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Title for thunderhawk?


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Hey fluff masters. I’m just assembling my thunderhawk. Is there a name for the Lions Thunderhawk (Vulkans has a name) or even just Azraels thunderhawk? I seem to recall a name for azraels command ship in one of the more recent 40k novels but I can’t find it
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According to Pandorax, Azrael’s personal Thunderhawk is called Roar of Vengeance.


Agree with Grotsmasha, The Lion used a Stormbird. Thunderhawks weren’t really popular during the Heresy.

Edited by Corswain
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Yeah. Dark Angels vehicles are pretty cool for names. Just go with knight, sword, lion or biblical refernces - Honour’s Lament, Pride’s Retribution, Blade’s Sorrow etc. etc.
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I love the Thunderhawk. I'm saddened by its immense points increase, or I would have bought one.


Still, cool names are not my forte. I always sit for an hour to name my character in an RPG. :p

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