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Captain Loadout


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Hey guys!

I came to the shocking realization that I so far never built a captain with a thunder hammer! Now while this problem has to be rectified immediately, I wanted to ask your opinion about the second weapon option besides the hammer. I like to play competitively quite often, so that factors into my choice.

An obvious choice is a storm shield, but I don't know useful it actually is nowadays. Another very interesting choice would be a combiweapon (combigrav maybe?) to benefit from artisan of war. Or maybe there's something entirely different I haven't thought about yet. Anyway, give me your ideas! :)



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Oh man, there's about 3  different discussions going on about that right now: here here and here


Thoughts seem to be combi melta/chainsword, thunder hammer with artisan of war. If your opponent prioritises him, then add the storm shield.



MC Hammer Captain

Thunder hammer with (Artisan of war)

Angels Wing

Combi melta, chainsword or storm shield.


Another alternative that might be fun is


Hammer of Baal

Combi plasma with artisan of war

jump pack


Overcharging the plasma for 3 damage can be fun, but you lose the model 1/18 times if you rapid fire.


Other things that might be fun are an artisan stormbolter or combi grav.

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I use a jump pack Captain with Thunder Hammer and Combi-Melta. He deep strikes with assault Marines running Meltaguns to give the hit rerolls and add a melts shot himself. If the target lives after the melta wave he can try to finish it off on the charge, or be able to charge something else the following turn.


Not the cheapest but he's been effective.


I'm planning to add an extra assault squad with plasma to increase the benefit of his reroll 1s aura.


My other Thunder Hammer captain is the Karlaen model with terminator armour and storm bolter. He tends to kill less due to the slower movement after deep strike but he can be a pain for enemies to kill and tie things up for a while.

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A little something I just noticed in the codex about captains: they have bolt pistols stock and they have no option that replaces them. So if you wanted to take a plasma or inferno pistol you would be able to fire that and the bolt pistol every shooting phase. Less range than the MC Bolter, but If you have a jump pack (or course you do, this is blood angels!) that shouldn’t be an issue. Edited by Paladin777
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I second the Master Crafted Bolter with Thunder Hammer. The 2 damage is pretty tasty for a basic weapon and gives him a decent ability to reach out and hurt things if he's chilling with Devs/Hellblasters.

Add Artisan of War for a 3 Damage bolter! :woot:


What a waste lol. What kind of models do you want to shoot that are scared of a S4 shot and have three or more wounds? :D

Better take it on the Thunder Hammer as always. ;)

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Every time i build a captain i start to give him a storm shield, then feel bad i'm not using his amazing ballistic skill and end up using a combi melta/plasma instead.  seems a huge waste to have a model with a 4+ invul increase his invul by 17% at the cost of not using his 2+ rerolling 1's ballistic skill at all.  


I keep playing with the idea of having a captain like this:

thunder hammer

storm shield

gift of foresight

(death visions of sanguinius)

angel's wing


for a tight 3+/3++/5+++ (rerolling 1's) and an extra attack on the charge


I keep ending up fielding a captain like this because of it.:

thunder hammer

combi plasma

artisan of war

angel's wing

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I’m tossing up between combi melta or the pistol for a dc smash captain

As he will be charging vehicles/monsters do I go the combi for the more likely chance of getting the extra d6/pick the highest before the charge or the pistol in case he is still locked in combat. Obviously shooting the pistol in my phase is pretty situational but I have done it a few times and vaping a character or monster is pretty useful

I think plasma is right out because you are never going to overcharge it

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I would probably go for the combi-melta unless you are short on points. If you Deep Strike Captain Smashypants he would be out of pistol range.


On the other hand, if you are planning to jump him up the field behind screening units then you could probably manage with just a pistol to save points.

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The range after deepstrike is why I chose to go with the plasma pistol. I know once youmake it to combat the infernus pistol is better, but you only have so many chances to take the shot so every missed chance is felt. Feel free to disagree, but I think the to-hit reroll makes overcharging worth it. Edited by Paladin777
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I played two games a/b-ing the combi-melta and storm shield yesterday before committing it to plastic and my vote goes to the combi-melta. The combats he ended up in he invariably died to multi damage weapons and weight of dice, him doing as much damage before he goes out is how I plan to employ him once he has occasion to jump away from buffing my fire base.
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  People have brought up the "stock" bolt pistol a couple of times above, and that brings to mind the age old question of having to model stock equipment on a miniature, i.e. a chainsword. Asking because I just recently completed an officer / sgt. that was built in 7th Ed. (slow painter with other projects...) as a gun-slinger  with both plasma and bolt pistols in hand, but no melee weapon of any kind visible. Would he presume to still have the chainsword as stock, or would I have to find a chainsword bit to slap on him?

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  People have brought up the "stock" bolt pistol a couple of times above, and that brings to mind the age old question of having to model stock equipment on a miniature, i.e. a chainsword. Asking because I just recently completed an officer / sgt. that was built in 7th Ed. (slow painter with other projects...) as a gun-slinger  with both plasma and bolt pistols in hand, but no melee weapon of any kind visible. Would he presume to still have the chainsword as stock, or would I have to find a chainsword bit to slap on him?

You don't HAVE to give your model every weapon they are equipped with. It's just nice for you to do so. Exceptions may be some tournaments where WYSIWYG is a rule tho.

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I made a foot captain. He has a power sword and combi plasma. I have had him perform well over several games.


My DC captain will have the thunderhammer and storm shield. I've chosen for the shield because I want the 3++ invuln. I want him to survive more than one fight, as I know he'll take lots of damage.


I''ll probably take the hammer of baal and the wound reroll warlord trait. That's pretty tough.

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What's this about a wound reroll warlord trait, that from the BRB and I've just forgotten it?


As for a Trait I'll be hard pressed to take anything other than Artisan of War. I straight got 20 wounds in one phase with him (DC strat engaged for +1A on the charge). Hitting on 3s rerolling 1s is accurate enough for me and Angel's Wing is far better at getting him into combat while also negating Overwatch (very handy). Really feels like this dude either survives by virtue of killing whatever he touches or dies to big-badness and gets the 2CP attack after death stratagem treatment (also very handy).

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