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Possessed or chosen?

Lord Kallozar

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Hypothetically speaking, if I had an army that consisted of a daemon prince with 3 spawn and a giant spawn as a starting basis, what would be the best option for ground troops - a few squads of chosen to add firepower or a few squads of possessed to make it a full on close combat army?



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It really depends on what you want to do, which Legion tactics you want to emulate or which Legion you want to play.
Ground troops are good but Chosen are expensive also, if you want to focus on melee combat a couple of Cultist units can be sufficient to stay back, or vehicles for that matter.

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Possessed are better this edition. Not great but at least ok enough that you can justify them in a list. I have them in my Emperor's Children list to run with Lucius. Noise Marines for the ranged fire.

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Id run possessed because I'm Renegades, and make them Tzeentch and Summon the Chanfeping first turn of the game.

Chan Feping always messes up the game.
Shut up I haven't had my coffee yet.
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I have run plasma Chosen squads on previous editions, and I’m pretty much going to run them as plasma Havocs from here. It’s one less gun, but cheaper for points so I can get more Berserkers or Possessed to run as Renegades for the advance-then-charge.
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