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I've finally decided to dip my toe into the Primaris pool and have decided to go with the Angels Revenant but I'm not the best when it comes to working out colours and have found myself a little bit stumped when it comes to realising their armour finish. I started out experimenting with Kantor Blue as a base but it's quite obviously going to end up looking nothing like that image, so I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions how I could go about getting something a little closer to that effect?


Is this the sort of thing you'd want to use clear paints for?

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Well, for my eye, Kantor's probably not far off what you want - the blue in the image is a little cooler, so adding a spot of red to it would probably get you there.


Of course, if you want  metallic blue, that's another matter. You can either use silver with inks or clear paint over it, or start with a metallic blue paint and then use inks or clear paints over that. Vallejo's Air range has a good metallic blue that can be brush-applied, but you'll most likely want to apply a coat of blue ink over it to get a deeper colder blue.


If I may ask, what is about the Kantor blue or the proposed scheme that you are unhappy about?


Also, have you completed a test model in the scheme? Often, the eye is more critical of colours and imperfections where the contrast is low, and more forgiving if the contrast is high - so if you've only done the blue, you may want to also do the ivory and gold too so that you can get a better idea of the overall result. Otherwise, with just the blue on its own, you are more likely to simply find fault with it as there is little contrast with other colours/areas.

Viva Metalica baby :thumbsup:


....so I went to linky you the Viva Metalica Tutorial, but it seems it is a victim of the great Photobucket debacle of 2017....


I guess I'll run you through it. 


Basically, pretnec you're doing your marine in all metallics. Base, Wash, Layer, then Highlight all in metallics, then hit it with a multiple Washes of your chosen colour until you have one you're happy with.

To achieve the above colour somewhere around 50/50 Guiliman Blue and Drakenhof Nightshade should have you covered.




Thanks for all the input and advice, guys.


I'm currently both giving the metallic approach a go and building on the model that previously only had the Kantor Blued-based armour, but I've been doing a bit of research in my own time and I think that I might well be happier starting with Macragge Blue instead. Just Macragge Blue and an all-over Drakenhof Nightshade here feels far closer to the colour I'm looking for than anything I've been coming up with working from Kantor. Obviously it's not exactly the same and lacks that sheen, but it immediately resonates with me where Kantor Blue didn't.


Hmm ... also I've just added another layer to the metallic approach and that's looking quite nice too. Decisions :|

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