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Sanguinary Guard advice

Warsmith Aznable

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I got some good feedback when I asked about Death Company, so now that I'm ready to finish up the basic modeling for my Sanguinary Guard I thought I'd come back and ask about them. I've already glued in the Death Mask heads, so there's no going back on that one, but I have magnets in the torsos for all of their arms, and what I want to do is get a "generally best" loadout while retaining the option to change later.


I've got just the five right now, though I plan to get another five sooner or later.


How about:


1. Encarmine Blade/Angelus Bolter

2. Encarmine Blade/Plasma Pistol

3. Encarmine Axe/Angelus Bolter

4. Powerfist/Angelus Bolter


5. Sanguinary Ancient with Encarmine Blade and Angelus Bolter


My thought process is take one plasma pistol to have some higher hitting power at range without going overboard on points, take an axe to have a bit extra in hand to hand in case there's an enemy character in whatever melee happens, and the power fist in case any vehicles or monsters need to be hit really hard.


Also, I'm playing Lamenters, so no named characters for me. Malakim Phoros does not have a jump pack, so do you reckon I'm looking at a jump pack captain to run with them, or can they go it on their own?

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Looks like a solid 'all round' load out. I run a 9 man unit with 2 fists and 7 swords and have found the following to be helpful:


- Keep models from the unit within 6" of you warlord in order to gain full rerolls to hit via the Heirs of Azkaellon rule (so you could have a jump cap/ Sanguinary Ancient warlord dropping in with them)


- Seeing that loads of people use screen units to protect their vital units, I've found that Angelus Boltguns are pretty nice for their 2 shots -1 AP.


- Having the chapter banner the Ancient carries near your guys helps tons seeing that the reroll 1's to wound + red thirst combo nicely, especially for the fist guys who generally wound stuff on 2's. Additionally, the relic banner provides them with an imo much needed feel no pain style save.


- I drop a jp librarian with the Angel's wing with the guard in order to let him charge first to negate overwatch and to get unleash rage off. You want to maximise your damage output the turn you charge seeing that you probably spend 2 cp for the 3d6 charge as well. Also expect all the enemy guns to be pointed at you when you've wiped your target so make it count!


Hope it helps and good luck!

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With the new cost I like Angelus Boltgun as general pistol for them. Then I usually add 1 inferno per squad. This purely a if I’m lucky thing but sometimes it can get a 5-6 dmg on an important vehicle and it is slightly more expensive than plasma, less range but their 12 ‘’ move can help to get a shot with it.


As for melee choice ( the important one) its fist or sword. Fist is probably the best all around choice if they are to be alone and maybe hunt heavy armour. It is a good compromise.


If they are backed by a priest sword become the better choice because S5 ap-3 is quite strong.


Both of those choices are also cheaper than the axe, 4ppm is 40 for a complete squad and it can pay a part of the priest. The downside of priest warlord is that it dies fast but the extra kick is worth it most of the time.


As posted above the Librarian with wings and unleash rage is good too, and remember that is does not need to charge. Wings gives movement in psychic phase and the librarian can get like 1.5’’ from the enemy then the guard get the buff. The downside of librarian is obviously deny vs psycher heavy armies. They can really ruin your day.


Storm shield death company captain with fnp trait is also a good choice because of sheer toughness.


But really, how unfortunate would a Lamenter be to have a Captain fall to the rage ;)


It is unfortunate that Lamenters don’t get the standard of Sacrifice, I think they would deserve this relic and FNP really mix in well. Malakim can’t keep the pace with them but he can still buff back line sternguard.

Edited by Brother Crimson
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I play a character heavy loadout for my Sanguinary Guard, partly because it looks cool on the table, partly because all the auras and bonuses going around really makes a strong combined force, both defensively and offensively:


The Sanguinor



Sanguinary Ancient

Death Mask

Encarmine Sword

Inferno Pistol

Relic of Baal - Standard of Sacrifice



Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack (from Index)

Power Sword

Inferno Pistol



2 Sanguinary Guard with Power First & Inferno Pistol

1 Sanguinary Guard with Encarmine Axe & Angelus Boltgun

3 Sanguinary Guard with Encarmine Sword & Angelus Boltgun



Total: 601


Shared Offensive Abilities:

  1. Aura of Fervour: From the Sanguinor, gives +1 A within 6"
  2. Blood Chalice: From the Sanguinary Priest, gives +1 S within 6"
  3. Heirs of Azkaellon: From the Sanguinor (as Warlord) to the Sanguinary Guard & Ancient, re-roll all failed hits within 6"
  4. Blood Angels Chapter Banner: From Sanguinary Ancient, reroll 1s to wound


Shared Defensive Abilities:

  1. Standard of Sacrifice: From Sanguinary Ancient, models within 6" get a 5+ FNP-like
  2. Narthecium: From Sanguinary Priest, can restore wounds or resurrect dead models once per turn
  3. Heroic Bearing: From the Sanguinor as warlord, automatically pass morale checks within 6"

I've been able to test this loadout once against a monster spam Tyranid list and it did great. Was able to keep up with the flyrants, claiming their heads. Interestingly, the Sanguinary Guard were able to soak up the smite & psychic scream spam and keep on going due to standard of sacrifice and Narthecium bringing dead brothers back into the battle. Really pleased how the special rules worked together that game.

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