actually been playing Thousand Sons since the start of 8th instead of Blood Angels (there is a good reason, I didn't just abandon the IX Legion).  So I didn't really carry over any of my older lists, but I do feel like I have more toys to play with in a 2000 point list than I used to.  The codex has changed my approach to list building and playing the army though.  I used to play a very mobile army, but since I'm going with more Primaris units now I notice I'm playing more of a gunline type army with a few hard-hitting mobile units.

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My lists went up. Stormraven preds and razors. To be honest my list building has changed with the codex drop. I somehow feel less observant of my old habit to stick to pure blood angels. With my vehicles feeling very pricey for their output I am turning to guard for board coverage infantry suport and command points.
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