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[pics-heavy] New reinforcements and old retirements


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Just in time for a forthcoming Christmas big match, I managed to finish some new units. Pics are sadly crappy, despite me using a white background and two lamps for lightning. It's probably that I'm using an old Ipad which just cannot take decent photos outside of direct sunlight, but if you have any advice I'll take it.






My two Bullgyrn squads, painted in Catachan colours since they usually work together. Squad 2 has bone'ead Slot and pvts Bob, Snot, and Mario. Mario has magnetized shields to swap between 2+ and 4++. Squad 3 has bone'ead Ungo and pvts Zed, Marv, and Yolk, but rarely sees combat. For now. If you are wondering about Squad 1, it does not exist due to GW weird vehicle decals numbering.









The Vulture 'Buccaneer' - not sure of its performance yet. This was restored/scavenged from an old Valkyrie in very bad shape, and from close by you can easily tell it...from a distance it looks ok, however. Again, Catachan colours because one of my Valkyries has the same, and together they scream Vietnam.








These 3 LR are all (almost) fully magnetized, so I just mounted their coolest looking setup for display - which incidentally also tends to be the crappiest on the field, at least for the Vanquishers. They form the bulk of my Catachan support, but they will soon be joined by a couple of FW variants. Perhaps one of these will be repainted as Cadian to give it a chance sooner or later, mounting either my now useless Exterminator/Punisher parts, or a converted Annihilator turret.







And, my now retired long-range support - RIP (06-11 2017)


Honourable mention for my pair of (Cadian) Earthshaker platforms and (Catachan, but they had to be repainted as Cadian) Sabre searchlights, now rendered unplayable by CA and relegated to the shelf. They saw only a couple of matches. The top part of the platforms is magnetized and can be moved to a Chimera chassis to make a Basilisk, if I'll ever want to make a second one. At least I did not pay more money for these models since they are scratch-built from my bitz box, but this still hurts.






As for some non-AM units...






I bought the Goliaths because I love the models. I may use them as count-as Tallarn (I plan to have just a tiny outflanking detachment), because my idea of Tallarn is something à la Mad Max. However, their 32mm bases are the wrong size, although I am not sure if this is an issue anymore in 8th. Alternatively, they'll make good SM scouts...







...because sometimes I will include a small SM Battalion as a support to my AM. A Primaris Psyker is coming next for a second HQ. I painted and assembled these pre-codex, before realizing that Imperial Fists rules are quite crap and I'll never use a banner in such a small force. But hey. And yes, obviously the Terminator captain is the Minotaurs chapter master but...who cares, I just love his sculpt.






And that's all so far. Next in line are some more Catachans, Krieg, Tauros, and various stuff. But first I should probably do some repainting of older stuff. because this new regiment thing has really messed up the colour schemes I had chosen long ago.

Edited by Feral_80
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Look great!


Hrmm photo advice ... seems like youre doing most things right?


Its hard to get the sharpest images with phones tablets as most wont let you adjust the aperture. Which effects your depth of field too.


Sometimes propping it up with a small bean bag or beanie and setting a ~2s + timer can help with stability (blur) issues and then you can use slower shutter speeds for more light.


I think this month or lasts WD featured a seemingly in depth photography article from one of the studio guys.

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Thanks all - I'll try to post more stuff as I progress. Unfortunately I'll hardly be able to use anything better than my ipad or a mobile to take pics.


By the way the camo netting is super easy - just gauze dipped in diluted pva glue with a drop of paint. It also allows me to hide painting inaccuracies, and to break the monotony of the green paint job without adding complicated camo patterns (I quite hate the popular sand/green combo).


I got the idea of the Ogryns from soccer teams - I doubt they can read anyway. I guess the names are there for the convenience of their commissars and officers, who predictably tends to stand behind them on the battlefield...

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