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Forgeworld EC tactical squad with GW noise marine arms?


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I apologize in advance if this is not the correct forum.


I have some unused FW tactical squads, I think mark IV armor, that I'd like to turn into noise marines with the GW noise marine kits. My question is would those arms fit on the torso for the FW kit? And if so would it still leave me at least one shoulder pad showing the legion symbol?


I realize I could just get more FW Kakophoni but I was trying to do something different with some leftover squads and frankly spare me from having to order those FW models  Appreciate any advice.

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The answer is probably yes. I've done it with the plastic MkIV Marines but not the proper FW ones. The GW Sonic Weapons aren't great for fitting the Chaos Marine kit they were designed for so you're no worse off for doing it with those. You will probably need some greenstuff to fill gaps between the arm and torso but that's standard for them. The Sonic Weapons have the right shoulder pad built in but will need the left which fortunately is the shoulder where the HH minis have their Legion badge so they'll be able to have a lovely sonic shoulder and a lovely legion symbol
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Everything Elazar stated is on the money. Those arms should fit and at the worse you will just have a bit of tidying up to do. The only thing I would like to chime in on is the right shoulder of the NM bit is smaller if my memory serves me right.


Not a huge hiccup but something that would make my eye twitch just a wee bit if it were my mini. If I were to use those bits again I'd cut away at it (I have the finecast stuff and its only blessing is its easier to cut through than metal) until I could fit a regular shoulder pad in place. Again, its left to one's own taste but something I thought to share. 

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