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Making the most of unique Veterans


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Our chapter gets unique access to 1 heavy weapon in each squad of Company Veterans (p94, new codex; also in the Index FAQ). This gives the potential to run a Sgt and a heavy weapon as a squad and give both of them storm Shields. How do I make the most of these?


So far I've got this:

Veteran Sgt w/ Power Axe, Storm Shield, Combi Plasma

Veteran w/ Plasma Cannon, Storm Shield



Pack 3 squads into a razorback with the LC/Twin Plasmas.


But it totals out at 367pts total.


I'm a pretty new player. Am I looking at something worth while? Can this be improved?



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I’m playing with idea of a squad of 5 all with Plasma pistols/ power swords & combat shields backed up by Asmodai & Company Master with SS/TH. All in a Storm raven carrying a Melta Dread.


Edit: also maybe a Librarian for Aversion



Edited by Dark_Master
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  • 4 weeks later...

Keep the Sgt cheap as an ablative wound and spam spam spam heavy weapons that give CPs.


That’ll be horrible but if ya gots ta have some winnin’.


Howry Shiitake, well why didn't I think of this.  This is dirty,.. so,.. so dirty.  Approved!

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Keep the Sgt cheap as an ablative wound and spam spam spam heavy weapons that give CPs.


That’ll be horrible but if ya gots ta have some winnin’.

Howry Shiitake, well why didn't I think of this. This is dirty,.. so,.. so dirty. Approved!

Be wary of limitations on detachments though!
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Cheap Vanguards as you said

That is actually an interesting idea I havent thought of. Is it point efficient to do that? Is it even worth it.

Vanguard detachment

Lieutenant with Storm Bolter (62pts)

3x Company Veterans  each one with Sgt with double storm bolter and a Veteran with Lascannon. (61x3=183pts)

For total of 245 pts you get 7 Storm Bolters and 3 Lascannons and 10 wounds and 1 CP


In comparison a Dev squad with ten bodies for total of 230 points nets you 4 lascannons, 6 Standard Bolters (3 storm bolter equivalents).


So in comparison for extra 15 points you gain a CP, a Character with ability to reroll ones to wound, and extra 8 standard bolters but you loose out on one lascannon. Also they are 4 units instead of 2 combat squads.


This might be a interesting actually, our Company Champion is also insanely good and could be used.


Just to brain storm, we could take 3 Vanguard detachments each one with 2xCompany Veterans with above gear and 1 Company Champion, each with Lietenant leading them.

Thats 6 lascannons, 15 Storm Bolters, 3 Blades of Caliban, 36 wounds, and 3 CP. for 672 points.


Now to make a 1000 point list.

I would replace one Lt. with Azrael for obvious benefits of 4++ plus reroll therefore raising the price to 790 pts. Switch another Lt. for Asmodai, add razorback with hb/sb and another company champion thats 985 pts. You got 15 points to throw some upgrades around. This might be killer 1k game list. You got scary melee death star, you got long range firepower and you got enough decent amount of storm bolters.



There is definitely something interesting about this.

Edited by Stormxlr
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I've been trying to figure out how to make my Vet squad before I assemble and dedicate the time to painting them.  I've been stuck for months.


Melee weapons for an awesome choppy squad?


Plasma to the max to make use of WotDA and our chapter tactic?


Make them all different and individual heroes?



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First off, I've found that one vet box is far from enough. I have three assembled, and a fourth still in shrinkwrap. Mine were equipped during 7th, so the grav+grav cannon might be sub-par now. 7 of them have plasma and bolt pistols, mainly because it looks so cool. Then I have two plasma gunners, an apothecary and an ancient. The next box should yield my lieutenant, a champion and some more plasma gunners or pistoliers. COULD also do the heavy weapon stuff, but I'm not sure I'm sold on the idea.


What you should make from the kit depends on what you need them to do and what level of performance you expect. If you're aiming at the good stuff that'll be top drawer, you might go with plasma, but WotDA is much better spent on hellblasters or devastators due to the amount of shots going out. 5 plasma guns is only gonna compete with 4 plasma cannons in rapid fire range, and within 12" your vets will surely die a quick death. Yes, they CAN put a big dent in something, but they become expensive, as you throw them away doing it. 10 plasma shots in a pod is a reasonable way of delivering them, but the pod and guns alone are 150 points, then add models. Sitting at 230-240, they kinda need to kill big things to be worth it. And when you use WotDA on them to make that dent, you can't use it on a more suited unit.


You can try the melee squad, but that will be more for looks and coolness than actual performance on the table. You could give them storm shields, which makes them more duable, at least against AP weapons, but they become more expensive, and they still die the same to bolter/las fire. They might be decent with power axes or power swords, even chainswords due to the extra attack, but then you'd want them to face light infantry to work. And let's be realistic - they're not going to beat 30 conscripts or cultists.


No matter what you end up with, the vets should be built with cool in mind, cause they're not in their best spot in this edition. They're not crap, not at all, and they have merits, but they're not top choice by any means.



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I've been trying to figure out how to make my Vet squad before I assemble and dedicate the time to painting them. I've been stuck for months.


Melee weapons for an awesome choppy squad?


Plasma to the max to make use of WotDA and our chapter tactic?


Make them all different and individual heroes?



This has been my dilemma as well. I think I'm going to do plasma and/or combi-plasma with chainswords for my vets so I can also use them as Fallen with Cypher occasionally as well, but I've still considered going more melee or at least throwing a storm shield on one for some extra protection as well. Edited by CypherTheFallen
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At 18 points vets with storm bolters and chainswords make for cheap all rounders.

But at 18pts wouldnt it be better to take Primaris whatevers?
The extra attack Primaris get with their statline, and their better boltgun, might just make your statement true.


To be fair, I'd almost take a GK detachment for those points. They almost cost the same (21 pts/model), have storm bolters, can cast psychic powers and deny, and have better weapons. Sure, they aren't Dark Angels, but point for point, they're better.

Edited by Helycon
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I think it's also worth noting that cause the vet squad requires 2 models min you can can happily fit them into a rhino with another five man squad and still fit your characters in there too.


I'm taking four to ride in a razorback with a lieutenant and azrael. Obviously azzy will be standing outside at deployment to protect my bikes but it's nice to know that all six of them can trundle off together once hes done that duty.  I think that running them cheap so you can use them as ablative wounds for nearby characters is also a perk not to be over looked. 

I had originally thought to take three with combi-plasma (1 with HB) as I have quite a few already modeled this way but I'm being won over by storm bolters for cheap thrills and lots of dakka whilst Azzy and the Lt should manage to hold off most of the close combat threats I actually get close to (or have allowed past the 9 man black knight squad).  

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Cheap Vanguards as you said

That is actually an interesting idea I havent thought of. Is it point efficient to do that? Is it even worth it.

Vanguard detachment

Lieutenant with Storm Bolter (62pts)

3x Company Veterans  each one with Sgt with double storm bolter and a Veteran with Lascannon. (61x3=183pts)

For total of 245 pts you get 7 Storm Bolters and 3 Lascannons and 10 wounds and 1 CP


In comparison a Dev squad with ten bodies for total of 230 points nets you 4 lascannons, 6 Standard Bolters (3 storm bolter equivalents).


So in comparison for extra 15 points you gain a CP, a Character with ability to reroll ones to wound, and extra 8 standard bolters but you loose out on one lascannon. Also they are 4 units instead of 2 combat squads.


This might be a interesting actually, our Company Champion is also insanely good and could be used.


Just to brain storm, we could take 3 Vanguard detachments each one with 2xCompany Veterans with above gear and 1 Company Champion, each with Lietenant leading them.

Thats 6 lascannons, 15 Storm Bolters, 3 Blades of Caliban, 36 wounds, and 3 CP. for 672 points.


Now to make a 1000 point list.

I would replace one Lt. with Azrael for obvious benefits of 4++ plus reroll therefore raising the price to 790 pts. Switch another Lt. for Asmodai, add razorback with hb/sb and another company champion thats 985 pts. You got 15 points to throw some upgrades around. This might be killer 1k game list. You got scary melee death star, you got long range firepower and you got enough decent amount of storm bolters.



There is definitely something interesting about this.



Hey just so you know a Vet Sgt can replace both his bolt pistol and chainsword but under the Sgt weapon options he's limited to only taking one storm bolter.

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My Veterans started being re-worked in late 6th, early seventh. I decided that they would be built as just what the tin says - Company Veterans. They are the best members of the Company, maybe with hidden eyes judging them for elevation.


Naturally Veterans will join others with the same affinities as them. Basically shooty veterans or punchy veterans I'm not jealous of Sternguard or Vanguard


I had a 6 man squad as my Company Master's bodyguards. Thunder Hammer+Storm Shield, 2 with Power Swords+Combat Shields and two bolt pistols+chainswords. I'll have to move one model to another squad but the idea is still there. Each Veteran Squad specializes in it's role. They aren't Tactical Squads. 

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I'm leaning towards melee, now.  Other units can do plasma spam better for comparable points, but the unique things Vets have are power weapons, plasma pistols, shields, and 2 attacks. And a heavy weapon, I guess?

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As with everything it really depends on what you want them to accomplish. For instance I only really took them to fill out a detachment and wanted something that could support my backfield characters a little. By taking a four man squad with storm bolters and a HB I feel I have a bit more firepower to support azrael (one that includes a way of dishing out mortal wounds), provides some additional ablative wounds for azzy and a nearby lieutenant as the vets can jump in to take words from characters within 3" and it's also four extra bodies to hold an objective. Lastly the squad size of four means that both my characters can mount up with the squad in their razorback for safety or if Im forced to redeploy to reach/contest other objectives or board areas.


I thought about putting some Ccw in there but decided that it was just going to make the guys a little too expensive which would make me less likely to use their wound soaking abilities and by keeping them next to azrael they arent in need of storm shields.


So I'm not going to rubbish someone choosing cc orientated vets but if people tell us how they hope to use them and where they fittings the plasma we'll all be better able to give feedback.



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I thought about putting some Ccw in there but decided that it was just going to make the guys a little too expensive which would make me less likely to use their wound soaking abilities and by keeping them next to azrael they arent in need of storm shields.


Chainswords are free, and 3 attacks per guy is nothing to sneeze at.  I wouldn't go nuts with special CCWs, but say a power axe on the sergeant isn't a lot of points, and he's swinging 3 attacks with it, so it's worth buffing him a bit.


I won't deny that other units do plasma spamming better, but Company Vets can do it well, and can ride in our Rhino-chassis vehicles.  They can be a sneaky little threat that gets overlooked when opponents focus on the more obvious threats.  Plus, as Hoots observes, they operate well with Azrael.


That said, I hadn't considered the storm bolter-chainsword loadout.  Have to try me some of that.  Fortunately I just finished a batch of Vets with magnetized arms so I can swap out their weapons loadout - they had been earmarked to be a grav-Command Squad, but it occurred to me grav might be less favorable when editions swapped, which turned out to be a good call.  So, I just have to whip up a  batch of arms toting storm bolters.

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hey guys how about vets with plasma pistols and storm shields? a bit expensive at 28pts per guy but could a nice surprise unit, 5 shots and then 5 shots in melee. For some stupid reason sgt is missing the stormshield option though
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