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Some of our sergeants cannot take sergeant equipment...


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I found that in our codex, sergeants in scout squad, scout bike squad, assault marine squad and ravenwing bike squad cannot take items from sergeant equipment list. They can only take pistol and/or melee weapons, not combi weapons. Which is very dumb... especially on bike sergeants. May be we should ask a FAQ to fix it....:dry.:

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It's the same in the BA Codex (probably because the models listed come with restricted options in their boxes). For now, you need to use the Index to access these options.


Well, codex space marine can still access to them. If follow the same logic, they should delete all spacial weapons of bike squad, because there is not special weapons in bike box...

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It's the same in the BA Codex (probably because the models listed come with restricted options in their boxes). For now, you need to use the Index to access these options.


I do not think you can do that. You can use Index for units that are not released later on (Codex in this case). If the unit entry is in Codex but just misses equipment you would like to have, you are still bound to follow the newest release for the entry. Or am I understanding it wrong?

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Yup,  I'm not sure how I feel about "use index wargear" does that mean at some point it will go away, or will indices be a thing through multiple codices, and you can always go back to the index wargear?  As much as I like having the options I kind of wish they had said, for matched play only codex options are valid.

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Well to take away options from models that many people already have would be a pretty rough policy, even for matched play. I don't think I've seen a single RW list on this board where a bike sergeant wasn't using a combo-something to match 2 of his squadmates.
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I believe assault marines sergeants can’t take combi weapons in the index.


assault squad is a interesting case. In 7ed, DA codex allowed your sergeant take combi weapons but space marine codex didn't which was released before DA codex. Now in 8ed, my assault squad with 3flamer/1plasma+2plasma pistols suddenly become illegally...  

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Another annoying and imho completely unnecessary nerf: The RW Ancient and Apothecary lost their Corvus hammer. As they cannot take any other melee weapon, they are pretty useless in close combat now. And in this case the index doesn't help because the ruling from the designer's commentary only regards optinal but not fixed equipment.

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Another annoying and imho completely unnecessary nerf: The RW Ancient and Apothecary lost their Corvus hammer. As they cannot take any other melee weapon, they are pretty useless in close combat now. And in this case the index doesn't help because the ruling from the designer's commentary only regards optinal but not fixed equipment.

yep. I found that. They also got 5 points discount...

Usually I don't use RW Ancient but lost options always sad.

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I noticed too when I was trying to make some formations in BattleScribe... kept getting errors of too many selections for weapons.. or “must take pistol” very irritating.. and I usually model mine as wysiwyg...so that sucks
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I don’t want to rely on the index for too long. At some point it is going to get removed which is a real shame. Already the Librarian on a bike didn’t get a points reduction with the other Librarians.


It is doubly frustrating when it comes the Ravenwing Apothecary and Ancient. The box actually comes with Corvus Hammers in it.

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I don’t want to rely on the index for too long. At some point it is going to get removed which is a real shame. Already the Librarian on a bike didn’t get a points reduction with the other Librarians.


It is doubly frustrating when it comes the Ravenwing Apothecary and Ancient. The box actually comes with Corvus Hammers in it.

Neither can actually HOLD them though. The apothecary has his narthecium and the ancient has the banner. But yes, it's odd that they removed these otherwise. Doesn't feel necessary when a Covus Hammer is free.

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Not the first time this has happened, sad to say. The changes are mostly sensible at least, but they should be FAQ-ing the vanilla codex to limit their sergeants too, as this is a unit/model thing and not a Chapter thing.

Edited by shabbadoo
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If there is a codex entry you can’t take war gear from an index. GW released a flow chart that’s easy to follow... use it if you aren’t sure.


Really? That's not what the flowchart says. "Are there wargear options for your model that only appear in the Index version of its data sheet? > Yes > Use the Codex version of your models data sheet, but you can choose to use the Index version for its wargear options (note that if the wargear has rules in the Codex, these replace the Index rules".

They even then go through the process of giving a Commissar a Power Axe, a weapon choice only found in the Index. The info on using Codex units with Index weapons takes up over half the flowchart.

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This entire situation around wargear is just facepalm inducing. For me GW really shoved their foot in their own mouth with this. If you do not have the option in the codex but have it in the index, use the index version. Why remove the bloody option from the codex then?

I have been for some time pondering the idea of assembling a squad of company vets with possibly a combi-weapon and storm shields ( crusade era boarding shields, since i saw them at Pop Goes the Monkey) only to find that the squad sarge is the only guy in the squad that can not have a storm shield. Why? Just why? Every member of the squad can have one, except the sargeant. x_x

Edited by Aradiel
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As has been discussed beyond counting, the Codexes represent options that are "intended" as of NOW, and is typically limited to kits you can currently buy from GW and what options those kits themselves contain.


The point of Indexes was to allow people to use their existing collection under the new edition, so people who own units that were assembled under previous rulesets can continue to use them without ripping the weapons off and rebuilding them. 

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