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I want to give my BAs some more plasma but I cannot make up my mind on the best caddies. I am quite keen to try some out with the Standard of Sacrifice.


Hellblasters are working well in my SW army but I am not sure about BAs. A lot of stuff will be jumping up the field and I would need to dedicate a Captain to babysit them (although I could use my nice shiny new Tycho).


JP Vets look OK and bring their own deep strike but as an Index-only option, there is always the risk of them disappearing.


Plasma Inceptors looks quite tasty with the price drop. DS them with Captain smashypants for rerolls and an Ancient or Sanguinary Ancient with SoS to keep them alive longer. 4 shots per model though makes overcharging risky, even with a Captain about. Is 3 models in a unit enough or should I look to make them bigger.


Thoughts, options and ideas welcome.

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With the cost decrease of inceptor they are a good way to get plasma now if you want deep strike. Their t5 is also a good plus but they suffer from having a bit less wounds than other options.


Still they are very good fa slot

I am leaning towards Inceptors as they do not need a transport, they cannot be alpha'ed and synergise well with SoS and an Apothecary.


They question is whether a 3-man squad is enough or if that is too fragile. The models ain't cheap though.

177 for 6d3 shots. Downside is ironically that with only 3 models with 2hp they are very sensitive to plasma shots. I still think they are usable now.


To use in apothecary /banner way I would lean towards 6 men units, but its more about the damage output than how long they stays.

Well the overcharged profile hurts them due its multi-damage stat but keep in mind that it won't wound them on 2+ due their T5 unlike other Marines. It's a tradeoff but yeah generally Inceptors are more durable against small arms rather than something like Plasma. However with their 18" range they are less in danger of getting charged than Vanguards in Rapid fire range while they still have more shots on average so there's that.

Hellblasters are still a decent option in BA too. Assuming you're babysitting them with a captain, give him a jump pack and he can redeploy near the front line later with the wings of fire strat once the big stuff is down and you don't need to risk overcharging (or can accept casualties). Might be worth considering if you have other firepower hanging out near the back that he can buff too.

  On 12/23/2017 at 3:15 PM, NTaW said:

How many points are they? Plasma Vanguard is 160 with 10 shots at 12" and the ability to keep shooting in combat if it draws out.

Combat will never draw out however.


If you are charged by a superior combat unit, it makes more sense to fall back 12", light them up and then charge with one of our units to get red Thirst.


If you are the superior combat unit and charging, then the opponent will most likely fall back or devote more resources to the combat, meaning your return fire will be minimal.


Sadly shooting pistols in the shooting phase while locked in combat just doesn't come up all that much.

  On 12/24/2017 at 1:42 PM, Charlo said:


  On 12/23/2017 at 3:15 PM, NTaW said:

How many points are they? Plasma Vanguard is 160 with 10 shots at 12" and the ability to keep shooting in combat if it draws out.

Combat will never draw out however.


If you are charged by a superior combat unit, it makes more sense to fall back 12", light them up and then charge with one of our units to get red Thirst.


If you are the superior combat unit and charging, then the opponent will most likely fall back or devote more resources to the combat, meaning your return fire will be minimal.


Sadly shooting pistols in the shooting phase while locked in combat just doesn't come up all that much.


Yeah it makes a lot more sense to fall back with the FLY rule. ^^

Edited by sfPanzer

I've shot pistols in combat in almost every game I've had the option to and never once regretted it or had it shown by the course of the game to be the wrong decision. Last game I played my opponent specifically decided to stay in combat with me to try and deny the Red Thirst. I laughed out loud when I read the line 'combat will never draw out' :laugh.:


Falling back and shooting with Inceptors is absolutely the right choice of course. They are definitely the superior plasma bomb.

Edited by NTaW
  On 12/24/2017 at 9:51 AM, sfPanzer said:

Something else to consider is that rolling a 1 with Inceptors hurts you a lot more. You don't lose 1/2 shots, you lose 2d3 shots instantly.

Yes, and with an average of 4 shots each, that will happen quite a lot, even with a Captain for rerolls.


The flip side is that any points spent on defensive upgrades such as Sanguinary Priest or Standard of Sacrifice will likely be worthwhile.

  On 12/24/2017 at 4:44 PM, NTaW said:

I've shot pistols in combat in almost every game I've had the option to and never once regretted it or had it shown by the course of the game to be the wrong decision. Last game I played my opponent specifically decided to stay in combat with me to try and deny the Red Thirst. I laughed out loud when I read the line 'combat will never draw out' :laugh.:


Falling back and shooting with Inceptors is absolutely the right choice of course. They are definitely the superior plasma bomb.

Then you play terrible opponents.
  On 12/24/2017 at 8:57 PM, shandwen said:


  On 12/24/2017 at 4:44 PM, NTaW said:

I've shot pistols in combat in almost every game I've had the option to and never once regretted it or had it shown by the course of the game to be the wrong decision. Last game I played my opponent specifically decided to stay in combat with me to try and deny the Red Thirst. I laughed out loud when I read the line 'combat will never draw out' :laugh.:


Falling back and shooting with Inceptors is absolutely the right choice of course. They are definitely the superior plasma bomb.

Then you play terrible opponents.




Must be, eh? :cuss: me then.

  On 12/24/2017 at 9:40 PM, Calistarius said:


  On 12/24/2017 at 9:51 AM, sfPanzer said:

Something else to consider is that rolling a 1 with Inceptors hurts you a lot more. You don't lose 1/2 shots, you lose 2d3 shots instantly.

I’m confused by this. How do you figure you lose 2d3 instantly?

Each Inceptor carries two Plasma Exterminators, which are d3 shots each (so 2d3). A roll of an overcharged 1 will lose you an Inceptor, and thus his 2d3 shots.


It's actually quite important, then, that when overcharging Plasma Inceptors that you roll for number of shots separately, then roll to hit for each separately. If you just lump them all together you might lose all of them, but if only one guy rolls 6 1s when rolling separately then only he dies.

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