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Landraider Point Costs?!?!

Master Toddius

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Hi All, going through the new Dark Angel Codex and figuring out point costs. Are landraiders really now ending up at 350+ points? And if so -- they really worth taking anymore? Massive point sink, especially if you're required to take 3 heavy support choices in a battle forged army.  My poor pure deathwing army... 

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Massive point sink, especially if you're required to take 3 heavy support choices in a battle forged army.  My poor pure deathwing army... 

The only detachments that requires a minimum of 3 heavy support choices are the Brigade and Spearhead. For all other detachments, there's no minimum requirement.


Regarding the LR, the thing that really adds the cost are the two twin lascannons. However, this does give you 4 S9 shots with D6 wounds, making it quite a potent anti-vehicle platform. You can also transport 5 DW termies too, but I've yet to work out the relative benefits of transport vs deepstrike, especially given the DWA stratagem.

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