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To Dreadnought, or not to Dreadnought...


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After I fill out my list a little more (still deciding whether tac marines, or intercessors, or a mix. Feel free to chime in on that one too) I intend on getting a Libbynaught. I was also wondering how effective people thought using multiple dreadnoughts were. I was thinking perhaps a couple with double Lascannons for some of my anti-tank, and maybe a frag-furioso.


I already know what people are saying about the furioso, but with a couple of other dreads with long range capacity serving as DISTRACTION CARNEFEXES I’m curious about the possibilities.


All thoughts and experiences are welcome.

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I generally like Dreads, thanks to the point reduction they got in the codex.


In particular, I like the regular Dread and the DC Dread.


DC Dread works well as a distraction and the Black Rage save can help it survive.


I like to run a fist/twin lascan dread, in cover, in my back field. Its can threaten many targets with the lascan but is study enough in cc to hold its own if it gets rushed.


The regular Furioso is nice, but I'd rather spend more points for the DC version to get Black Rage

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Librarian Dreadnought is both good and fun, and can even be a good warlord.


I really like DC dread and frag furioso but I would not rate them as great unit. They are hard to hide and relatively easy to take down.


However if you play stormraven and can transport one they can chop a lot.

Edited by Brother Crimson
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The regular Dreads are adequately shooty and work well. The CC Dreads need a deployment mechanism as they are hitty but not fast enough or tough enough to reliably run across the board and get to the enemy. The Libby Dread is fine with Wings, especially as his Character status means he cannot be picked out. For the DC and Furioso Dreads, they pretty much need a Storm Raven to be effective. If you were facing an army like Orks or Nids that you expected to rush you, you might be able to get away with them on foot.
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I actually really like Redemptors. The models are sweet (let's be honest, that's always a factor) and they put out some pretty decent ranged firepower as well as being a decent melee threat, wounding basically anything on 2's and dealing D6 damage due to the red thirst. I'm working on picking up models to run three las-predators to leverage Kill Shot and the my Redemptor is going to spend a lot of time trying to help them keep firing for as long as possible.

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I'd like to give the quad autocannon dread a nod as a good distraction 'fex option for the cost. Good range and can be a threat to a wide array of targets. I don't have any experience with quad las, but I love the frag cannon furioso even if I don't have a good way to get them close.

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I’m trying to go pure codex just in case the index goes away (not that I think it actually will, I’m just paranoid...).


So I think I’m going to go with the two normal dread’s with double lascannons for now, and after seeing how they do I’ll think about one of the short range dreads. What are people’s thoughts about the fist mounted weapon?

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My experience with the Librarian Dreadnought has always been a positive one: last edition, this edition's index and now has gotten REALLY good with the change that Wings of Sanguinius can now be used on him in our codex. So I always recommend that version.


And I would also agree that I think any dreadnought option would do if there's a delivery mechanism for it (Lucius Drop Pod/Stormraven). That said, I've been wondering the following for awhile now:


Given that the Furioso Dreadnought & Death Company Dreadnought have an 8" move, could it be viable to run them on foot? For instance, first turn, advance and pop smoke launchers (since your ranged weapons won't be in range of enemies anyways). Now you have an enticing target for your opponent to shoot, but at a -1 to hit. And if you can manage to put your dreadnought in cover as well, that'll be a +2 save for the dreadnought.


Then on your next turn, you'd probably be in range to charge something (most if not all lists will have some forward element in the midfield that should be about 10-12" away from your dreadnought that advanced about a foot). So after that, its up to the dice, but that's not so bad in my opinion. I've been thinking of deploying a fragioso on foot for a few games to see how it goes, maybe a Death Company Dreadnought instead for the Black Rage save to give it that extra durability.

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I used a D.C. Dread to advance behind my LRR. It worked out well enough. Too much up front in my opponents face for him to worry about the dread tagging along in the back. I was able to charge his demon prince with the dread and nearly killed it (he rolls 5+ saves better than I roll 3+ saves), but was smited to death next turn.


I like the idea of my bolter D.C. with chain swords and LRR moving up quick to clear the chaff while the dread slowly follows and gets to the big juicy targets...

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What are people’s thoughts about the fist mounted weapon?

I would probably stick with the Storm bolter in most cases as the heavy flamer is just too expensive for such short range. You are paying 15 points (I think) to replace 4/2 S4 shots at 12"/24" with D6 S5 shots at 8" range.

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I am quite fond of the Furioso with Frag cannon and storm bolter. The best thing is that the frag cannon is an assault weapon, meaning you can advance and fire! 8+D6 is a very decent move, and they can also hold their own in CC against a good variety of targets.

I usually run 2 and hide them during deployment (we have a good selection of terrain), then advance them first turn into cover and pop smoke, which makes them quite survivable. They are not very expensive anymore and synergize well with deep striking units for threat overload.

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I am quite fond of the Furioso with Frag cannon and storm bolter. The best thing is that the frag cannon is an assault weapon, meaning you can advance and fire! 8+D6 is a very decent move, and they can also hold their own in CC against a good variety of targets.

I usually run 2 and hide them during deployment (we have a good selection of terrain), then advance them first turn into cover and pop smoke, which makes them quite survivable. They are not very expensive anymore and synergize well with deep striking units for threat overload.


This is exactly how I imagined using mine on foot, glad to hear it's already working for sometime else :thumbsup:

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