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Librarian : Mandatory or not?


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First, let me say that I don't play in tournaments anymore (I like diversity both in my list and in my opponents lists and got tired of fight the same armies in 7th) but we still play good lists at my FLGS.


I'm running into the low model count issue since the codex dropped but our characters are so good that I want to fit many of them.  I'm set on a master/azrael/sammael and a lieutenant of some variaty (my dice rolls are legendary bad here so rerolls are a must for me).  So far I always fitted a librarian in my lists.  My two reasons : Psychic defense and Aversion if I run into a tough baddy (we have an IG player running a baneblade behind tons of conscript).  Of I find my Libby useless because Aversion have no juicy target (I usually don't run DWK so the reroll all hit and wound power has no target either and I'm no fans of the others) and my opponent don't have psychic powers.  However, when I run into GK and Eldars, they tend to be a real pain if my libby isn't in the list of even out of range of DTW.  (Smite spam or even just one in DWK or RWK is painful).


I noticed may people don't use librarian so I would like to know how they handle psychic defense and what you guys think about Librarians in general.

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My list usually finds room for one. Ravenwing varient for general use and abuse, Ezekiel for close combat/I love the model.


I'll agree I don't understand the hype for a lot of spells. It was one of the things I was left scratching my head over, but, they aren't bad!


Aversion has enough utility to be useful in any list. Don't forget the effects take place in shooting and assault, so make sure to take advantage of it.


If you're running an assault list, repugnance is the equivalent of a chapter master, and a chaplain distilled down for a unit.


If you're a gunline, mind worm may give you the edge when being assaulted.


If nothing else, we have a few varieties of smite like spells, as well as smite itself.


Aversion is great. Blue armor in white robes with a green shoulder pad while riding a black bike looks great. The return for the points invested is great. Everything is great!

Edited by farfromsam
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Not mandatory.  I ran one in a game against tau, on a bike, and he did a good job of locking down the stormsurge with BS debuffs.  But the opportunity cost will often be too great to justify his inclusion.  There are only so many points available, and DA has a lot of fantastic HQ options that compete with the libby.

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Librarians are fun & I think useful in a long game


If your alpha striking though your probably dropping him for a master, I've a Brigade list with Ezekiel in and he generally pulls his weight as has been said if your playing against a big model nerfing it with Aversion and then mind wipe is funny as he'll.



Haha...your comment is spot on, the one time I used him was in a 4k points game, and he spent the first three turns debuffing a stormsurge with...aversion and mind wipe.  Can't find a way to make him fit in a 2k game, though.

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So I've play quite a few games with the new codex. I really like the idea of the librarian for aversion and mind wipe. However he is only if use if your opponent brings something big to use it on. Which really is admech robots / bainblades/ necron pylons. Really not very usefull against Magnus / morty.


Most of the time people don't bring a big target though and hes almost useless in 4/5 games.


Still when he's needed it's great. Best way is on a bike if you do bring him for his 20 inch move.

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I actually have been bringing two on bikes for awhile.. usually one rides with Sammy and the knights, one goes with bikes or splits off another route. I used to have dismounted ones but their targets have a tendency to get out of range. With the new codex I’m still running two, and Sammy(haven’t played new codex yet with trephination/mindwipe etc yet) but one is warlord with shroud of heroes. The toughness 5, 14-20” move and twin bolters(along with carrying a bolter) have made them pull their weight each time I’ve played.

Was actually seeing about adding another on foot to put in a LR or hold the backfield in one list(trying to make 2x BN formation)

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