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"Dreadwing" in 8th


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Hello Unforgiven!


I'm starting a new Dark Angels army that's going to be pretty heavily 30k themed (Still figuring out whether I want the backstory to be that they got trapped in the warp before or around the time everything went down on Caliban or if they're a successor that's been secretly groomed by Cypher himself since their creation. Don't worry though, they'll still be at least "not Chaos" :wink:) .


As such, I've been looking at the old wings of the 1st legion and their general ranks and titles and whatnot and I'm wondering how you all might use the units, strategems, etc in our new Codex in a fluffy way to represent the Dreadwing of old. Obviously, we don't have rules for things like rad grenades, phosphex or vortex weaponry, outside of maybe some Forgeworld tanks, but it seems at the very least some of our new strategems could be used to some degree. Initially I was hoping to find a way to just use certain units with fun weapons, but both Hellfire Shells and Orbital Bombardment would both be fluffy ways to recreate "invoking the Dreadwing protocol" and wouldn't be completely horrible.


What are your thoughts?

Edited by CypherTheFallen
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You have a pretty interesting idea that I’ll be following intently. I haven’t had time to read the entire Codex yet so I don’t really have any suggestions yet but I’ll keep an eye out. I know the Codex hints at the Consecrators chapter having a good bit of the original Legion’s weapons and Armour so you might consider using them as your chapter. It seems logical to me that the chapter that inherited the 1st Legions original wargear would also maintain as many of the secrets, traditions and structures as possible as well.
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Interesting idea - not sure if you've seen, but the new codex says that the Angels of Vengeance call their first company 'dreadwing'. If you're looking for successors that might be worth pursuing.


I feel like a Dark Talon with its rift cannon is a must in a dreadwing army. Other than that, i think dreadwing should be a very aggressive army - you should be in your opponents face T1 and give them no chance to escape. Drop pods as JGeils81 suggested, and deep striking terminators would do the trick. Or maybe a stormraven or two to drop off some dreadnoughts.

If you want something fluffier rather than competitive, you might even push your list down the road of just trying to wipe your opponent - they can't win if they get tabled, right? It's a risky strategy, but I think it's very dreadwing

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You have a pretty interesting idea that I’ll be following intently. I haven’t had time to read the entire Codex yet so I don’t really have any suggestions yet but I’ll keep an eye out. I know the Codex hints at the Consecrators chapter having a good bit of the original Legion’s weapons and Armour so you might consider using them as your chapter. It seems logical to me that the chapter that inherited the 1st Legions original wargear would also maintain as many of the secrets, traditions and structures as possible as well.


I had considered making this a Consecrators army, but Cypher has always been my favorite character in 40k (in case you couldn't tell :teehee:) and now that there's more options for Fallen, especially with how 8th edition works, allowing Cypher and Fallen units to technically be a part of a "Dark Angels" army I want them to play a part. Consecrators fit the bill other than their chapter master being one of the most effective interrogator-chaplains and a lot of the chapter being drawn into the Darkmor incident that Cypher at the very least knew something about given his presence there and successful teleportation out. Unfortunately, after the new fluff in the codex, it seems like the Fallen may actually be tipping more completely to Chaos now. While not always on the good side, I've always thought of Cypher as ultimately being an alright dude who has a bigger end goal that involves crossing lines to get there. It's all still being shaped in my head but I'm thinking of just making my own successor with little known history that Cypher has been a part of. Thus, allowing him to have insight into the movements of the parent chapter, etc, etc.


Someone been reading “Angels of Caliban”?

Sounds like a great idea.. not sure how you’d implement it with the codex the way it is though. And yeah, missing a bunch of goodies... why not a drop pod bombardment


Well since you mention it, yes :biggrin.:  but I've always been interested in the Dreadwing more so than the other "lost wings" since first reading about them.


Interesting idea - not sure if you've seen, but the new codex says that the Angels of Vengeance call their first company 'dreadwing'. If you're looking for successors that might be worth pursuing.


I feel like a Dark Talon with its rift cannon is a must in a dreadwing army. Other than that, i think dreadwing should be a very aggressive army - you should be in your opponents face T1 and give them no chance to escape. Drop pods as JGeils81 suggested, and deep striking terminators would do the trick. Or maybe a stormraven or two to drop off some dreadnoughts.

If you want something fluffier rather than competitive, you might even push your list down the road of just trying to wipe your opponent - they can't win if they get tabled, right? It's a risky strategy, but I think it's very dreadwing


I should clarify that I'm not exactly shooting for an all Dreadwing army, but just trying to take a mixed-wing army that has something relative to a Dreadwing contingent. At this point all I've really got model-wise is the Betrayal at Calth box, a box of DA veterans, an attack bike, the old Cypher model, the new Cypher model, a couple of other old pewter DA veterans and a Watcher in the Dark, and then a lot of random bits. I planned on adding the Dark Talon and probably a good amount of the dark vengeance bikers and a librarian as well. So there will be more to come, but especially in the beginning it will be mostly "green wing" with a bit of Deathwing and Ravenwing added. I want it to feel very much like the original 1st Legion, but I've never really been too big on mech armies so I likely won't try to incorporate something similar to the Ironwing other than maybe dreadnoughts, the Stormwing isn't really relevant in the actual tapletop game of 40k, and we still don't know much of anything about the Firewing either to try and factor that in.

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You can use primaris inceptors as a pseudo destroyers. Of course I mean rules only, just make some MK4 assault marines with bolt pistols/plasma in each hand. Opponent won't be confused unless he's a super heretic. And if they make jokes like "hm, those bolt/plasma pistols are really strong" you can say that they're using old heresy era tech which is far superior to their watered down 40k equipment. Solved.:)

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Funny...I was thinking of a second DA 'wing' army based on consecrators, too...I was going to use MKIII armor and deimos pattern vehicles to build an iron wing.  Couple of Deimos rhinos (2x10 tacticals?)  and a whole lot of deimos predators (with 2 lascannons and 2 heavy bolters on every tank).  Very iron wing and very consecrators. Is a Deimos pattern razorback a thing?

Edited by march10k
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You can use primaris inceptors as a pseudo destroyers. Of course I mean rules only, just make some MK4 assault marines with bolt pistols/plasma in each hand. Opponent won't be confused unless he's a super heretic. And if they make jokes like "hm, those bolt/plasma pistols are really strong" you can say that they're using old heresy era tech which is far superior to their watered down 40k equipment. Solved.:)

I really like this idea alot. This seems like the closest thing to having an actual unit like those in the Dreadwing. While they don't have the rad or phosphex grenades, they still have the dual "pistols" and can actually do some effective damage. I think I'll do 1 squad of 3 with plasma and 1 squad of 3 with the bolters.

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